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Nov 2014 · 387
kaisybasilio Nov 2014
Yeah it's  so true that opposite attracts
So I am....
I am so .....
Attracted to you..
my king..
Sep 2014 · 275
kaisybasilio Sep 2014
Here I am again
and i am with my best friends,
They lift me up and never put me down.

how about you? who are yours?
Aug 2014 · 310
When the feeling is gone
kaisybasilio Aug 2014
I’m chilling to the coldness of your words
Through your empty actions toward me
The way you look into my eyes
Seems that I’m indifferent
Do you love me no more?

Your kisses are tasteless
Your embrace is affectionate less
Your eyes are passionless
Your touches are meaningless

Is there still us?
or its just only me?
Do I still have you?
Please tell me
‘Coz if not anymore
Let me just love you no more
Aug 2014 · 785
I miss You
kaisybasilio Aug 2014
I miss you.
Your hair..
which was the softest thing I held in my entire life
Your eyes..
  which made me feel that I’m the most beautiful girl whenever you look at me
Your nose..
   that sniffs my hair as if it is the sweetest scent in the world
Your lips..
that captures mine when I’m mad and talk too much
Your hands..
  that cover mine when I’m lost in track
Your chest..
   where i rest to renew my strength when i feel so down
Your laughter..
   that lifts my soul and gives me genuine joy
I miss you..
I miss all of you so much
hope we'll see each other soon
Be happy..I know you're always looking down here for me
Enjoy yourself above there...
In spite of your absence, I still love you
Aug 2014 · 390
Pathetic ME
kaisybasilio Aug 2014
Look at me. .
No,I can't see you
Because it is only her I laid my eyes

Touch me. .
No,I can't feel you
Because i'm holding her in my hands

Call me. .
No,I can't hear you
Because it is her voice i want to listen to

Be with me. .
No,I can't stay with you
Because i'm with her

Please love me just once
No i can't
why not?
Because you're not her.
Aug 2014 · 336
kaisybasilio Aug 2014
Going Once..
I feel your warm breath
as you whisper those three sweet words into my ear

Going Twice..
I feel so secured
as your palms touched my face with affection

Going Thrice..
I feel cherished
as your soft lips brushed mine

and then..
I open my eyes
My lips curved bitterly
I thought you're real
but then..
You're just another beautiful nightmare.
Aug 2014 · 361
kaisybasilio Aug 2014
My body trembled as those odd memories keeps in and out of my mind
Untold stories invade my inside
As my tongue tastes the bitterness of the words and exploring for the sentences to be told
My throat composes sounds of agony
As the darkness continues on thrusting itself into my chastity
The emptiness keeps on toying the zenith of my thoughts and searching in every inch of my conscience.

I can’t hold t anymore,
I scream!!!
I explode all the forgotten feelings inside of me
The painful juice of defeat is standing in front of me
Staring closely at my face, laughing victoriously
I’m all-in,
I discern the devilish grin of my past and it began to swallow my left energy

My apathetic eyes abate into bleariness
My lips involuntarily shut as I hold onto the collected sounds inside my throat
I bury myself into the depth of cold nights
I’m exhausted….
Maybe it’s time to release…
It’s time to let go all of my agitation and let myself drown within pleasurable dreams.

— The End —