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Justin Mark Nov 2013
A dab will do ya...
So thought the eager young man
But for me
No such sentence can be formed
A monster lit up by dance floor discos
To high to think
Rolling in the deep
******* has ravaged my state
We dance like fiery mad demons
Demonstrating our lust for life
At night we come alive
At dawn we love
Her soft skin is milky upon my touch
We unwind and laugh at our mistakes
Justin Mark Nov 2013
Life is so beautiful
Last night I had a dream I died
I have never been afraid of death
But when I awoke...
Death is not to be feared, I thought
For it is the only constant,
The only guarantee
But upon my blue eyes squinting open...
I glance and peer at this magnificent dimension
Immediately overtaken with joyous energy
For the Earth has blessed me this day!
Priveleged to be here, now,
Smelling the sweet air of blossoming Pagodas.
Peering through the looking glass of my soul,
I unveil a kaleidoscope of colors and emotions.
For the Heavens have blessed me this day!
Rememberance of everyone before me,
I live today for you,
I will take your place,
Replenish Gaia,
For we are her children,
Oh, how I love you blessed life,
And I shan't ne'er take you for granted.
Justin Mark Nov 2013
The rocks come alive
with the spoken screams of adolescents
Here the passion overrides all
We dance like mad children
Illuminating the earths vibrations
The feeling is real
The feeling is alive
I look to my left and discover fire
Nocturnal indoctrination
Justin Mark Nov 2013
For what possesses man to sabotage himself?
Always wanting the unobtainable
Sacrificing worthy causes in the process
Love, passion, lust?
Priorities and prerogatives left unchecked
When man's mind desires run away
How could we focus?
With such amazing beauty
Man cares not of consequence
Or of outcome
Man proposes and propositions
In hopes of obtaining
Justin Mark Oct 2013
A washed in unabashed cynicism
Eyes fluttering around batting once at prospective ideals
We've lost our wild
We've gained our security
Was it worth it?
Justin Mark Aug 2013
Who are we if not free?
Propagized by our parents, the media
Spoon-fed and indoctrinated,
No truth here just facts, manipulated and coerced,
We the idles of society, too afraid to stand out with our opinions,
Opinions of righteousness,
We deserve knowledge,
We crave for a free society,
But atlas do we deserve such an entity?
Wake up!
Too scared to speak, to scarce to form
Justin Mark Dec 2012
Awaken from the dreams
Nightmares all around
Caustic waves of infidelity
What transpires at nightfall
Is epitomized into everyday life
Different being

— The End —