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Born to grow
malleable to touch
fragile to the pressure
held between *******
molded by One's will
shaped to a new creation, different from the rest
          born to change the world
Blocked out from the terrors you see
My one little window, open only to me.
self-enthralled, shut out from you;
self-concerned, always blind to what you do.

The sun is shining, don't you see it?
It's beaming down, and my world is lit.
You said you were done with the rain--
Why are you getting wet yet again?

Let's go out to play;
I will show you the new day.
There's no time for worry,
nothing to bury.

Time progresses as life moves on,
soon you will see the coming dawn.
Nothing will falter your new smile.
You will be happy all the while.
losing interest in this world around me
fading softly into the background
nobody sees
nothing can save me
falling faster than the rain in the storm
I've given in and lost control
this injured heart will stop its beating
when blood flows freely from my body
and air remains trapped around me
my lungs are empty
my pulse is gone
so let me go, let me fade, let me leave this world of pain
on my own I'll die away
turn away, don't watch this time
I don't want to hurt you anymore
you don't need to see this
just know I'll be gone
and this is my "Goodbye, I love you"
one last time
From a far-gone darkness in which my dear friend Taylor suffered and which  I hope nobody succumbs to.
the released energy
          of laughing aloud
the exuberant freedom
          of joking with friends
the pleasant surprise
          of somebody's care
the shared love
          of endless interests
the glowing shine
          of eyes lit with joy
the beautiful warmth
          of being wanted
the trivial words
          of such meaningful chat
the gorgeous look
          of a beaming smile
the hard-to-find charm
          of a friend such as you
This electricity pulsing through my veins,
its energy pushes me forward.
I'm running onward, past these obstacles.
Nothing will bring me down this time.
Any push will move me forward;
any fall will lift me up
I'm moving on without looking back.
No regret will dampen this feeling.
From each seed
springs a bud;
from each bud
flowers a blossom;
from each blossom
grows a seed.

And so life goes on.
my mind travels through this maze
tangled among fatal aches and pains
you tell me this is just a phase
how will this bitterness ever leave my veins?

torn between two opposing forces
roll the dice to win this time
fate points you to the right sources
never again shall your life be a lime

— The End —