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K E Carraway Apr 2013
I got a glimpse of summer once
Hot pavement
August entered
Tea, iced and sweet
Everlasting days
Yellow sand
Open windows
Umbrellas propped up

I got a glimpse of love once
Screaming at you
Trying without you
In despair without you
Leaving you
Lying to you
Hurting without you
Alone without you
Tired from you
Exploding at you
Yelling at you
Over you
Unloved without you
K E Carraway Apr 2013
California dreaming
In the naked cold
Frozen all around me
Lay the deadened odes

Songs of past redemptions
I may never see
Bring me to the ocean
Bring me to the sea

Somewhere far from darkness
Rests the peaceful heart
Find the yearning slumber
To pull you far apart.
K E Carraway Apr 2013
Broken hearts and points of view
Hazy from my déjà vu
Hold on to what I’ve outgrown
Not content with letting go

Listen to illusive words
Faking sympathy still hurts
Breaking stride to catch a glimpse
Of hopeful trusting on a whim
K E Carraway Apr 2013
Drifting through the silence
Comes a careful hum
Breaking up the fear that
True silence ever comes

Where is the tomorrow
I am still yearning for?
I cannot face the mirror
I cannot start a war

Silence still envelops
The independent one
For when fighting’s all over
Inside, it’s just begun.
K E Carraway Apr 2013
Eyes open to morning
Blue sky rimmed with white
But lovely summer daydreams
Only come at night

I don’t know how you noticed
Or if you feel the same
But I must tell you someday
And someday is today

And I know it sounds cliché
There’s just one way to say
I love you to the moon
And no more will I wait.

— The End —