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4.6k · Mar 2011
Black and White
Kal Kirk Mar 2011
I am a colourless girl,
In my black and white world.
I long for some warmth,
To erase the cold and dark.
I hate this pain and fear,
My death I see is almost here,
I need a saviour,
To take me from my colourless world.
Just found this in one of my notebooks..
4.1k · Jan 2011
Kal Kirk Jan 2011
The signs are everywhere,
Why cant you see?
Don't ignore those little lyrics,
They're what's inside me.

I leave little hints.
I don't want attention,
To  be in the center,
That is not my intention.

I'm okay for the most part,
But sometimes I need,
Someone not to ignore,
But to pick up my lead.

Please don't ignore,
What has been in my past,
Sometimes it haunts me,
And I'm falling too fast.

Lend a little bit of love,
I just need your patience,
Don't ignore parts of me,
I need your acceptance.
1.9k · Feb 2011
Purple Rebellion
Kal Kirk Feb 2011
The purple stands strong,
My small but mighty rebellion.
I won't let anyone bully me,
Out of that which I love.
It is mine,
And you can't change me.
Me loving my purple hair XD
1.3k · Mar 2011
Cynical Apologies
Kal Kirk Mar 2011
Forgive me if I like something,
Forgive me if it makes me happier,
Forgive me if it makes me feel a little special,
And I'm sorry I'm just not good enough for you.
1.1k · Mar 2011
Elephant and Mouse
Kal Kirk Mar 2011
Strong, big, and there,
He made his presence known,
As he strode through the great plains,
That elephant's greatness shone.

Small, hidden and quiet,
She was generally inconspicuous,
As she ran along the dusty ground,
That mouse chose to make a fuss.

She didn't like his attitude,
The way he was so vain.
He didn't like how she challenged him,
And thought she was a pain.

But the mouse showed him up,
Oh she put him in his place!
And the elephant for a while,
Refused to show his face.

So the elephant learned his lesson,
And does his best to steer clear,
For the mouse knows,
That in him she installed fear.
So this is me trying to expand my poetry topics and so I'm writing about things that inspire me. This particular piece came around when I was remembering my time in africa and the elephants.
1.0k · Apr 2011
Defying Physics
Kal Kirk Apr 2011
To inhabit one space with another.
It's seemingly impossible,
Or so physics argues.
But what if you and I did?

Would it not be extraordinary?
To break long known rules,
That others have claimed.
But my darling, we did...
956 · Jun 2011
To die
Kal Kirk Jun 2011
They say,
To die is not the end, but rather another beginning.
And this,
is such a tempting prospect.

They say,
To die is a great adventure,
And I,
Do like to explore.

They say,
No one truly dies,
And I,
Fear there may be no release...
915 · Mar 2011
Midnight Rave
Kal Kirk Mar 2011
The beats run through my head,
The vibrations like a drug.
I close my eyes,
I see flashing lights and patterns,
The ambiance fills my core.
And as I open my eyes,
The music stops.
But I smile as the next beat fades in,
And I await my next adventure,
I'n a land of harmony and tempo.
893 · Feb 2011
Kal Kirk Feb 2011
You'll never ever see,
The tears that I shed,
So many nights,
When I'm alone in my bed.

You never seem to notice,
The scars almost healed,
They are my secret,
From you I must shield.

My thoughts are deeply hidden,
Only for me,
And I hope you'll never realize,
That I'm a little crazy.

So I'll pretend to be happy,
I'll put on a facade,
Make it all seem okay,
Just smile and nod.
I just want you to be happy...
817 · Feb 2011
Enduring Alone
Kal Kirk Feb 2011
My body is shutting down,
And I don't really care.
The bruises and cuts are hidden,
And my hunger doesn't show.
Crazy thoughts carry through my head,
But they are for only me.
Tears always dry,
Only I can feel them on my face,
I can't sleep most nights,
And the depressions wont leave.
So maybe If I just give up,
I won't have to endure through this anymore.
775 · Dec 2010
Mirrors Taunts
Kal Kirk Dec 2010
I look in one mirror and suddenly,
They're all around me.
Taunting me,
Pointing and laughing.
Whispering of my imperfections.
I pluck, I scrub, I shave and starve,
Trying to make the mirrors praise.
Working so hard to love myself.
746 · Mar 2011
Kal Kirk Mar 2011
I love you, you love me,
I send so much, you send so little.
We laugh and tease,
It all seems so perfect.
So why does it feel so unbalanced?
745 · Dec 2010
Fighting Myself
Kal Kirk Dec 2010
Up, down, left, right,
Happy, sad, loving, fight.
All around on a roller coaster,
My heart rages on.

Yes, no,
Maybe so.
Chasing ideas around and around,
My head erupts.

Wet to dry,
Rough then shine.
The scars have faded,
But the memories on my wrist remain.

I hate my body for fighting itself,
I hate myself for being this way.
I wish I wasnt broken,
And maybe I'm not but darling, whos to say?
667 · Dec 2010
I Pray
Kal Kirk Dec 2010
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray for you my soul to keep.
And should I die before I wake,
I pray for you my soul to take.

I'll let my wrists run red with pain,
I pray my tears will be washed by rain.
And should I lie in a pool of blood,
I pray on my grave you'll leave a rose bud.

My eyes will cry so many tears,
I pray it'll end in a few years.
And should I die, my dear love,
I pray your eyes will search above.
I realize the first stanza is a childrens prayer but I edited it a little bit.
644 · Jan 2011
Kal Kirk Jan 2011
It falls from the clouds,
Cool, soft drops land on my face,
Calming my strange mind.
623 · Jan 2011
Crushed, Broken, Thrown
Kal Kirk Jan 2011
Crushed, broken, thrown aside,
My heart gets tossed around with the tide.
The push and pull of what others want,
My own emotions I cannot flaunt.
I must stay strong for those who deserve,
My mind must stay clear, not swerve.
Bottled up, building and growing,
My anger and hurt I am stowing.

Crushed, broken, thrown around,
My soul is trapped and earthly bound.
Wanting and longing but holding back,
My life will always have something to lack.
For the ones I love I must not fall,
Myself I must push away all.

Crushed, broken, thrown  about,
My mind screams and I hear it shout.
Trying to speak but no words come,
My lips just become numb.

Crushed, broken, thrown far and long,
And yet, my facade still stays strong.
615 · Jan 2011
Picking Apart
Kal Kirk Jan 2011
The surface appears flat and smooth,
Perfect and untouched,
Silver and shiny.
I look and smile,
My life appears so good.
Then I see the tiny flaw.
And I just have to pick it all apart.
Insipired by Fifi Doomknuckles
600 · Jan 2011
Ledge of Thought
Kal Kirk Jan 2011
Please my dear friend,
Step off that ledge of thought.
Take my hand, I'll lead you down.
Let me help you, I know you've fought.
I will help you,
Every step of the way.
Because my dear friend,
I promise it''ll be ok.
I care so much about you.
I hate to see you sad.
Step off that ledge of thought my friend,
The world is not so bad.
I love you....
594 · Mar 2011
Twisted Mind
Kal Kirk Mar 2011
What would you see,
If you took a long walk,
Through my twisted mind?

Horrors and demons would jump,
And scare you from the shadows,
to chase you through the darkness.

However you might get the chance,
To see the little island of light,
Where happiness and dreams run rampant.

So there is a possibility that you might see,
Two different halves when walking,
Through my twisted mind.
585 · Dec 2010
You, Me, We...
Kal Kirk Dec 2010
Your warm arms around me as I bury myself in your skin,
We hold eachother and smile, our young love in blossom.
My body aches and cries, how I long to have you with me,
But however hard we try, darling, together we cannot be free.

Your smell intoxicates me as I long to have you closer,
We try to break the laws of physics and inhabit one space.
My heart cries out for you and I cannot hide
But my secrets in you, my dear, I cannot confide.

Your deep, bright eyes envelope me and I just can't resist,
We gaze into eachother, forgetting the world around.
My spirit for you to keep as long as you love me so,
But take care of it love, for it is wild and fragile also.

Your voice whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine,
We share some words with meaning few and far between.
My mind is sharp and clear now that you've cleared my pain,
But be careful, dearest, for loss of it would bring red rain.
581 · Jun 2011
Wants of the Old
Kal Kirk Jun 2011
Old tendencies creep,
back into my head.
Like old memories,
They dance around.
Old temptations float,
around in my brain.
Teasing and taunting,
Telling me to begin.
Old desires attack,
my heart.
And I fight,
Resisting what I once wanted.
554 · Nov 2010
Kal Kirk Nov 2010
The blood has dried with the tears but forever remain the scars,
My imperfections on my wrist of love and anger,
I hate myself for what I've done but can't deny the pleasure.
Why can't I seem to save myself from what I've become?
And if would you still love me if you knew everything?
541 · Mar 2011
Kal Kirk Mar 2011
Who do you see me as?
Yesterday I was the girl in black,
Today I am an acquaintance,
Tomorrow maybe I'll be a friend.
Or perhaps you'll never know,
Who I really am.
538 · Dec 2010
Sleepless Lullaby
Kal Kirk Dec 2010
Moonlight filters through leaves,
Midnight hangs over my head.
The stars twinkle with soft light,
As I lay trying to sleep in my bed.

**** the insomnia that entraps me,
Making me stay up each night.
Just trying to get a peaceful sleep,
Oh, it is a fight.

Curse the nightmares that wake me up,
Leaving me gasping for a air.
The horrors that cloud my mind,
Play games that just arent fair.
514 · Mar 2011
Ode to Your Death
Kal Kirk Mar 2011
Your memory I keep,
Behind closed eyes,
And though I try to sleep,
I remember my goodbyes.

I called myself a friend,
But I wasn't enough,
to stop your untimely end,
And pull you through the rough.

So this day each year,
I'll remember what you said,
And I won't shed a tear,
As I remember you're dead...
March 17 2009...
513 · Feb 2011
Matching Red
Kal Kirk Feb 2011
My eyes are so red,
They now match my ****** wrist.
Am I perfect yet?
I might add more to it...
513 · Mar 2011
Right vs Wrong
Kal Kirk Mar 2011
Who's to tell,
What is 'right',
When everything,
Could be wrong...
508 · Dec 2010
Kal Kirk Dec 2010
Your eyes bring me sunshine,
Brightening my life.
Your smile warms my heart,
Scaring away my blues.
I love your arms around me,
Making me feel secure.
Your lips caress my skin,
And I feel alive.
Your voice gives me hope,
For my future of better days.
502 · Feb 2011
Blood and Tears
Kal Kirk Feb 2011
I'm tired of crying,
I hate my blood.
I'm sick of the yelling.
The smiles are so fake,
And there are new scars.

Why can't I be perfect,
They don't see me trying,
and I just end up,
Hating myself.

I'm apparently a liar.
And I cant do this or that.
So maybe things will be better-

When I am laying in a pool,
of Blood and Tears...
496 · Dec 2010
Freedom of Hate
Kal Kirk Dec 2010
She knew her rights,
She recited her veiws.
They crushed her down,
And she didn't understand.
She thought to herself,
"Why say how I feel,
If all I get is hated?"
491 · Nov 2010
The Hurt
Kal Kirk Nov 2010
The darkness envelopes my mind,
The anger surrounds my being,
I can't seem to break free
Of the chains that hold me here.
My heart sinks into an endless pit,
My soul is devoured by demons.
Dark thoughts ensue,
My life crumbles around,
*When will it stop?
491 · Jan 2011
And Yet
Kal Kirk Jan 2011
Your warm breath brushes against my neck,
Calming me down and yet,
Exciting me and making my body react.

Your soft lips find mine,
Gently kissing me and yet,
The intensity between us is fiery.

Your smooth skin is against mine,
Warm and inviting and yet,
It is not enough for my desires.

Your sturdy arms pull me close,
I wrap mine around you and yet,
Now we are one.
484 · Mar 2011
How Close?
Kal Kirk Mar 2011
It's funny how close,
Two people can be,
And then out of the blue,
So suddenly,
483 · Mar 2011
Universal Ball
Kal Kirk Mar 2011
Tiny bright lights,
Dance through the sky,
When no clouds are in sights.
The move and shift,
Creating obscure shapes,
When through the universe they drift.
But soon a bigger light will flash,
And the party must stop,
When with the dark they dash.
475 · Jan 2011
Kal Kirk Jan 2011
I miss the way you hold me, and when you whisper in my ear.
I miss the way you kiss me, and chase away my fears.
I miss your deep blue eyes, how they gaze into my soul.
I miss seeing you from day to day,
And darling its taking its toll...
475 · Mar 2011
Kal Kirk Mar 2011
L is how your name starts,
It's the begining of the emotions I feel.
I want to have an L time with you,
Rather than a short one.
Its funny how I can relate your name,
To practically everything,
You're my little light,
My L...
Not sure if I like thie one or not but I figured I'd put it out there for people to give their opinions.
458 · Feb 2011
Girl in Pain
Kal Kirk Feb 2011
There once was a girl in pain.
She sat in the pouring rain.
Away washed the flood,
All of her blood,
But still she sat in the rain...
422 · Jan 2011
Kal Kirk Jan 2011
Fading, fading, into black,
The dark envelopes my mind.
Stars turn misty and clarity is lost,
As I fall into the world of dreams.
Nothing can hurt me here,
Everything is calm and perfect.

Suddenly the evil rips through,
The smooth reflection of perfect dreams.
This world is invaded, disturbed, torn apart,
And I awake,
To yet another nightmare...

My santuary is has fallen down.
I need another way out,
Another way to become numb.
Somewhere where the hurt can't find me.

I need somewhere to hide,
Can I not help myself?
I just want my world of dreams again.

But that world is gone,
Nothing is left.

And I pray I'm not alone.
417 · Dec 2010
My Soul
Kal Kirk Dec 2010
My soul is chained and,
I'm trapped.
****** to misery and fear,
Until a savior comes along,
And for a while I am free,
However I now fear to be alone...

— The End —