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Kaaguygua Jan 2016
How long until we get there?
To that part when there's no more games
Where all the cards are on the table
When my emotions are no longer so unstable
And all our feelings are off the chain

How long until we get there?
To that most waited day
When you tell me all your secrets
And I tell you all my weaknesses
To that part you give your games away
Kaaguygua Jan 2016

I don't want anyone else, I just want you

to Stay

just say you want us together

just say you're going to


here and stay with me forever.


Think straight.

There's nothing else to discuss

Try to see what we can become

nothing else is enough than us
Kaaguygua Jan 2016
Por que fazer assim?

Complicar tanto as coisas

Como se quisesse se afastar de mim.

Depois de tudo que vimos

E dos fatos escancarados

Não há mais o que negar

Entar porque não juntar

nossos cacos quebrados?

Você ja teve alguem

que te esmigalhou em pedaços

Eu nunca tive alguem

que completasse meus espaços

Então porque não juntar

nossos cacos quebrados?

— The End —