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1.0k · Sep 2010
be mine?
Kaitlyn Johnson Sep 2010
hey baby I know you're asleep
but I'll whisper all my secrets away
and hope you'll remember
only so you will love me more each day

goodmorning beautiful I know you're asleep
but I had a dream about our forever, last night
and when you awake I'll recap every piece
only to have your warm embrace for the rest of my mornings
everytime I look at you, it's like the first time
807 · May 2010
salt water fix;
Kaitlyn Johnson May 2010
my whole world has come crashing around me-
since you left-like a kindergardener running out of elmers glue,
i cant hold myself together,
you've left me to fix a broken peice of work
(you used to think it was a masterpeice)
the love you confessed seemed so sureal
now i dont think it was so,
patrick, this ones for you; i pray for you.
729 · Jan 2011
Kaitlyn Johnson Jan 2011
i have often attributed my attachment to, my passionate enthusiasm for, the dangerous mysteries of the ocean to that production of most imaginative of modern poets.*
these attachments not only fiction, but also the creation of, dreams conjured up by the adoration with natural beauty.
my affiliation with the discovery and realization of, said thoughts in literature has brought the conclusion up that, if indeed such beauty does exist in other forms than on these pages and in my film casings, than it must be in the eyes of love.
*exert from Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.
This was a writing exercise i did.
697 · Mar 2010
hello poetry, first entry.
Kaitlyn Johnson Mar 2010
we sit; we wait
for one of us to break
this silence in the midst
of our chatter filled fits
this may sound outragious
but our feelings are contagious
and we are stuck going over
every dirt covered bolder
known as an obstacle of travel

we talk; we take
every breath we make
seems to cause tenseness
in our teenage census
words collapsed with desire
like an anaerobic fire
just waiting for some replies
on why our hearts seem to cry-out for a touch
for a feeling we want to clutch
and our minds no longer repent
for free the souls of the innocent
689 · Jan 2011
Kaitlyn Johnson Jan 2011
chords running through the brisk air like a butterfly in the wind
with her ginger hair draped over his chest
the songs made for her to hear
written just to show a girl
with sea green eyes
that the love flowing through his veins at rapid speed wasn't just a dream
and when she wakes up the lights will pound through her brain
a recognition of the nightmare on the breath of the morning
in the winter days of tomorrow.
you wont know this, but its for you.(w)
644 · Aug 2010
this fortune,
Kaitlyn Johnson Aug 2010
can i get a little dose of teenage flame
because i keep falling into the mud
with thsee florescent lights blinding my sences
and i cant help but wonder
am I even worth it to him?

this life can drag you in
and your endorphins may race
but its a teenage flame i'm searching for
after the school bell rings
this is for you kicker.
556 · Aug 2010
it's clear
Kaitlyn Johnson Aug 2010
harsh, blind
-boy do i wish i was-
a blackness shielding me from the face
so daunting, and to show up in every
single daydream

almost as if I'm falling
or are these memories clouding my mind?

gentle, kind
as your hands search me
will you defend me from my demons tonight?

-of course you will-
if only you were as easy to decode as an arubix cube (g)
535 · Jun 2010
he saw her
Kaitlyn Johnson Jun 2010
this record of love lost is forever playing,
a tune worth forgetting
which key keeps repeating,
a sorrowful screaming
to all these nights I've spent pining over this love for him, which he does not return.
519 · Jul 2010
honestly, i've lost track
Kaitlyn Johnson Jul 2010
dont mind me, i'm just wondering
dont leave me, i'm just lost
dont forget me, i'm worth remembering
something i jotted down in my journal, i figured it was worth posting.
504 · Mar 2010
Kaitlyn Johnson Mar 2010
you were my everything
and i guess you're still something
but not everything, atleast in its entirety
now he;s my everything
and she is yours, yet you cannot except
the fact that you'll never be my-
everything-ever again
almost like a leaf needs a tree, but im
no longer dependent on it, (im actually flying)
you lie in bed each night wishing to go back
while im longing to push forward
and i do, force myself to seperate
from you in that sense
plus every other sense avaliable.
461 · Mar 2010
where are you?
Kaitlyn Johnson Mar 2010
shes out too late; looking for the angel of her hell
footsteps echo through the emptyness of crowds
a sound so deafening to create a blackout of thought.

— The End —