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490 · Jun 2019
The Weight: The Anchor
Kiera Jun 2019
i am a ship
my captain
is gone
all the crew
are dead

i need to stop floating

my sails are tattered
my decks are littered
i am rotting

i am lost at sea

but you
are my anchor
you keep me rooted
and sane

you keep me in reality
so i don't float away
a wise man
named dan
once said

"you are the light
that has blinded me
you're the anchor that
i tied to my brain
cause' when it feels
like i'm lost at sea
you're the song i sing
again and again
all the time
all the time
i think of you all the time"
436 · Jun 2019
I Move in Silence
Kiera Jun 2019
i move in silence

you can't hear me

i move in silence

a kaleidoscope of faces
blurs in a humanoid shape
the only difference
between them
is the occasional color change
or hat

i move in silence

voices merge
and become loud
bass-boosted noises
no longer human
but mechanical

i move in silence

each step i take
meticulously placed
like a child
walking on stepping stones
over-exaggerated motions

i move in silence

even my voice is inaudible
the air moves past my vocal chords
but no sound accompanies it
i am reticent

i move in silence

bodies shove me aside
until i eventually reach
a wall
it's at this point
i give up
and collapse upon the marble

tears begin to form
as i feel more discouraged
i battle against them
my tears always win
in the end

i sit on the floor
a shell-shocked ball
and alone

you move with music

a melody cascades from you
rivulets of aria
dripping from your shoes

you move with music

you don't recognize the faces either
you move too fast for them
they don't hear your song
and you wouldn't care either way

you move with music

you aren't walking
each footfall is not a promenade
but a dance
not a dance
you move like i
instead of precise movements
you skip
like a child would
across the playground

you move with music

i could hear your diapason
from the wall
i saw you
differently from the others
an untouchable paragon

i found your eyes
you found mine
i felt my heart stop
for no one had seen me
until you

your music changed
it was no longer a simple chime
but a complex arrangement
but still just as rich and ethereal

you broke from the current
weaving between personages
like it was rehearsed
my eyes were fixated on you
i was curious
and afraid
why were you approaching me?
is it a misunderstanding?

i averted my eyes
i assumed that
i was not your objective
i was

you approached me
and i looked up
facing you
you kneeled
and took my hand
and told me
"Let's go."

i used to move in silence

but now
our combined melody
is a chant
a rallying cry
an anthem
for anyone whose ears
can hear it

i used to move in silence

now all i hear is music
279 · Jun 2019
When Will my Life Begin?
Kiera Jun 2019
i feel like
locked in a tower
at 18
watching the lights
in the sky
float away from her
and not being able to leave

i want to be where
the people are
i want to laugh and cry and sing
and mess around

i feel ignored
by the strangers like me
who i love and once loved

please come back


don't forget about me
out on the verge of the rest of our lives
Kiera Jul 2019
I am the emotions you feel
When you listen to an old song
And you remember everything
All that happened when you listened
All your heartbreak and sadness
Your love and happiness
I am the buildings you look up to
The ones you couldn't afford
The new glass reflecting the sun
Making it look so beautiful
I am the smile you crack
When all of these feelings collide
And I am the love you feel
Inside your chest
199 · Jun 2019
The Weight Pt IV
Kiera Jun 2019
i can't look
in the mirror

it's gross
but not the mirror
what's inside of it
what reflects upon it

it's vile
and frankly,
chaos reigns once more
Kiera Jun 2019
i am
in love

you could ask me
at any time
in my life
if i have someone
i like
i would always
without a fail
answer "yes"

i always have someone
in my mind
someone who i dream about
who's arms i desire
to be wrapped
around me
and whose voice
i hear
singing to me
when i fall asleep

sometimes it's
a person who
i've dreamed of before
other times it's
someone completely new
but for what it's worth
i'm always in love

i wear my heart
safety pinned to my sleeve
polished like a trophy
and waiting for someone
to pick it
like a beautiful flower
or the juiciest fruit

it still waits there
for someone to take it
i've shown it to many people
none have grasped it
none have
held it
and felt it beat
and certainly no one
has held it to their chest
and felt it beat with theirs
people think poems about love are easy to write
in reality
they're a lot harder to write
because you have so many emotions
and you need your teeth to hold them
and filter them out
173 · Jun 2019
Summer Lovin'
Kiera Jun 2019
you aren't my first
you won't be my last

but i want you to be mine

but for whatever time i have
before i leave
can you love me?

have you seen grease?
i know,
who hasn't?
can we share those two words

the rest of the movie can exist
only in our memory
can we make
"summer lovin'"
a reality?

i know i'm not your first pick
i know i'm not your best choice
but i do like you

i tell you that when i'm drunk
when i'm high
when i'm sleep deprived
when i'm off my medication

but i haven't told you
that i like you

maybe you won't care
you'll think i'm gross

ever since i offered to let you live
with me
i've wanted you in my bed
i want to be in your arms again

for the fleeting time i had,
you held me
and my heart woke up
from its

i felt it burst from my chest
when you gripped my arm,
my head on your chest
you told me
i was soft
you liked to hold me

i don't know
why i didn't say
i liked it when you held me
143 · Jun 2019
The Weight: Interlude
Kiera Jun 2019

i am more powerful
than that
which you reign me with

i am no dog
i am no domestic sheep
i will not be herded
or whipped to submission

you cannot hurt me anymore
for i have risen
above the dependency upon
the ground which you walk

my mind grows stronger at night
but as does yours
but i will not let you win
any longer

for i have found something
much more potent
than the taste you leave
on my mind

you believe that
this is my weakness
this is what makes you
come back to me
every time
while that was true before
i have learned
that what i once
viewed as an Achilles heel
was truly my strength

it may seem cliche
and overused
but i have found a new meaning
and definition
of the phrase
"love conquers all"
and it is not
what you see
on instagram
or pinterest

but it is something
you can experience
if you allow it to

depression can ****

for i
can't help
falling in love
with you

but so can i

— The End —