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327 · Mar 2012
Play Right.
J M Surgent Mar 2012
It’s funny,
It started with a play.
A date, to watch a friend live life
Set forth by words on a page.
Now one year later,
New words are being said.
And you’re back home,
Not here,
You’re back home
With new love in your head
With new love in your bed.
I hope he makes your heart
Beat faster than I did.
323 · Jan 2012
J M Surgent Jan 2012
If love itself is not immortal,
Then loneliness I would rather find,
Than to live a life with love alive,
Only to watch it slowly die.
317 · Oct 2013
Heart Thief
J M Surgent Oct 2013
I can’t steal her heart,
But I can steal back mine
So that’s what I’ll do
In the dead of night,
I’ll sneak back
Into her life
And bring back home
What I know is mine.
316 · Jan 2013
Poets and Prophets
J M Surgent Jan 2013
Sometimes I wish life was simpler,
But then there would be no need for the poets and the prophets,
Of which I am neither.
311 · Dec 2013
J M Surgent Dec 2013
I saw you,
We took pictures,
I wanted to hold you,
But you made it clear
I never would
And now I’m weightless
In Western Mass,
And I’m ready
To try to fly,
304 · Jan 2014
Fall in Love
J M Surgent Jan 2014
Remember when people used to want to fall in love?
Me too.

That was a long time ago.
303 · Feb 2014
Price of Love
J M Surgent Feb 2014
Falling in love is cheaper
Than talking to you,
So that's what I think I'm going to do.
That's what I'm going to do.
291 · Dec 2013
J M Surgent Dec 2013
I drank a bottle of wine with a friend, and after a time he said
"I haven't even figured myself out, I don't know what to tell you,"
To which I replied, in time,
"Sometimes, I fear we never do."
287 · Dec 2013
Love Songs
J M Surgent Dec 2013
I’ve written a lot of love songs,
But none more honest
Than saying
We tried
And failed,
And that’s all there is to us.
286 · Jul 2013
The Girl
J M Surgent Jul 2013
And you think to yourself,
“There’s only one girl I want back in the world,”
But you don’t want her back, Jay.
You never wanted her back bud,
Because you never wanted her to begin with.
That love was a false idea of a prize
Like something given away at a fair;
You can’t love girl who gives it all away
So easily.
No, Jay, not you,
You can’t.
You never wanted her back
Because you never wanted her to start.
274 · Oct 2013
Old Pictures
J M Surgent Oct 2013
A friend posted old pictures of me today,

From high school,

From another time, really

And all I can see

Is how my smile has changed

So cynically.
265 · Jul 2013
J M Surgent Jul 2013
There wasn’t even
A single note
In the box
Of the things I owned
That you sent back home
258 · Dec 2013
In Time
J M Surgent Dec 2013
In time
  We will become lost
     In all that we have
246 · Oct 2013
On Writing
J M Surgent Oct 2013
It hurt to write before,
But now that I know
So many people see my words,
It makes every cut a little bit deeper
And reminds me
You all understand love
The same as me.
244 · Dec 2013
J M Surgent Dec 2013
Many days,
I live in the present,
And I am content,
Happy even,
Until I'm reminded
That the future is coming,
And I must prepare.
I must prepare,
Because tomorrow is coming
And holds
Endless opportunities
I have yet to comprehend.
239 · Oct 2013
Follower Lost
J M Surgent Oct 2013
I felt
Oddly alone
Once I realized you stopped following my blog.
Because I did it
For you
In the summer
Of my 21st year
In the comfort
Of warm summer's heat
And the promise
Of seeing you soon.

Now I realize
I’ve been alone all along.
234 · Oct 2013
Some Girl
J M Surgent Oct 2013
You are just some girl
I dated
Then hated.
Nothing more,
Is what you deserve.
I’ve moved on.
230 · Oct 2013
J M Surgent Oct 2013
You realize you’re not the light
You thought you were in someone’s life.
That’s alright.

— The End —