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Feb 2013 · 549
Where Are We, Love?
Kacey Swafford Feb 2013
Can we have love that is pure and strong?
Can we live a life with depth?
Can our hearts desire more than lust?
can our beats align with righteousness?

Do you care about me for me,
or do you just see a soft face?
Do you want something deep,
or is shallowness our fate?

Can I trust you to be there
when my world is painful and rough?
will you be strong for me
when everything else isn't enough?

When you hold my hand,
You're feeling the warmth of my heart
When you look into my eyes,
You're only seeing the start

I want you to know that I'm in this.
I'm not about to leave.
you have my commitment.
and you have my word that I'll treat you with dignity.
Feb 2013 · 1.1k
Goodbye, Friend
Kacey Swafford Feb 2013
She was so young and alone
Trying to find her desperate way
Doing whatever she could,
whatever it takes
Impressionable, fragile
Hurting inside with an ache in her soul
Crying behind the smiles and jokes
Wanting to love and feel real warmth
running for shelter from her storm

Lightening and rain never cease
Her attempts at freedom deplete
She reaches out for hope
And gets a handful of dope
Using whoever to get strong
As if to win you must be on top
Too bad, she didn’t know she was wrong

I wish I could hold her warm hand
Hear her soft voice
Hug her again
I want to go back and do more for my friend

I  lost you and I mourn
Lying awake, I wonder
“could I have done more?”
What if I never gave up on you, friend?
Where would you be?
Alive again?
What if I had the words to heal your heart
I had them locked away to never depart
I wish I could know and know for sure
That heaven is your home
It breaks my heart
To think of you
In an eternity of pain
Your life was so young
And death is so final
I hold breath and wonder if it’s really true
It’s taken me ten months
To finally cry over you.
I avoided the facts
And ignored the truth
But here I am now
And you’re heart doesn’t beat

I said things I regret
I hurt you behind your back
I looked at your life and didn’t understand
I stayed away from you after you burnt my hand
I told others to be careful
We’d shake our heads in wonder
We wanted to help you
And you shut us out
Did we try hard enough?
Did you need us to shout?
If me shouting would have saved your life,
I would of shouted til my voice went dry
If me running after you would show you you’re loved
I’d run and run and never give up

If I knew your life was coming to an end
I would of sought you again my precious friend
I would of invested my time to see that you’re safe
I would of spoken truth and not have been late
I would of held your hand through the withdrawls
I would of shown you love when you felt empty and alone
I would of given you anything that you might need.
I cry in silence and breath slow.
I miss you and I want you to know
I’m really sorry for not being what you need
Jesus loved you and he wanted to set you free
Wherever you are, I wish you could know
That I’ll never be the same
I won’t talk about a person like it’s a game
I’ll always try and never give up
I’ll treat my friends like they’re worth the time
I love you. I love you. I’ll always love you.

— The End —