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 Nov 2012 Kara Goss
you are air
wrapping its feverish fingers
around my throat
choking me now.

Ain't it funny
when your little witch fingers
pierce my chest
rip out my heart
and crush it;
smallest movements.

Give it back
or God, take me.
I've never felt so empty.
Never been so on fire.

Chemicals will bring you back
become one with your skin
eating you from the outside

I'll never be like you.
We'll never love again.
Stay away from me.
It's not my time.
You'll get your
******* satisfaction
soon enough.
 Oct 2012 Kara Goss
calm and collect my thoughts
ethereal smoke twists upwards
indecipherable spirals winding
their way towards the moon
temporary existence
fleeting memories
my fingers grasp and hold nothing
a silly gesture - acted out
more so in a symbolic way
the ticking clock provides a
backdrop to this satisfied silence
as i take stock of my body
and file away the sensation
of skin on skin and desperate
moans for more
a midnight tryst held close
to my heart that's beating its
way out of my body and
finding its way into yours
with limited time to live this life
embrace it head on and hold me close
tell this dream to last forever
for a moment this special made real
could only be a fragment of
a sleeping mind
i never want to wake up
if time were to stop i'd be happy
knowing that this finite strand
of fine gold thread held high
by fate was made to last more
than the thin tendril of white
sighed out - brushed past my lips and into yours
 Oct 2012 Kara Goss
Claire Waters
"I'm sorry for being imperfect...I was born this way...there's nothing I can do about it but it doesn't matter cause i'm perfect in God's eyes."

i recall the perfect sounding pinpoint on a map
a theme park and a wonderful family
the aching cavities of cotton candy
a rollercoaster in the gut
and a mother who cares too much
and the problem of being a child who is always
fading out and pulsing with the lust of being almost free
running towards the exit eternally

and i remember jesus in the golden plastic picture frame
the silicone watches your daughters wore
and the pieces of polly pockets wedged into the carpeting
you blushed when i told my mother i found a tick on my arm
after playing dress up in your daughter's room
not everything holy is blessed
not everything unsaid is innocent
the sun and god are no better than a shepard
 Oct 2012 Kara Goss
Jae Elle
to engage in vocal
leaves no repose

& we've fought as far
as the altercation

now please my

won't you leave me
to my own?

I'll place my gilded cape
on the ground

& step far from
our throne
 Oct 2012 Kara Goss
 Oct 2012 Kara Goss
I wrote a hundred poems about heartache
                                                                      in my head
but I could never
                             really write the words

,then it’s permanent
                                                                    ,then it’s real.

So I just wrote this one.
                                only a part of the whole

but then again                                                   that’s all you were
                                 just a part of the whole.


your words are met with anger, your eyes full of distrust.
i feel myself cling to you, feeling that i must.
but the we i used to know is slowly turning into dust
our hands no longer fit, you see, they are no longer us.
 Oct 2012 Kara Goss
 Oct 2012 Kara Goss
I would rather have a seizure than stare at your face again.

Because at least, if I’m having a seizure, I’ll probably be unconscious and unaware that you’ve actually walked out the room
                                                  I’ll wake up alone on the kitchen floor

But I won’t have to wake up with the bottom of my stomach dragging behind my feet
 Oct 2012 Kara Goss
He was just a year older,
but I, at least three wiser.

The Gatekeeper, silently watching ***** Dancing,
assuming us at ease, slowly dozed off.

Plastic floors, feigning multi-colored concrete,
built a vivid castle around us.

And there, I found my primary-colored sanctuary,
a dungeon to others, with rubber walls.

The Giant, just a year older
and at least seven inches taller,
tore down the castle doors,
and away my Damsel flew.

No time to react,
I watched as the sly-deviled Giant ripped her from limb to limb.

My mouth wide in horror,
her tiny shoes fell to the ground,
her blonde locks not far behind them.

And I, the lonely maiden, just one year younger,
but wild beyond my years,
Let rage turn me to a vicious knight,
determined to slay the Giant-turned-Dragon.

With scales dragging between my teeth, I found his flesh
and tasted sweet victory, a tinge of iron.

The Dragon recoiled, agony escaping from his jagged teeth,
The Damsel falling from his clutch, to the cold plastic cement.

Tears reclaimed the Giant from his vicious reptilian form,
and those seven inches meant less as his wailing continued.

And I, the valiant maiden-knight, had slain the mighty Giant;
who was just one year older, seven inches taller,
and knew never to touch my Barbie dolls again.
You walk by, but you don't see me. All you see is the skeleton of lost potential that you once saw in me. I've gotten rid of all my hopes and fears and everything that I believed in.

I have given up.

I don't know what you ever saw in me. Maybe it was the sea in my sad blue eyes, the fight in the will I once had, the depth of my laugh, my compassion for humanity, my faith in beings.

That's all gone now.

The character that filled me from head to toe now lies shattered in the barren waste lands of your love. As the wind rattles my rib cage, I can almost remember the warmth it once filled me with.


You hear the rattle, like hollow wooden wind chimes in an Oregon October. But you keep walking, carrying a smirk in your pocket for when no one is watching.
I live in a place where angels are seen.
A lovely place where dreams are made real.
It has always been a forsaken reality
What more can i say,
I try to be strong, but I guess..
I'll just be me.
 Oct 2012 Kara Goss
Emma T
 Oct 2012 Kara Goss
Emma T
Where is my Apollo?
Where is my Muse?
The eyes like amber rose
That burned my lips with scars
of liars words
and a foolish bards wish
to kiss the lips of he who plagues me
to end it all in
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