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Mar 2015 · 356
Tears on Your Arms
JustBeingMe Mar 2015
Everyone has scars
But you're showing me yours.
The deep, red cuts
Like tears on your arms.
Each small line
Is something so big.
Too big.
Maybe not to me, but to you,
Isn't it?
I wouldn't know.
My only scars being from
A scrap, fall, or something more raw.
Something more raw.
Family, friends, lovers, simply reality
Each so beautiful,
But in the end those are the ones.
The ones that draw the most blood.
Those are the ones.
The ones that remind us.  
They stay on your arm,
Your own personal lifeline.
Who knew a razor
Would keep you going?
Slipping on your feet,
But never truely falling.
Jan 2015 · 393
Nothing Ever Happened
JustBeingMe Jan 2015
Slow tears
Trickle down my face
From my tight hold

Soar throat
As I scream so loud
The only one that hears

Strictly together
I cover my wounds
That nothing ever happened
Dec 2014 · 317
The Constant Battle
JustBeingMe Dec 2014
I look at you
And I see us.
In love.
But then they talk.

I hear them
And I understand their
For me.
But then I see you.

It's a constant battle
Inside of me.
Against one another.
And I can't decide.
Dec 2014 · 558
Stupid confessions
JustBeingMe Dec 2014
Confessing is pointless
It's a two way street
That only has one
Right answer

You can't confess
Without disappointing
Someone's always hoping
For the answer they want

I wanted your confession
But I got it
And your honest answer
Was the wrong one.
Nov 2014 · 391
JustBeingMe Nov 2014
I thought I was done,
I thought me hurting over you
had stopped,
that me smiling at him
would cause the flashbacks
to vanish.
They did stop-
until now.
Maybe they came back because
even though we never had
you seemed to be everything,
and you're everywhere.
You're in the songs I hear,
the sarcastic comments I make,
and the lists we created together.
But with each of these things
comes a red flag
that I chose not to see.
Like how every song we sang
is the saddest of them all.
Or maybe it's because I found out
another lie,
another game changer.
That I wasn't the only one
that you kissed,
Not the only one you used that
great line on.
Or walked away from without
a single ******* glance.
You didn't think I'd find out, right?
"Make a mistake or regret one"
The words that haunt me.
The words that played me for
a fool
on that magical night.
Or maybe they came back
for none of these reasons.
Maybe it's because not only
did you throw away
what we could've been,
but our friendship too.
And I loved you.
So I hate you for that.
I hate that I can't even look at you
because it's not even you anymore,
you've become a monster to me,
and you hid him so well.
But most of all I hate that every time
I look at you
I can still hear those words,
those promises,
and taste your lying lips
so perfectly.
Feel your hands touching my back
taking me to where it all began.
Where we began.
Where this began.
But even more I hate
that I have the power.
and the will,
to hate you this deeply,
and for all this,
I hate myself.
Sorry for the length.
Nov 2014 · 373
Your Sad Lonely Song
JustBeingMe Nov 2014
Im still mad,
but not for the reasons
you're thinking.
I'm still mad for different
reasons completely.

I'm mad
that we couldn't be.
That you chose
to keep walking,
away from me.

I'm mad
that I let you play me.
Yes you strung me,
like chords on your
sad, lonely guitar

But mostly I'm mad
that you're still
in my heartbroken mind,
with me hearing that
sad, lonely song,
that you play so well.
Nov 2014 · 276
Out of the Shadows
JustBeingMe Nov 2014
She's out of shadows
The sun shining on her face
As she walks to him.
Oct 2014 · 342
Little Broken Road
JustBeingMe Oct 2014
Feeling hollow
she goes,
all alone,
down her sad,
broken road.
Stepping over
that she calls
her mistakes,
Cars rushing,
they leave her
behind to deal.
To see,
that it isn't
That it's really
She knows this,
of course,
but she can't help
but feel
out of sorts.
So broken hearted.
They crushed her,
you see,
and she just
has to believe,
that she
has the strength
to pull herself up
Oct 2014 · 324
My fault.
JustBeingMe Oct 2014
She waits for his answer
But she already knows
See this isn't the first time.

Again he took her
And she let him once again
No, this isn't the first time.

I let myself fall
Again getting hurt
But knowing it was my fault.

Always my fault.
I know this isn't the best, but it fits for me.
Oct 2014 · 387
JustBeingMe Oct 2014
Blue skys
So beautiful
Until they turn to storm
Filling with clouds
And treacherous harm.

Yellow flowers
So sweet
Until they turn to brown
Breaking with a touch
And letting you down.

Green trees
So bold
Until lightning strikes
Cutting off limbs
That didn't fit quite right.

Our kiss
So tasteful
Until promises were broken
Tears always made
Making everything change.
Oct 2014 · 304
Things I'll never say
JustBeingMe Oct 2014
One thing I hate about today
Is no one can talk.
Somehow along the way
Everyone forgot
They forgot what it's like
To look in the eyes of the
Person they're talking to.
To actually see the conversation in the faces;
Not in writing.
What happened to make us think that we weren't
good enough
to say what we had to
In person.
Why are we so scared to speak the words
we so badly need to say?
But instead we hide behind the phone.
It saves us right?
We hide behind it because in person we feel useless.
No one realizes that you're more useless through writing.
People need to realize
That we can still be strong.
We can still say the words
That we feel necessary.
We don't have to choke them down
Bite our tongues
Or just simply keep quiet.
We can speak loud.
We can speak true.
But of course,
These are things I'll never say.
Oct 2014 · 396
When I see that dress
JustBeingMe Oct 2014
When I see that dress
I hear the slow songs
The songs that pulled us close

When I see that dress
I smell the cologne you wore
The scent I won't ever forget.

When I see that dress
I see your eyes looking at me
The sight made my legs numb.

When I see that dress
I taste your lips on mine
The kiss that will haunt me.

When I see that dress
I feel the torture
The torture of knowing
That  it meant nothing.
Oct 2014 · 925
Our moment.
JustBeingMe Oct 2014
In one moment
Everything is different
Things shift
People change

In that moment
Everything came to a stop
Things became blurry
People vanished.

In our moment
Everything was quite
Things slowed
We were so close

In the moment
You pulled me closer
We locked eyes
Then your lips were on mine

In one moment
Everything was different with us.
Things became greatly shifted
And people watched as I
Fell for you again.
Oct 2014 · 257
Leaf Covered Ground.
JustBeingMe Oct 2014
When I think of you
I see the snow.
We paved our path

When I think of you
I see the puddles.
We jumped them together

When I think of you
I see the rain.
It hurt my heart.

When I think of you
I see the flowers.
They replaced us.

When I think of you
I see the leaves.
We picked them up.

When I think of you
I see all of these
Again and again.
We made them.

Until suddenly
When I think of you
I see nothing.
All lost in our eyes.

But there's still a trail in the snow,
and a puddle to jump.  
Rain that hurts my heart,
and  flowers that replace us.

All is there but the leaves.
Left on the ground
Never picked up again.
Oct 2014 · 1.5k
Tiny Pebbles
JustBeingMe Oct 2014
No one notices
The tiny pebbles.
How much space
they can hold;
How much meaning
They can possess.

No one realizes
That small things
Can be big things
They start of small
But grow, and grow;
Those small pebbles
Hold everything.

No one understands
That those pebbles,
Tiny as can be
Hold bigger things;
Taking them away
Sends huge, rolling boulders
Your way.
Sep 2014 · 294
That little bird
JustBeingMe Sep 2014
That little bird
In the corner
It flies toward the sun.

It flies and flies
And never looks back
Not until it is reached.

For I am that bird
And the light, my life
And I intend to get it.
Aug 2014 · 6.2k
One Sided Love
JustBeingMe Aug 2014
When I think of you
I see your smile
Shining like the sun above
It brightens up my world.

When I think of you
I feel your eyes on me
Heavy, like gravity
You keep holding me up.

When I think of you
I hear your words
Loud as thunder
They tumble in my head.

When I think of you
I ******* tears
Sour as vinegar
They flood my cheeks.

When I think of you
I hear my one sided love
Distant as the stars in the sky
You reach for her.
Aug 2014 · 372
Un Forgetful Tears
JustBeingMe Aug 2014
She hears the words
They sting
And remind her
Of all she'll never be

She closes the door
It stays closed
And reminds her
She lost again

She caves into herself
Alone in a corner
And feels the tears
the un forgetful tears.
Jul 2014 · 301
The clouds
JustBeingMe Jul 2014
You are the blue sky
To her amazing world
Of sunshine.
But I.
I am the clouds.
Watch out
Rain soon follows.
Jul 2014 · 363
I am infinite.
JustBeingMe Jul 2014
As we drive
I feel the summer night.
The smell of lake water
Thick in the air
Makes me feel home.
The feel of sand
between my toes
Reminds me of good times.
The taste of sunshine
Pressed upon my smile
Makes me giggle with you.
The sound of rushing wind
Through my hair
Makes me feel like I could fly.
I see the trees whipping by
As we drive down the
Long summer road.
And I'm infinite.
Jul 2014 · 270
Remind me why.
JustBeingMe Jul 2014
Laying here
In the dark
Words are hard
To come by.
All I do
Is picture you.
You and her.
But still
You keep me.
Remind me again,
Why that is.
Jun 2014 · 223
Stolen heart.
JustBeingMe Jun 2014
You stole my heart once.
And oh how much I did fall.
You can't have it all.
Jun 2014 · 342
Do you remember?
JustBeingMe Jun 2014
Do you remember
When we first talked?
All those butterflies
For one small text.
It started it all.

Do you remember  
That first date?
Holding your hand
It just felt right.
It described it all.

Do you remember
Starting to fall?
All day and night
We let down our walls.
It showed it all.

Do you remember  
The distance?
No more looks
And no more calls.
I said it all.

Do you remember  
That last word?
The tears began
Never to be stopped.
It ended it all.

Do you remember
Me anymore?
The girl you held
And smile you saw.
It never happened at all.
Jun 2014 · 333
The Mockers
JustBeingMe Jun 2014
Thinking of you
I hear your laugh.
Mocking and distant,
But somehow always
In my ear.

Thinking of you
I feel your finger.
Jamming into my back
You were so close
To fooling me.

Thinking of you
I see your eyes.
Glaring and judging  
Even though you
Don't even know me.

Thinking of you
I think of me.
And how with everything
You do to me,
I take and walk away.
Jun 2014 · 243
The wall
JustBeingMe Jun 2014
Sitting here
On this wall.
I wait
And wait
         And wait.

I stare
At the clouds.
I hope
And hope
        And hope.

I listen
To the birds.
I dream
And dream
        And dream.

I smell
The white flowers.
I believe
And believe
         And believe.

I touch
The cold ground.
I cry
And cry
       And cry.
Jun 2014 · 285
Odds to Ends
JustBeingMe Jun 2014
She sits
To the birds
And the bees

She waits
The ants crawl
All around her feet

She cries
That it's all coming
Odds are at their ends.
Jun 2014 · 442
Infinite summer
JustBeingMe Jun 2014
Infinite summers are
long roads.
Rushing fast you
Watch the minutes
Tick by.

Infinite summers are
Humming speakers.
So loud you
Hear your heartbeat

Infinite summers is
Suffocating sunshine
So sweet you
Can taste it

Infinite summers is
Whipping hair.
So crazy you
Feel it going

Infinite summers is
Wind kissed lips
So loving you
Taste the Summer
Jun 2014 · 486
Long nights
JustBeingMe Jun 2014
Leaky eyes
And silent sobs
I thought it was over
But it just begun

Bunched Kleenex
And wakening nights
The pain is back
But did it leave

Wet pillows
And slow minutes
I want to feel
But happiness doesn't
May 2014 · 406
Balloon of secrets
JustBeingMe May 2014
Hand tight
I hold the balloon.
The balloon that holds
All my secrets.
It's ready to pop.

Hands turning white
As I say I'm not ready.
But I'm feeling it slip
Ready to reveal
To everyone around.

I know it's time
As I slowly release it.
My hand numb
From trying so hard
At keeping it down.

Slowly it rises
And I watch it go.
Telling myself
That it doesn't matter,
Not anymore.

I turn to leave
As I hear it pop.
But I keep walking
Knowing they all heard
The secrets I've finally shared.
May 2014 · 326
Feelings for you
JustBeingMe May 2014
Feelings for you is
Like pink bubble gum.
You blow a bubble
And I wait for the pop.

Feelings for you is
Like a poisonous, red flower.
Pretty in a picture
Deadly to the touch.

Feelings for you is
Like dark eternity.
Always there and going but
No questions answered.
May 2014 · 732
Your blindfold.
JustBeingMe May 2014
You and I could be
But you don't even see it.
She is your blindfold.
May 2014 · 818
Our red ribbon
JustBeingMe May 2014
It's amazing
How with one look
You turn me into
A million
shy, pink butterflies.
Flying through the wind
Trying to reach you.

I can't believe
How when we're together.
Wherever we walk
We make
Happy, yellow flowers
Grow under our feet
Showing the world our path.

It's hard to think
That we won't be
Because I know that
Amazing, red ribbon
That ties us together
Will get cut off by her.
May 2014 · 213
Her over me.
JustBeingMe May 2014
Sitting there,
We're so close.
We feel the heat
Rise to our cheeks.
Together there's sparks.

But then,
She comes.
And I watch you
Turn away from me.
You always choose her.

And again,
I see.
As your eyes light up
And you smile at her.
Knowing it'll never be me.
May 2014 · 324
Just being us
JustBeingMe May 2014
You and I?
We're different.
We are always laughing.
But when we're not,
We make each other smile.
That's just us.

Me and you?
We understand.
We know each other so well,
And always learning more,
We never get bored with it.
That's just us.

Me and him?
We joke.
We make fun of each other,
Making it seem like hate,
But we know it's just love.
That's just us.

We are soul mates.
I need you as much as you need me,
Because no one can replace you.
I just wish that you could see
That it's supposed to be me.
May 2014 · 207
What am I feeling?
JustBeingMe May 2014
What am I feeling?
That is sitting so low
in my chest
that I can barely feel
the pounding.

What am I feeling?
That only whispers
to me
when I'm sitting alone
and empty.

What am I feeling?
That sneaks up at
weird moments
stealing my happiness
with a word.

What am I feeling?
That won't leave me alone
to breath
so I can maybe start to be
normal again.
May 2014 · 454
JustBeingMe May 2014
Replacing that girl,
that unhappy girl,
with a joyful one.
Like a rainbow after
a storm.
The girl I was before.

Replacing that girl,
that angry girl,
with a soothing one.
Like water, simmering
out a fire.
The girl you ruined.

Replacing that girl,
that weak girl,
with a changing one.
Like the ever moving
white clouds.
The girl I'll always be.
May 2014 · 496
Letting go
JustBeingMe May 2014
Letting go is
the blue soap
that bring you relief.
Filling you with senses
that you can keep.

Letting go is
the yellow butter
that makes you happy.
Adding a light taste
on the tip of your tongue.

Letting go is
the silver moon
that makes you excited.
Leaving behind your
old, restless worries.

Letting go is
the green tea
making you relax.
Soothing you and
telling you "it's ok".

Letting go is
something you choose
that brings you back.
Seeing things that
you haven't before.
May 2014 · 799
JustBeingMe May 2014
Dark and glooming
the clouds begin to rush
forcing hot into cold.

Lightening and thundering
the world begins to shake
with it's unsteady heartbeat.

Rain and hail
the ground turning to water
with the steady flow of tears.

Spinning and turning
the world moving too fast
suddenly out of control.

Quiet and calming
the clouds disappear
like nothing was ever there.

Shining and bright
the sun breaks through
leading us to a new life.
May 2014 · 235
JustBeingMe May 2014
Sitting on my own
The room is full with people
But I'm still alone.
May 2014 · 887
JustBeingMe May 2014
The glowing sun,
beaming down,
filling you with
warmth and hope.

The shining sun,
all around,
making you laugh
until you see.

The beaming sun,
heating you up,
making you hot,
sweaty and miserable.

The mocking sun,
turning you red,
leaving traces
of hurt on your skin.
May 2014 · 246
JustBeingMe May 2014
I sit and stare,
as everything changes.
The sky,
turning to gray,
what happened to blue?

I stand and watch
as everything switches.
The ocean,
turning to a rage,
what happened to calm?

I can't help but see,
how everything is different.
turning to hollow,
what happened to full?
May 2014 · 520
Repeating thoughts
JustBeingMe May 2014
She sits alone
in the corner
filling it with shadows
of her thoughts.
She tastes the bile
on her drawn down lips
as she feels the heaviness
of her blown out heart.

They sit together
in a huddle
as they laugh at
her painful hurt.
No one knowing
but yet still judging
anything they can grasp
with their sneering eyes.

They continue on
judging and judging
repeating the thoughts she already hears.
Until one day, that girl,
she isn't in the corner.
And the thoughts disappear
along with the mockery,
they finally stop laughing.
May 2014 · 258
No one
JustBeingMe May 2014
No one close
leaving me feeling deserted
and stranded being                              me.
I never feel
that I'm deserving.
All the voices in my head
are finally winning.

No one hears
my pleads and tears
that streak down my face.
Looking in the mirror
I don't recognize                                myself.
The reflection showing
someone entirely different.

No one sees
my shattered heart
laying on the ground at my feet.
Feeling yet another ache
spreading through my veins.
This is it, this will
finally break                                          me.
May 2014 · 250
Being beautiful
JustBeingMe May 2014
I'm tired of the rules-
the regulations-
on what beautiful means.
It's not a definition
you can copy and repeat.
It's something you just be.
May 2014 · 454
Coming with
JustBeingMe May 2014
Heart throbbing,
the unnatural tune
that comes with heart ache.

Mind running,
the hectic thoughts
that comes with forgetting.

Tears swelling,
the bursting river
that comes with missing.

Body numb,
the buzzing killed
that comes with sadness.
May 2014 · 624
Hardest part
JustBeingMe May 2014
The hardest part
is the training.
When you suddenly
tell yourself not to
think about it.

The hardest part
is the wishing.
Trying to fix
whatever went wrong
so you can begin again.

The hardest part
is the crying.
Telling yourself
that it doesn't matter,
but you know it does.

No, the hardest part
is the missing.
Trying to hold
yourself up
as you're falling apart.
May 2014 · 221
The missing feeling
JustBeingMe May 2014
The feeling drains
from my legs
as I try and pretend
that I don't care.

I feel the burning
in my chest
as I forget to breath
when I walk by you.

I feel the pull
in my hands
as I reach for my phone
forgetting we're done.

I feel the stinging
in my eyes
as I cry yet another tear
about to say goodbye.
May 2014 · 700
JustBeingMe May 2014
An elephant
sitting on my chest.
Heavy and hurting.
Making it hard to breath.

Gray clouds
blocking my eyes.
Thick and tiring.
Making it hard to see.

The umbrella
not opening above  me.
Broken and bearing.
Making it hard to feel.
May 2014 · 289
JustBeingMe May 2014
Why am I the girl
who is always fooled?
Always happy...
only to be crushed
so suddenly?
May 2014 · 429
Never ending ache
JustBeingMe May 2014
When I walk away
the ache lessens.
I can almost even

When I walk away
he slips my mind.
It's like he wasn't even

But when I walk away
I have to walk back.
And then the ache starts
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