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Justin Chapman Aug 2017
I believe there is a moment in time,
Where time stops being
Where the ego stops seeing,
What is time to us but a dose of mortality?
With a dash of mendacity.

It is when we cease to project,
When we cease to regret
That time stops being,
And the ego stops seeing.

Living in the now,
Is harder to do that it seems,
It takes an acceptance of past mistakes
And a relinquishing of future dreams

And when time is stopped for that second,
And you become the experience
Do you realise that for it you always beckoned.

The future may never come,
And the past is all but a thought away from done,
And the constant thoughts in torrents come,

Sit back, stay a while and experience.
It may take a while, have patience

Living in the now, with a thoughtless mind,
Is consciousness greatest gift,
Up and away does it hate lift,
As it renders the ego blind.
Justin Chapman Aug 2017
We water it daily when we discriminate,
The permeating foliage of hate.
And It continued to grow,
Always feeding off the dying lovers’ sorrow

We cultivated the land beneath its roots,
With a dichotomy of false hue,
We made way for the dark shoots
Ignorantly and blindly with not an ounce of a clue

The foliage destroyed the shrubbery of love
And It razed the home of the peaceful dove

It began to reach out of sight,
High up above, and the hatred took flight
And day insidiously became night

It blotted out the once blue sky
The light struggled to shine through,
And the hope of a new garden had already begun to die

With ill intentions, we tried to trim it
With a dogmatic shear,
We said, “Join us, not them, lest the foliage consume you and all you hold dear”

Still, higher it climbed -
Heavenward near.
Snatching away everything that we hold dear,
And still we fed it with a callous fear
Until it became too late
And upon the dying land, lay our fate.

In darkness we did grieve,
Blaming each other
For that hopeful day,
We blindly threw asunder,
And now all bereave

We belatedly now see our blunder,
The love we forgot, the united we did plunder,
And the compassion that we pushed deep under.

If once together we had came,
Armed with a singular burning loving flame,
And Burnt away the Hate.
We shalt have woven in time -
The foliage’s deserved fate.

And If United we had tended -
The garden of compassion,
We shalt have the foliage its fate rendered.
Love would then be a reality and not something to be remembered.
But we sharpened our shears with Hatred,
And not Compassion, Tolerance and Love
And nowhere in sight,
Could we still see the remnants of the peaceful Dove.

And in darkness our hearts grow colder
And compassion was no longer to be found
He hath aeons back retreated over the yonder

And forevermore we shall look back in darkness,
And see, that with shears laced in love – the foliage would be a carcass
A winter shrub in all its starkness,
A **** that was easily plucked,
But it is too late, the land is dry and from it all loving humanity was ******.

The desolate, deep foliage encumbered forest
Bereft of care, not a shimmer of hope left amongst it

The last root of the rose is gone,
Hatred has taken over,
And it has finally won
And the last seed of solicitudes days are finally done.
I fear hate may win, if we allow our compassion and tolerance grow thin
Justin Chapman Aug 2017
Today I miss you,
In fact, I always do
Outside the sky is blue,

But so is my heart
It longs for our start

The Dove and the Swan
Together, United, finally as one

The void is there,
And soon apart my heart it shall tear

And render Swan an abstraction of a man
And Dove’s ocean will stay and empty dam

But in due time,
Dove can flutter into my arms,
And I can embrace her as mine
The void will be no more
And again, life will flourish on the ocean shore
Flutter near my dove
Justin Chapman Aug 2017
The outside world can disappear,
With the closing of a door,
The muffling of an ear

It’s a small little space,
But it is my safe place

Many books cover my desk,
Papers with scribbles of thoughts,
Seemingly grotesque.

In one particular book I find,
A gathering of words to comfort my mind
It speaks of an outside world not known to me,
A world filled with a compassionate love that is carefree

I wonder if it could ever be so,
Should I take the risk and attempt to know?
I ask the other book and it tells me no,
A world awaits filled with intolerance and guns with hatred filled ammo

Which is fiction and which is not?
Perception makes the one the other,
And in my mind resides the words beneath the hardcover.

And if found in the world of intolerance,
I will try and love my brother.
And when this becomes too hard,
I will return to my small little space,
And find more words
This time however,
I may just read, and sleep
Justin Chapman Aug 2017
The Swan, in solitude wonders
What he can offer Dove
Besides his wordly blunders,
Swan has his eternal love

Swan wants Dove to be secure,
But also wants dove to be free
The poverty is a tenure
The struggle an illusion

For no matter how sad Dove feels
Swan will be there, right on her heels
For Swan knows happiness comes not from wealth
But from a deep content, from a loving mouth

Swan will try his best and may fail,
There will be joyous days of sun
And monstrous days of hail

But Dove will always know
That deep down,
Underneath the worldly frown
The seed of love continues to grow
Justin Chapman Aug 2017
The thinker thinks,
And the lover loves

He reads and reads all day.
She holds his hand and guides his way

He struggles with doubts
She shows him the loving routes

He contemplates the meaning of things
Her voice stills his thoughts, as it beautifully sings

He thinks life a puzzle to be solved
She shows him that around love it has always revolved

He tries to find purpose in mendacity
She comforts him with a compassionate voracity

He now knows that he may know less
She tells him not to worry and help her zip her dress
To my dear lover, thank you for always stilling my over-thinking mind. If love exists, and kindness too - I think I may have just found it in you
Justin Chapman Aug 2017
The path we travel through life
Is each our own
The trail behind us is a collage of love and hate
Before us, the overgrown shrubbery of fate

The troubles we face and have overcome,
Accumulate and all make us our own one

We cannot know what path the other has tread
What things he has seen or what has filled his head

Let us as a gathering of one
Come together and intolerance shun
For we never know how worn the traveller's shoes
Or how deep or shallow are his heart’s blues

So, when we look upon another wanderer
Let us do so in kindness,
And knowledge
Of the hardships he undertook,
treading through the fateful foliage

As each individual drop in the sea
Comes together as a powerful wave
The land trembles and recedes at its wake
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