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1.2k · Jan 2016
The improbable words
Kaaguygua Jan 2016
I trek in the journey of my life, travelling in the highway of someone else’s life
I see their history crashing into mine.
I see people. Mother, daughter and grandaughters.
The grandaughter’s gestures is like
poetry reflecting in the mother’s eyes.
Soon her random and improbable words make history in the woman’s life.
Does she know enough to say this?
“Say it! Say it darling!”
I hear the woman speaking.
The improbable is more improbable than fate.
Their languages are wildly different
But their passion to each other turns everything different into similar ways.
I turn back. Back to my own highway..
Knowing that I profit from someone else’s travel.
932 · Jan 2016
Kaaguygua Jan 2016
I hear your foot steps. That's how I know your home.
If wasn't for that I would never know you're close.
You drum your fingers, that's how I know you're in front of me.
We don't talk at all at the table cause we're no longer how we used to be.
You hold your breath when we start arguing because you know what's about to come.
Don't worry, I won't yell and my energy to fight is already gone.
But you still keep your habit of pointing your finger just as you point out my flaws
But you know, even that is not like it was before.
486 · Jan 2016
Cacos Quebrados
Kaaguygua Jan 2016
Por que fazer assim?

Complicar tanto as coisas

Como se quisesse se afastar de mim.

Depois de tudo que vimos

E dos fatos escancarados

Não há mais o que negar

Entar porque não juntar

nossos cacos quebrados?

Você ja teve alguem

que te esmigalhou em pedaços

Eu nunca tive alguem

que completasse meus espaços

Então porque não juntar

nossos cacos quebrados?
328 · Jan 2016
Then wait and see
Kaaguygua Jan 2016
Try to leave me behind
Try not to talk to me
Try to ignore my love
Then wait and see

Try to disappoint me
Try to bring the worst in me
Try to make me anger
Then wait and see

Try not to worry about it
Try to anguish me
Try to make me crazy
Then wait and see

Try to make me jealous
Try to make me weak
Try to make me paranoid
Then wait and see
Kaaguygua Jan 2016
How long until we get there?
To that part when there's no more games
Where all the cards are on the table
When my emotions are no longer so unstable
And all our feelings are off the chain

How long until we get there?
To that most waited day
When you tell me all your secrets
And I tell you all my weaknesses
To that part you give your games away
304 · Jan 2016
Dear you, bad news.
Kaaguygua Jan 2016
Dear you, c'mon! React! Say what's there
inside your heart, it won't be that bad.
Let out the words you 've never said.
It might give you feelings you've never had.

Dear you, what made you so cold?
What made you so blind you can't even see my love
You don't talk just throw me words
Incapable to love thinking no one is good enough.

Dear you, bad news. You are not as good as you think.
Get off this fake throne, you're far from being the king.
Bad news. I was the best you could ever had.
Now keep your endless search, I won't be mad.
288 · Jan 2016
Breaking Free
Kaaguygua Jan 2016
Not even at that time, I was like this.
Not even at that time I had such a desire to live.
It seems like the world suddenly became so small
And my hunger for adventure became so big.

All of a sudden I see, it has always depended on me.
You don't need anyone no matter how
They try to deceive and convince you this.
All of a sudden I see that life passes by like a dream.
275 · Jan 2016
Kaaguygua Jan 2016
Among all of my enemies and predators
Among all of my fears and traitors,
You are the greatest one
You are the one that never leaves me
Never quit to chases me
Whenever I think I have the control
Whenever I think I am winning
You appear quietly, softly, inoffencively
And you rob all that I could profit in that instance
You take away my control, my calm and my patience
You take away whatever I could get
If only you were not there.
257 · Jan 2016
Here with me
Kaaguygua Jan 2016
Is this happening? Is it a dream?
I feel like I need to grasp it
Before it fades away from me.

You are just like a dream
You are just like the impossible
Telling me all those sweet things

You are what I thought no one could be
You see what I thought no one could see
You can see the good and the hided things in me

Can you see yourself in my deepest dreams?
You are not there anymore
Cause you are finally here with me.
254 · Jan 2016
Kaaguygua Jan 2016

I don't want anyone else, I just want you

to Stay

just say you want us together

just say you're going to


here and stay with me forever.


Think straight.

There's nothing else to discuss

Try to see what we can become

nothing else is enough than us

— The End —