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justoneman May 2019
Be careful of what you wish for
Be careful of what you become
Pandora's Curiosity - Emotions overrun

For I'm becoming undone
A sensory overload
A torrential flood the prophets forebode.

See me slowly erode
I can feel it all
The Universe collapsing into a black hole.

Oh' Wailing Wall
If only you could cry
The struggle of survival - you oddly defy.

Now what must I imply
bearing a dead load
Making a wall from a yellow brick road.
justoneman May 2019
I see that you're broken
Tired and cold.
I know that you're lonely,
Unconsoled, and only eleven years old.

No place to call home,
No space to breathe,
No one to speak to,
In nothing to believe.

I can't fix the past,
Can't heal the pain.
I can't carry your burden,
Can't justify, nor explain.

But I offer my heart,
An open ear, a gentle touch.
I can keep you company,
When the loneliness is too much.

So let me sit by you
To share our hopes and fears.
Let me cry for you
When you've run out of tears.

For I know the sound of a broken heart,
The tedious timbre of regret.
But even the saddest song,
Sounds better in a duet.
To my brother.
justoneman May 2019
Pain perpetuates Pain
Pills push themselves.

I've been chasing Dragons before I could walk
                                                 before I could talk.

Singing eulogies to the undead
             Manifesting the unsaid

The unspoken secret we hide from ourselves.

I've hurt others.

I'm hurting myself.
justoneman May 2019
I can see the suffering in your eyes
Can feel it in the silence.
Overcoming Emptiness. An Absurdist defiance.

I want to share your spirits
Bring you into mine
Sentience to Sentience. Ego-less Divine.

For I'd drink from your Sorrow
If it lower the Tide
But even Atlas shrugged when Sisyphus died.

— The End —