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3.6k · Mar 2013
Grumpy Pops
Justina Ikehi Mar 2013
Old grump not so pleased
Out to see what's at ease
In the winter cold deep freezing
Gentle words melts his heart that's a first
Oh! Quit teasing
Slow to talk yes he stutters which we find kind'er amusing
Rolled away cast aside old and frail free from using
What's the fuss all about in his eyes it looked confusing
Watch your step! Missed a step
Broke a leg not so easy
2.1k · Mar 2013
Telling Lies
Justina Ikehi Mar 2013
Home that's where I go
To recalibrate
To recoup lost energies
To recount all those tales
That filtered in so much lies
To the sea by the shore
Traipsing on the sand
Salty air clears the head
Of false thoughts lingering near
On the bed under clean sheets
Looking at excel worksheets
Joggling figures in thousands and millions
Trying to close in all the gaps
All but creative accounting lies
With books under wraps is hidden more lies
Officers here to uncover gave up their find
1.6k · Dec 2013
Justina Ikehi Dec 2013
Man's creative mind is not limited to inventing things.
Man was also made to create TIME
and until you start creating TIME
you wont be on your way to becoming
the greatest inventor of all TIME!!
1.1k · Mar 2013
Justina Ikehi Mar 2013
Your love got me strucked
It felt like being hit by a moving truck
At first i couldn't cope with the collusion
Its impact was without redemption
I began to get better when I gave into the pains
That's what made it all the more plain
Even when i came to heal
It was hard i was still head over heels
So i asked how do one get saved
Especially if you did love in vain  
No one knows the answer to that
Or seem to connect the dots right
Now hopelessness has set in
Where do I lay my head when there is no inn
See I haven't a heart to call my own
Oh no I should have known
That this love would get me knocked
And my world would get stucked
Now all alone I must reap the cost
Love stricken I feel so hurt
965 · Mar 2013
Blue Shoes
Justina Ikehi Mar 2013
I need those blue shoes
Pumps so high elegant they stand
In the streets with each step cat calls I hear
With colour blocking ascents that is how they come
A beautiful collectionJimmy Choos no doubt

Now take your pick
Royal, navy, baby it's blue
Classy and beffitting just for a queen
Prim and proper eyelashes I flutter
For a night out with him I did choose you still.
705 · Mar 2013
Justina Ikehi Mar 2013
Still still calmness I feel
Lasting it shall be
When I let it free
Soothing to my soul
Healthy I know
That is the way to go
I should take charge control
Of this situation reeling
Nemisis and karma if real
With disdain it is sealed
669 · Feb 2014
Voice Your Dreams
Justina Ikehi Feb 2014
Voice Your Dreams

Verse 1
Like no other I will sing
I will raise my voice to my dreams
No one can hold me back
It’s the dream I dreamed winning
Even when there was no one who believed
The world awaits the true me
A reflection of this dream I will sing

The dream has a voice
Louder I can hear it
Ponder it won’t be wrong
The dream has a voice (x2)
To stand for what is fair and right
A glimpse of a better world is in sight

Verse 2
With our lips tied and laced
They race to grab what’s left of us
Frail in heart if we keep shut
And let those who’s got a hold shoot at us
Now our voice we must employ
For a closed mouth is a closed destiny
The dream we dreamed must shine forth

The dream has a voice
Louder I can hear it
Ponder it won’t be long
The dream has a voice (x2)
To stand for what is fair and right
A glimpse of a better world is in sight

I am no dreamer
I am a believer
To love, to care to give so much I will
Let’s all join in and sing
For we win together still
We’re gonna see it become a reality
This song is dedicated to all the people of the world whose dreams and aspirations are trodden down by inhumane government policies from Kiev in Ukraine to Thailand to Venezuela to Syria. PEACE
667 · Mar 2013
Justina Ikehi Mar 2013
When you pray and seem not to get any result
Don't think or say that all is lost
Or be bothered by your foes insults
Be not dismayed trust in God
Build your faith continue in good works
For God will yet answer and save your soul from rust
666 · Mar 2013
Justina Ikehi Mar 2013
Here take a cup
Help yourself to some tea
It is sure to rid you of this hiccups
In a minute you will see

Drive the pick up
And take us to the zoo
We are eager to see the baby lion cubs
All playing with their mum's too

I will get us ice cream and lollipops
Just stay in lane
We'll all get tickets so please stop!
And we shall get to hear them din despite the rain
647 · May 2013
Justina Ikehi May 2013
Too many needs wants to make me take to my heels
I want to go to Greece may be end up in Leeds
There is much greed in my society al making me want to take ****
Talking to my sister how i wish we were brought up as Queens
Then it would have been much easier cos we will have everything for free
I ask must i bleed to make ends meet?
This cycle is hopeless or just mind jobless
It hurts the more passing through highstreet
Only to see stuffs we cant have which stings like a bee
Pocket Holes, Bank Rupts, Savings Lost, Shoes Chopped, Coats Patched
**These need dear not bring me to my knees!!
638 · Mar 2013
This Man
Justina Ikehi Mar 2013
Is it love, lust or pure fascination?
Could someone please tell me the difference?
The yearnings I feel inside
How I dare get lost

This emotions are indescribable
Would not know if they are the same
Hope it is not a hallucination a figment of my imaginations
I just can’t get him off my mind!

At a distance am sure I can
Apart I know this desire won’t fizzle
Aching to be near wanting to be there
Must I remain here?

Now from this Man I try
To redeem myself
Love I feel, deep indeed
Lust I think, rust I will
Intriguing I see he caught my fancy.
*Oh Dear me!
560 · Mar 2013
Justina Ikehi Mar 2013
Carry on the world doesn't give a hoot!
A full frown is not worth your crown
It's rare to gain a trophy for that
The town is in the dark lights all blown out
The cords you'd sown **** you down below
Just to get your spirit weak and low
Watch out next time it's the wall you'll face
Therefore be careful to concern all thyself
With matters that are cheerful and hale
For the one who gets furrows is surely you
How you choose to carry on is your peas
So let the heart free and tell it to the face
That everything is just gonna be fine
If we continually keep at it  
We 're soon to infect our neighbours with our chi
Way to go we can reach the world
Rich or poor is up to us.
459 · Dec 2013
Justina Ikehi Dec 2013
this reaction , the reaction
applause in the air, cheers in the streets, admiration in their eyes
feeling so real

this reaction, that reaction
boos awaiting , jeers of foul language  scorn on their faces
cant wait to get out of here
Justina Ikehi Mar 2013
Tired of falling in and out of love
Carried and dashed by the wave of this love
Lied to so many times just because I love
Cried my eyes out to sleep hurting in love
Tried it done it now regrets filled for love
Dried out left to thaw after it all*.

— The End —