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Karen Browner Mar 29
resting my head against the window
listening to the whir of the car engine
and the radio

my brother and sister on the car seat next to me
my mother and father sitting silently
on our way home from grandma's house

streetlights light the way home

i close my eyes
and it feels like i am flying

the car moves smoothly over uneven pavement
wavelike in its motion

i open my eyes to see
the moon... watching me

we play peek-a-boo through the tops of trees
the moon and me

the brightest light in the deep night sky
racing home with me
Karen Browner Mar 27
You visited me in a dream
the same but different
so it seemed

I wonder why you happened into my subconsciousness

but, there you are all at ease, and your familiar smile
yes, it's been a minute
quite a while

you sat in a chair across from me
talking most exuberantly
about everything and nothing

I listened, happy to see you
I don't remember what you said
only the way you said it.

Happy to see you, when I awoke
I recalled

I saw your face, but not the words you spoke
Maybe we will meet again
in another dream
Mesmerizing eyes
full of sparkle and wonder

My heart melts
with the spell, I am under

Light dances in your eyes
radiating softly, offering dazzling surprises

Magical vistas, comforting and warm
I am besotted with your otherworldly, mystical charm

Tones of gold, brown, and green
such color wonders I've never seen

Ignites and magnifies  
The sparkle inside of you
Karen Browner Jan 31
I don't believe in romantic love
not anymore

I have lived my life in hope
only to see it crash in despair
just to rise and do it again

I am too old to live on happily ever after dreams
and even those are not usually what they seem

I believe in the love of puppies
or kittens
in familial love or that of friends

Yet, part of me
misses that little bit of glee
when you meet someone
and revel in the possibilities

But I will get over it
I usually do

Still, sometimes it's nice to revel in an old romance
or two

Then, I am back to myself
back to not believing in romantic love ... again
Karen Browner Dec 2023
This morning
I opened my eyes

And  began my day

I brushed my teeth
Combed my hair
And made my way downstairs

My dog follows me closely
He knows it's time for food

I open the door
To let him out

I am greeted by the
Most amazing amber light
The light is warm in hue, if not in feel

The sun,  beautiful

There is a chill in the air
Yet I feel warmed by the golden light
Filtered through the lens of December
Karen Browner Aug 2020
I've done this before
I said to myself
on am warm, windy, DC afternoon

This feels familiar,
I had done this before
just not in this time or place

The feeling I had was familiar, friendly
warm and cozy
like meeting an old friend

That feeling was 189 miles and 30 years ago
that feeling was summer
that feeling was Mario

I have not seen him in all of that time

He lived there, I live here, and
time moved us along, but

He was always there, in the memory banks of time

Remembrances of him would come to me and
I enjoyed his visits

It was a place of possibilities, the first blush of love, and
I thought that would go on forever
but as we know when we get older, forever is subjective
what seems lasting and permanent isn't always that way

It's nice he came to visit me, even if he could not stay
Karen Browner Jun 2020
I put on very red lips
looked in my mirror
and took a trip

back 20 years or so
to a place long ago
and a boy I used to know

we were beautiful then
as time would have me remember
I thought those days would be forever
but, I now know better

time has passed
I don't know where he is now
I'm not the same
and I'm sure neither is he

but in my head...
a song
a memory
or very red lipstick takes me
back and I am that girl
with those days that would last

I am older now
and I know better
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