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Kaity Morris Nov 2012
I only love you,
because you do not know i exist.
I only love you,
because i could never have you.
I only love you,
because you love her.
I only love you,
for the sheer allure on impossibility
Kaity Morris Nov 2012
sometimes i remember,
although i wish i could forget.
the memories never go away,
they haunt me with every waking day.
even when the bruises dissaparrate,
if only we could communicate,
talk about how wrong it is.
and it could all stop,
but you wont stop,
just waiting for the day when i pop.
you've found my weakness,
my most vulnerable  trait,
that never shows up late.
i cant help but love you,
even when you cause me this much pain.
i cant help but love you as you call my name,
maybe someday,
You'll let me fly away  

By: Kaity Morris
January 16, 2011
Kaity Morris Nov 2012
The word to describe how I'm feeling,
like maybe taking your attention would be  stealing.
my tears pouring down that pre-made lane,
the only way to cope with the pain,
i dont know how else to stay sain.

I don't get it, i used to be your main

By: Kaity Morris
September 7, 2012
Kaity Morris Nov 2012
I'm sorry we can't be friends
you pushed me to the end.
when a good friend, when you give love its called a lend,
but with you its always a send.
and without my love returned, how is my heart supposed to mend?
there comes a time when you realize, for a friend, backwards is a direction you shouldn't have to bend.
you can play it off that i walked away,
but a good friend would have listened to what i have to say.
so yes, today is the day that i will undoubtedly walk away,
because my heart cant take anymore,
so our friendship has become tore
my only option is to walk out that door.
i dont want to, but our friendship shouldnt be a chore.
i have to say goodbye.
trust me hunny, you wont die
but our friendship is dead,
because your drama sunk it to the bottom of the river like lead.
if you recall, this is what ive always said,
so now you've made your bed
now through the water, all alone you must tread.
this is what you chose,
its what all the facts show.
you had to have expected this blow,
your just lucky i wont hit low.

By: Kaity Morris
Novemeber 20, 2012
Kaity Morris Nov 2012
your laugh is recognizable,
and this smile shows quite the opposite of dispisable.
when i get butterflies,
i realize the secrecy underlies the true feelings i get when you look me in the eye
and when you kiss me, lord i could just die.
after it's all said and done, i let out a sigh,
i just cant lie
when you're around, those butterflies become a firefly.
and baby my heart,
it may not be so smart
but when it comes to what i want,
it has it's own font.
so baby please don't taunt,
even if we cant flaunt
i wanna make this work
which shows plain as day with my little smirk.

Kaity Morris
March 6, 2012
Kaity Morris Nov 2012
Remember when they taught you in Sunday school?
Do what's right, never cool.
But then he comes along, what a tool,
But he makes you believe you've found a jewel.
Temptation comes, and you say just a quick dip in the sinful pool
But before you know it,
That light deep inside has been lit,
You've dug yourself into this fateful pit,
And he's not there beside you, oh ****.
It'll take you a little bit,
But you'll get out, thank God for whit.

By: Kaity Morris
November 20, 2012
Kaity Morris Nov 2012
I cant bring myself to give up on your love,
Maybe i just need a little shove,
Or maybe i can continue to beleive someday we will  be throwing rice to that beloved dove.
I cant be certain about how you feel,
But the day i stop loving you,
You can feed me my last meal,
Cause me catching your heart,
That would be a steal
But until that kiss makes the seal,
Who knows whats the deal.
Friendship is more important
But does that mean that mean my love's stick  gets shortened?
I guess we need to discuss priorities,
Because ours seem to be of diffrent minorities,
It may be foreign to you,
But baby, my loves gonna be pourin,
Like rain on a tin roof,
But where is yours, did it go ****?
Show me you need me,
Because i want to feel your loves like the waves out at sea
Cause between me and you,
It was always been meant to be<3

By: Kaity Morris
April 24,2010
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