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Justinian May 2010
Swift is the laughter
that takes my
breath away.
As quick as it came,
it's gone,
eclipsing this beautiful day.
Justinian May 2010
Into the unknown we traverse,
Knowing it...
Becoming it...
Living it...
Reconciliation of this shines light
on the darkness of the fact,
Ultimately playing a hand
in shedding the curse.
Justinian May 2010
A trip of your lifetime they say!
Prepare for the ride:
Disown your despair,
get to know mirth,
dispatch all sense of malevolence.
Today is a good day.
We will take a step into a realm uncharted,
existence there is perpetual,
vibrant in the ways of the metaphysical.
The ones long lost.
Incipient familiarity shines in your eyes,
we've been here before,
but never have we seen this place.
My tentative mind begins to discern the real.
You begin to put the mosaic back together,
each piece luxuriant in knowledge.
From a spell unforgotten,
expressing a plaintive vibe,
yet savoring the exuberance of knowing:
We are existing in a world,
that exists in a world,
within itself.
Justinian May 2010
Across the beaten path of time,
Up the river bank dressed in thyme.
A broken soul waits to be met,
Complete only by the love I’ve kept.
She waits for me to sing,
a sonnet that speaks of everything.
Of deep kisses and late night phone calls,
Of adoration, joy, or nothing at all.
She can taste the words I speak,
She’s been swept right off her feet.
The breeze picks up,
Daylight rescinds,
Trees begin to dance in the wind.
I step towards her,
Hoping to feel her embrace,
I'm captivated by her unfaltering grace.
The winds stop.
The trees stand still.
The water quiets.
The night is chill.
Back down the river bank dressed in thyme,
Back across the beaten path of time,
I’ve returned from the forest and the soul within,
With more energy than I can hold in.
The soul returns with me from above,
and she has become an outlet for my love.
Justinian May 2010
the color of my
I awake.
A monster in my
own realm.
Justinian Apr 2010
Lost somewhere
in the tangled thorny depths of the real,
I know not where I stand.
around and around,
retracing my steps,
until the chance of something familiar.
An alien world I behold,
extraterrestrial surroundings and landscapes.
Seeing as nothing screams home,
I dive into the only thing I know,
Justinian Apr 2010
The Moon sleeps and slips beneath the horizon,
while the sun wakes and takes its place in the sky.
I feel the warmth of its rays on my face,
and I feel her breath as she lays by my side.
My mind sparks and my heart begins to jump,
and when I finally roll over,
I'm met by her gaze.
Oh that expression she wears so right...
I shall awake to such perfection for the rest of my days.
And one by one,
the minutes fade,
the seconds stop,
time halts and everything becomes clear.
My thoughts, my feelings, my love, my purpose.
In her eyes I'm confirmed,
she deserves all of my years.
And as I lay there and marvel at her beauty,
she moves closer and sinks into my arms.
Her scent washes over me and surges through my body.
Here I am secure,
safe from all harm.
She's noticed my transfixed stare,
and she kisses my nose and whispers into my ear:
"I see the look of longing in your eyes,
so tell me, tell me everything you see, my dear."
That same bashful smile slithers its way across my face,
and I begin my reply:
I see two young kids so far in love they're lost in each other.
I see a first kiss and shy fingers meeting for the first time.
I see years of emotion and unexplainable feelings.
And I see gridlocked stares and naked bodies intertwine.
I see promises for the future and plans to the end of time.
I see a family ready to be brought to life.
I see our lives being brightened by the joy of living them together.
I see my first love.
I see my only love.
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