I'll stand here and smile, for your sake and theirs
I really can't stand to see you hurt anymore
So I change my stance, stopping the truth
Cause the lies are better than what was before
I truly am sorry for being like this
Faking a smile, a weak one at that
But it's better than how I actually am,
It's something I need to work at
I see the fear in your eyes for what I may do
And that isn't okay, but maybe you should
If all goes to plan that look will fade soon
Cause all I'll do now is for your good
You don't need to worry, not anymore
I'm okay now, so calm your fears
Cause I'm gonna get better, and that's a fact
And then we'll live here, throughout our years
I truly love you with all of my heart
You mean so much to me, done so much
I don't know where I'd be without you,
So let's never split, let's stay in touch