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Kaitlyn Dalton Apr 2014
I've never truly loved anyone:

Not desperately, unconditionally, or with abandon

Yet, it is the one thing that plagues my mind

The one thing I want more than anything

I look around at the world passing by

Wondering if someone is out there

Someone who can love me

Desperately, unconditionally, and with abandon.
Kaitlyn Dalton Apr 2014
You're my cup of tea
Yet, I don't think you see me
You are not to blame
It's because I hide behind my shame

The real me is hidden
While the cover up is disease-ridden
I do try
Instead, I end up forcing a goodbye

The real me is not her
I am a chaotic, beautiful blur
Maybe if you could see the real me
We could be

*t   o   g   t   h   e   r
Kaitlyn Dalton Apr 2014
The hatred rising.

Anxiety climbing.

Depression escalating.

Prayers ascending.

Staring down.

Tears falling.

Self-esteem lowering.

Hope diminishing.

This is the struggle between up and down.
Kaitlyn Dalton Apr 2014
“In the eyes of the beholder,” they say,

Beauty is found,”

But this beholder is in disarray,

Every calorie, every ounce, every pound

Seen through glasses in decay

“Unlovable” the voices yell

Confusion surrounds as lies become truth

Life is now a place of torture, a place called hell

My body is covered in battle wounds

Ugly, worthless, fat

These voices tell me

They don’t hold back

The remnants of the pain is all debris

Broken and alone

I cry out to no avail

Even in my sleep, I moan

Her soul is damaged and frail
Kaitlyn Dalton Apr 2014
Chaos abounds

Containing so many ups and downs

Time is conflicting

Though solitude is addicting

The circle in which we live,

Prodives a place to thrive

But life isn’t perfect

It is messy and imperfect

So, although chaos abounds

And there are ups... and downs

Time is wonderfully contradicting

And solitude is convicting.
Kaitlyn Dalton Apr 2014
“Why,” she asks through tear strained eyes.

  Her heart and soul have been blinded by lies

“You’re not enough,” they scream.

Now she is left with broken self-esteem.

The little girl’s pain is silent.

Fear is the driving force of the tyrant

Crippled and lonely, she reaches out

But for someone to understand is a doubt

Questions of recovery plague

Everyone else sees her struggle as vague

Unable to comprehend, she hides

Never being allowed to confide

This is her fight; she does try

The continual defeat makes her cry

Because she knows she knows she will drown from the pain

Tears of anguish forever reign
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