On the edges of things, I see
Bosch’s vision of hell
with dark comedy thrown in.
So many actors, all at odds,
acting just for themselves.
Actions indescribable, vile, senseless,
confusing and chaotic,
occasional good to randomize.
Chickens chasing corn.
Is there a collective moral consciousness?
Shifting, transactional alliances,
where is the common good?
Outside, I see a constantly shifting scene,
so many moving parts,
all independent, all self-indulgent
Kiss up, kick down.
What can happen next?
Better to be insulated in negative space,
disassociated from the brawl.
Or am I just being smug,
thinking I’m not a part of it all.
The empty self-delusion, that I’m different,
There is no negative space--
I too am in the pit,
fighting to survive.
Minute by minute.