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jvb Nov 2014
i don't know why but I decided to write
as and i opened up my notes and began to think about what to say,
after a few seconds your name came up on my screen for the first time in a very long time
coincident or not? all my other poems were about you
ive tried replacing what you ripped out inside of me with alcohol and drugs
i tried to find a new addiction, ****** another guy even
but it always has been and will be you, you're the one i want to be with
i could of seen us together for years, starting a family even
but now you are going down a bad path and I wish I could save you from it
I loved you and that's pretty much how it is and always will be
Until I can find a new addiction that will satisfy me like you did

i miss you R
no one can compare
Nov 2014 · 473
filtered dreams
jvb Nov 2014
Intoxicated and burnt, you looked like my past. The bruising memories and stories I tried to make last.

Rising from your ashes I have changed, threw away the narcotics and washed off the stains.

Comfortable and warm, he felt like the sun. He looks like my future and maybe the one.
but I know nothing will happen
Jul 2014 · 492
you can't have all of me
jvb Jul 2014
you can drain the life out of me
but alcohol will always remain in my veins

Jun 2014 · 458
jvb Jun 2014
I could take away all our memories
Take another shot to forget
I could run away into the trees
Tell the story of how we met

Get so blind drunk I end up in a bed
Telling a stranger of how my heart was bleeding
Tell myself what has happened is all done and said
Cry so much I find myself missing

I tried to forget your eyes and lips
The promise you made before we did it
I still haven't told anyone, your hands were on my hips
It wasn't until after, when my feelings hit

You effect me in every way, it's not just my heart
My head keeps spinning and I'm hiding in the dark
You've thrown me away and I'm tearing apart
Let's take this back to the first time in the park

I've changed who I'm talking about
I've had too much heart break for my own good
All I know is that I'm filled with constant doubt
You broke me apart and I knew you would
Jun 2014 · 381
jvb Jun 2014
we are fragile and tainted
resembling mosaics
broken pieces made into art
but the cracks are always visible
we can't get rid of the past
but we can learn from it
running away from them
because you didn't want to fall asleep with a stranger
but then waking up feeling alone
crawling back into their arms at 3:00am
and having them hold you tight
thinking maybe every things going to be alright
and if not
we will smash and fall
and be made into another piece
of broken art
Jun 2014 · 1.1k
jvb Jun 2014
****** whispers into my ear,
'come closer, I want you here'
pulls me closer and our lips first touch
his tongue is rough, but it's not enough
hands grabbing my waist, my *******
don't stop now, no time for rest
I feel it against me, our bodies grinding,
he lifts up my leg, were in perfect timing
he pulls me close and slides it in,
back and forth, my head starts to spin
slow or fast
I want this to last
all night long
this is where we belong
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, had writers block. But I'm back now xo
May 2014 · 392
end this
jvb May 2014
black tear drops
bleeding heart stops
time to say goodbye
for the last time
Apr 2014 · 551
high tide
jvb Apr 2014
Suffocated underneath the waves of blue,
Sinking down each second searching for you,
Hooks casting into the cold water surrounding me,
Clasping on, being reeled up into the shallow seas,
Hoping you would be there looking into the water,
Choosing me, over her.
not related anyone, just needed to write a poem. someone let me live next to a big cliff.
Apr 2014 · 342
jvb Apr 2014
I don't want to fall in love again,
Because I remember when he broke my heart,
I remember what time it was,
And I can't forget the way it took me 6 ******* months to move on,
I don't want to fall in love again,
Because it hurts thinking about kissing another,
He left my lips ripped and teared,
And they still aren't healed yet,
I don't want to fall in love again,
Because they say things your dad will never say,
And show you love from a man that you never knew,
I don't want to fall in love again,
Because when you look into his eyes,
You'll see pools of stories and fountains of memories that they won't reveal

And I don't want to fall in love again,
When he won't fall back in love with you
Apr 2014 · 288
jvb Apr 2014
I keep thinking you'll change your mind
And drop me like he did
You'll meet someone beautiful and kind
I have no chance, who am I to kid
always worried
Apr 2014 · 640
gonna call you sunshine
jvb Apr 2014
I decided to write a poem about you,
To express my feelings,
But as I put pen to paper,
I realised I didn't know what to write,
So I started reminiscing memories,
The way you smile when you look at me,
It's the kind of look you only see once in a lifetime,
And now I realise I don't want to share any of our other memories
Because a smile of yours is enough
To write a whole poem about
I feel safe
Apr 2014 · 371
The first night I slept
jvb Apr 2014
I used to be afraid of the dark,
Walking down my hall way at night.
Trees howling, falling pieces of bark,
Couldn't go anywhere without turning on a light.

So last night I walked down the hallway
I didn't turn around when I heard a sound,
Because I felt safe knowing that you weren't far away,
I fell asleep, knowing finally, I have been found
Mar 2014 · 353
literally an angel
jvb Mar 2014
you sat down on the grass across from me after a night of romance
the sun when behind your messy hair casting a halo of golden sunlight
and in that moment I knew you had to be mine and that I'm going to take a chance
I didn't have to try or pretend with you, everything was perfect, it feels right
kinda feel the happiest I've ever felt
Mar 2014 · 706
Suicide Note
jvb Mar 2014
I hate the person that I have become
I'm a disappointment to everyone
I'm sorry mum for always lying
I'm sorry dad for never trying
The world is such a bitter sight
I'm leaving for good, tomorrow night
Don't say sorry to anyone
They won't miss me when I'm done
Mar 2014 · 312
jvb Mar 2014
why am I so ******* vulnerable
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
jvb Mar 2014
What does silence feel like?
Silence feels like waiting at a train station at 3:00am.

What does silence look like?
Silence looks like seeing your dad walk out the door again.

What does silence taste like?
Silence tastes like cold leftovers from the night before.

But worst of all
Silence is seeing someone you love, with someone else.
Found this poem in my journal that I wrote a few months ago
Mar 2014 · 386
how to get over him
jvb Mar 2014
empty the fluids from your eyes,
and realise who was the villain in disguise.
take some time to let yourself heal,
so you know that, once the love was for real.
forgive yourself for the mistakes you made in the past,
hug your girls because you know their friendships will last.
go home and treat yourself to a nice book,
don't just take notice of the small things, take a closer look.
learn to love who you are,
know that your prince won't be too far.

live a little
Mar 2014 · 307
jvb Mar 2014
getting back into old habits
you don't need a diagnosis to be out of your head
you either get high on drugs and take a few hits
or slice up your thighs until you see red
Mar 2014 · 938
fucj OMG
jvb Mar 2014
My lips are dry from the amount of times I've bitten them
Trying to stop myself smiling every time I saw your face
You're the ray of sunshine reflecting a windows ledge
The million dollar diamond prize, the greatest race
Mar 2014 · 459
le gènie du mal
jvb Mar 2014
I feel your eyes on my back
You come in different forms
Your claws trace the wall, ready to attack
Your growls echo like thunder storms

I can't remember if that was a dream or not
But I know I definitely saw something tonight
You have always been present, I just forgot
I fear the day I see you in plain sight
I hate you
Mar 2014 · 576
the worst you'll ever feel
jvb Mar 2014
I will never feel the same again
You left me half satisfied
I know you're the perfect ten
But that doesn't mean you should've lied

I wish we could've made love
And sorted out our emotions
But they pushed you away with a quick shove
And now I'm left with no remaining notions
Sorry I'm posting so many poems
I've just got a lot of ******* **** going on
Mar 2014 · 597
jvb Mar 2014
if I killed myself tonight
what would you do
would you feel regretful
that you never said you loved me
or that you never felt the same way
and you were sorry for everything
but you never got the chance to say it
would you come to my funeral
would you cry for me
because if you died
I'd die too
and I wouldn't be able to go to your funeral
because i'd be lying in a grave next to you
and even though you'll never talk to me
i am still in love with you
and everything I do is for **you
I said you a lot
Mar 2014 · 404
hate to love
jvb Mar 2014
the relationship was fake
you didn't feel her embrace
I was the last one you touched
so why is it that you have crushed
my heart all over again
I wanted to be more than a friend
you promised to message me
please don't disappear and flee
you're the only one I desire
a relationship built on fire
come over tonight and make me smile
even if it's only for a little while
don't read into it
Mar 2014 · 311
jvb Mar 2014
The feeling is coming back to me
The urge to slide the blade across a vein
When your eyes are full of tears so clouded
It's the only thing to comfort my pain

And it's not to do with him or her
It's not to do with the ones who attack
But the ones who help you up may also prefer
To stab you with a knife in your back

I'm sick of coming home to a mind
Racing and worrying about people who don't make the effort to call
That's why I've been looking, trying to find
Someone to be my one and all

I'm not trying to replace anyone
I just want some alone time to find myself
And if you see me sitting alone, please don't come
I'm happier to be put up on a shelf
Mar 2014 · 376
your type
jvb Mar 2014
distracted eyes
as you walk by
i try so much
you're always far from touch

is this all for nothing
cos I'm looking for more than just something
because I did have someone
but please don't run

i swear i'm over him
and this time i want to win
but i will never play a game for you
because that's how hearts are torn in two
the past is haunting me but the future is so hard to get close to? what do you do when you are in love with two ..
Feb 2014 · 806
you needed me
jvb Feb 2014
I feel sorry for you,
I know all you really want is someone who will listen.

I can see the dark clouds hanging over your head, casting blue,
But you put on a mask and walk around like your on top of the moon.

I hope you find someone who will care,
Even though we both know that I'm the only one who understood.

But you played the game, and you didn't play fair,
I feel sorry for you, because no one would've loved you, like I could.
I'm sorry, but it's over. And I feel so sorry for you.
Feb 2014 · 638
jvb Feb 2014
it's 8:00am and i'm on my way to school,
the bus is crowded, full of people so cruel.

at 11:00am i've had my first subject,
how do people make friends, it's so hard to connect.

i made it to 3:00pm to take the bus home,
finally a place where I can be alone.

at 7:00pm we have dinner, its so quiet,
all shallow conversation, like we are strangers who just met.

by 10:00pm i'm lucky to be here,
drowned in my own tears i'm consumed by fear.

2:00am and I can't feel anymore,
someone tear my heart, leave me torn.
someone help me
jvb Feb 2014
she had eyes that could tear out your soul or make you fall in love, in less than a second.

and all the boys wanted her because she was hard to get,  and they liked a challenge.

she was the fire that never stopped burning because  she was constantly fumed by flames.

her mind was a maze that no one could get through, only one who was true
tam this ain't about you, expect the eyes part ;)
Feb 2014 · 1.6k
jvb Feb 2014
don't go looking for love,
love will find you

if you go looking for love,
you are leaving yourself vulnerable to sharks

and they are everywhere, blood thirsty
so be careful, to not go searching for love
I'm just going to wait, I'm not going to make a move. If someone really likes you it will happen.
Feb 2014 · 2.5k
it's my birthday soon
jvb Feb 2014
when she turned 6 she asked for an art kit
so she could turn her dreams into drawings

when she turned 10 she asked for a curling iron
so she could be as pretty as the girls in the magazines

when she turned 14 she asked for books
so she could make something of herself

but when she turned 17 she asked to die
because she realised that she would never be anything special and dreams don't come true
Jan 2014 · 510
dead inside
jvb Jan 2014
'Take a shower', she said
As if it's going to wash off my mood
But I'm not tired mum
Can't you see that I'm suffering?

The pain is on the inside
It's in my mind and I can't escape it
I want to be in the dark alone
Leave me alone forever
.disconnecting myself.
Jan 2014 · 441
Car rides
jvb Jan 2014
Beautiful girl behind a closed door
Open up I want to hear more
Take my hand for the night holds the unknown
And I don't want to be left on my own

You're turning around, hiding from the truth?
Let go of your past and enjoy your youth
Don't go back to the person who fears the light
Take my hand, come into the night
Dec 2013 · 462
2 0 1 3
jvb Dec 2013
curiosity** kills
everyone seems so eager for the thrills
we all partake to have a good time
wasting every penny, every dime
ruined houses and ruined hearts
we all expose our scared pasts
don't trespass into our crimes
we are the kids who will ruin your minds

— The End —