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 Jan 2014 K
I like you
 Jan 2014 K
here's what's going to happen.
we will sleep together
a few nights a week
for a few months.
we will talk on the phone
and our conversations will be
brief -- just to hear
each other's voice
at least once
every 36 hours.
we will get incredibly drunk
and we will believe
we miss each other
but we really won't
and we will believe
we are in love
and perhaps we are --
but after those months,
I will get used to
the crack in your voice
when you talk about
your family
and you will get used
to the way I cry
over films with
or without
happy endings.
your smile won't mean
as much
and there will be few
and love will have become
a habit -- and we won't
notice it anymore
even though it is
still there, sitting
at the coffee table
or between us in the bed.
we will amount
to nothing --
but I don't mind.
 Jan 2014 K
One Day
 Jan 2014 K
One day
i’ll forget everything
news, politics,
wars and even creeds!
One day
i’ll forget that i lived
that i live
and that i will.
One day
I’ll cure my heart
my brain
and everything i feel.
One day
i’ll forget you
and again,
start to feel.
 Jan 2014 K
Master Blackie

You are naked awaiting your fate.


You are bound for my pleasure.


You rise with the fear of falling but I have you heart and soul.


The impact shudders through you like wave.


I see the look that indicates you enjoy


Your hunger takes hold of you and gorge yourself.


Your want is to feel my lust and it fulfilled.


You lay so still only just breathing but your mind is exploding.
 Jan 2014 K
Chelsea Gabbard
velvet melodies float lazily
from wood floors to vaulted ceilings
as you tell stories not just with your voice,
but with the tendons in your hands,
the curve of your lips,
and the wolf grey rounds of your eyes.

every word sends me spinning
into a place i've never been.
every letter, carefully dipped in honey,
sticks to my senses.

i am caught up in your goodness
like butterflies catch themselves on flower petals.
i am awestruck as baritone laughter rises into the air,
mingling with the scent of dust and dogwood trees.

and as the sun begins to lower itself into the river,
i realize that time means nothing
when the hands of the clock are entangled
in the dizzying twirl that is your presence.

we touch for a moment
and fate reminds me that sometimes
bodies collide and spark
the same way that stars do.
 Jan 2014 K
A wise man once said, "Water always wins."
     He's right.
For a long time I didn't know what you were.
     What you still are.
I never really thought about it. But now I know.
     You're water.
I did so well in the beginning. You were only a drizzle.
I carried my umbrella those first few days. But I must
have lost it along the way.

I ignored the raindrops for awhile, but you were
a force of Nature.

It began to pour, and you covered me.
You seeped into my very core, infecting
me like the Waters of MARS.

You were patient and persistent. You penetrated
my foundation, ripped open cracks, rotted the wood.
     And what's a body or soul with decaying support?

Water waits. Water cuts through mountains, carving canyons.
     You cut through me to make this.

What am I now? An eroded frame of what I once was?

That piece of mountain that you washed away, where
did it end up? Is it with you now?
      Can I stand without it?

Have you left a deep crevice, a permanent scar?
Have you ruined me forever, or can I still be
     as beautiful as the Grand Canyon?

— The End —