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Karen Browner Apr 2015
why do i still
daydream you will come to my door

why can't i
sleep at night

i toss and turn
and think of you

i miss you more than
you could ever know
and more than i could
ever say
Karen Browner Apr 2015
unfertilized seeds of love
cherished, yet adored
for what they could have been

left in its pristine state

always loved
for its potential
but never allowed to grow

never to be soaring and strong
a force of nature

never to bear sweet succulent fruit

or to become a shelter when storms

here i stand
on this dried out land

where seeds were sown
and love never grown

lies silent

i miss what could have been
Karen Browner Mar 2015
busy like bees
we are

building lives
buying houses, cars and
impractical things

we go about our reality
like we
will live forever

but we won’t

we are temporal
will go the way of all time constricted beings
sooner or later

love who you want
eat that last bit of ice cream
live your life
love and be loved
Karen Browner Mar 2015
I've caught the bouquet
But never got to be a bride

I let things
scare me out of
who I could have been...

I let fear
dictate too much of my life
and I've missed opportunities.

It's been this way for so long -
I think my walls will never
come down.

So I make myself comfortable
Or try to
In this place,
In this life that does not
Fit me

I take responsibility
For passively existing but it’s hard
Learning how to live.
Karen Browner Mar 2014
the house is big
and silent
without you in it

no barking or howling
just uncharacteristically quiet.

i miss your
scruffy grey bearded face
and soft cinnamon colored fur

the sweet way you slept
seemingly without a care

looming as it always does
is the end

i knew it was coming
it never made it easier
knowing this

my friend kc, who still tried
even when his sight went
and his legs gave out

who still showed me flashes
of that little ball of fur
i fell in love with
so many years ago

then the time came and i had to let you go
but it feels like you are never far away from me

i expect you to be there

i still say goodnight
and tell you to sleep well

i say these things out of
habit - maybe

but i hope
that you can still hear me

when i say
love you man

it makes me feel
a little better

because i think you can
Karen Browner Dec 2013
I’m feeling, some kinda way
Not sad exactly
Not happy either
I’m in that place
Where moodiness
Seems to reign supreme
And wanting to cry
Is it the season
When feeling overwhelmed
Is the norm
And daydreaming for me
Is kinda like ****
I’m addicted to those
Visions in my head
Where perfection lies
He always loves me
My house is clean
And everything is everything
Today I am happiest in my head
As I lay on my pillow in my rarely
Made bed
I think of things you said
That make me smile
Even when I'm awake
Karen Browner Nov 2013
In the murky realm of feelings
I am a stranger
It is hard for me to say how
Or what I am feeling
I realize
I am a relic
You see me as reserved
As cool and distant as the moon
I see me as observational
Watching and wondering
Always taking my time
Life moves much faster than I do
Which is why I miss opportunities
But one chance I don’t want to miss
Is you
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