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Dec 2014 · 284
k a watson Dec 2014
You say I have a choice
This is your decision
Do I have a choice?

Your decision is my decision
Your opinions are my opinions
But what is mine?

I want to stop
I want to be free
What to I get for my yearning?
Dec 2014 · 329
k a watson Dec 2014
As my mind floats a drift
My thoughts begin to shif
To your words
That handful of letters
That lost their betters
Those words turned to hate
As I lost my faith
Your hands once so gental
Turned into scorn that was oh so mental!
My body can not take all this fear and this hate
Nov 2014 · 370
k a watson Nov 2014
k a watson  2 days ago
The bell jingles
The door opens
The little figure hunched over
A parchement long forgotten
In time and space

My hads skim the volumes
My nose inhales the fragrance
Emotion over comes my being
I begin to run
Down the isles and up the stairs
Grabbing beautiful lights at random

Laughter bubbles from inside as I dance
Among the tall shelves that hold precious life

It is over too soon
My father calls to me
He tells me to pick only one
My happiness evaporates
How could I just choose one?

We soon leave
I empty handed
And his arms filled with knowledge
But I would return
I would return many a times
To relive that memory
Nov 2014 · 297
The Music Man
k a watson Nov 2014
An empty stage
It lays it wait
  There's a certain emptiness to it
    Does it know that actors come and
           The performance is over
              Yet my heart still lingers
                 To that Music Man
                   Does the stage know
                     It was my first and last?

                       My heart feels the weight
                         Of what it's leaving  
                           A family bound by
                              The music
                                  I wish to sing all
                                   The songs to the
                                      Stage that has
                                        Become my
Thank you cast of the Music Man for making my senior year something special.
Nov 2014 · 377
k a watson Nov 2014
I have seen love in many forms
From those who martyr and those who scorn
Love a gift not a right
For those who take flight

Upon wings of autonomy
I set my sights
For what plight
Do I have to lay claim
To such a wonderful gift or blame

I have seen love come and go
For now it is only for me to know
Nov 2014 · 341
k a watson Nov 2014
Where does all the light show?
Does it shine with the crow?
Or does it retreat into the night?
Only to blaze brilliant and bright
Nov 2014 · 222
k a watson Nov 2014
My face is marred with infinite scars
Ones that seek no regard  
I lie in wait for the day to come
When I am able to be loved
My face waits for the hand of fate
To stop its monuments wait
When the scars can be shown for all to see  
And to no vary of degree
Nov 2014 · 296
The mirror
k a watson Nov 2014
The mirror haunts my very soul
Fallowing my eyes as it goes
I look and stumble into hate
But what blindness can be compared to fate
Whoever has come to hate
The grotesque image that they seek
I for one am afraid to peak
Yes the mirror haunts my very soul
And none can offer any sweet console

— The End —