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647 · Feb 2014
Conflicting Interests
Kala Feb 2014
Two doors lay open before me;
each demanding a decision.

The incessant knocking;
No, no; don't you be silly.

Those pesky thoughts;
tantalizing and mysterious.

Why can I not have both?

Oh, ethics,
you can be rather cruel.
594 · Apr 2014
Kala Apr 2014
Here I am again,
stuck in this deep, dark hole.

Seeing no other option,
I spark up the bowl.

Smoke passes my lips,
filling my lungs.

I exhale slowly,
waiting for my wings to come.

Rising steadily,
I escape my depression.

it was only a short session...
565 · Mar 2012
Kala Mar 2012
Here we are dancing dancing….

There we were twirling twirling…..

Back then I was climbing climbing….

Now I am just dreaming dreaming….

Leading up to the day that I have nothing
275 · Feb 2014
Still Alive
Kala Feb 2014
The trees are swaying;
                                                                                swiftly, back and forth.

Deeply; the earth is breathing,
                                                                            in and out.

A sweet, heavenly reminder
                                                                                                     that Mother Nature’s heart is still beating.
263 · Apr 2014
Kala Apr 2014
Tick, tock
The tick of the clock
Round and Round
It goes

One door opens
As another slams shut

Round and Round
It goes

— The End —