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Karen Browner May 2012
I brush my cheek,
against the downy softness of yours.

Your scent hypnotic,
opening up to the ******.

Hands trace my form
fingers agile and warm.

Your kisses divine
exploring your body as you explore mine.

We are Columbus and Magellan,
desire the North Star.

Guiding us, showing where we are

Lips on lips
hands on hips.

We are two ships,
Charting the seas

Waves pull us to and fro
we reach our peak
unable to speak.

Awash in the glow of
... aw you know.

Resting cheek on chest,
hand on breast.

We sleep, until seas calm again
but unlike those explorers,
We will set sail to discover all over again.
Karen Browner Mar 2012
your eyes pull me in
like the moon draws the ocean tide.
beckoning, inviting me to taste, to see and feel.
all that summer has to offer.
your sweetness, ripe like mango.
your warmth caressing like the sun.
in those eyes i see all the colors of the sunset.
and beaches that stretch for miles.
i decide, to stay a while.
Karen Browner Mar 2012
delicious kisses
both kinds
i can't decide which
is sweeter, yours or
the candy kind
first i unwrap one
then two...
forget the candy
i'll unwrap you.
Karen Browner Mar 2012
Ever lightening shades of night blue
Make way for a paler hue
The moon closes her sleepy eyes
And bids adieu in favor of more dynamic skies
The sun moves boldly back to his domain
The King has returned to resume his reign!
Karen Browner Mar 2012
Hanging low in the western sky
The sun prepares his exit
Pink and purple hues light the way
As night, readies to take the stage
The brilliance of the moon can already be seen
As day submits to night
Her cool sovereignty lights the deepening blue sky …
All hail the queen!

— The End —