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Dec 2014 · 347
the change
lisette cielos Dec 2014
She knew nothing of love,
For no one ever showed her it,
She felt alone that everyone was against her,
She didn't see the point in living,
So she tried to say goodbye,
But then she met a boy who changed her mind,
She never knew someone could care,
That someone could fix that broken heart she had deep down inside,
Ever since she met that boy everything in her had changed,
Now she is actually happy deep down inside,
That was the biggest change in her life
Jun 2014 · 463
Im In Love With Your....
lisette cielos Jun 2014
I'm in love with your laugh,
I'm in love with your smile,
I'm in love with your eyes,
I'm in love with your voice,
I'm just in love with every little thing of you
lisette cielos Jun 2014
Hold me like it was our last day on earth,
Kiss me as if we were the last two people and we were about to die,
Talk too me like i was your first and only love

I just want you too do everything as if we were about to die together <3
#hold #kissme #tallktoome #howifeel #meandyou #<3 #
Jun 2014 · 352
A Demon on Earth
lisette cielos Jun 2014
you cover your face,
not revealing who you truly are,
acting all innocent when your really not,
come on show everyone......,the demon the person who you are in the inside,

you cover your face,
not revealing who you truly are,
you pretend to be there friend and play along,
then when your done having fun with your little scheme you stab them in the back and laugh in your victory,

you cover your face,
not revealing who you truly are,
like honestly just stop trying to fool everyone,
actually never mind because at the end who will you have to fool....... no one,

you cover your face,
not revealing who you truly are,
keep on going and see if you want to try and hide who you really are ever again because you'll be the one fooled at the end
#ademon #fakepeople #juststop #life #iwasfriendswithademon #iwasfooled #why? #iwasstupid
Jun 2014 · 514
L.B.R meaning lets be real
lisette cielos Jun 2014
Nobody is gonna feel your pain,
So when you have today say everything you to say,
When its time to walk away....walk away,
When you want laugh ....laugh,
When its time to cry ....cry,
When you hurt...let it all out,
When you wanna scream out everything......scream it all out,
You only have one life live it until the end......
#L.B.R #sadbuttrue #cantlie #life #livelife #doeverythingyouwanttodo
May 2014 · 376
lisette cielos May 2014
nothing to say..... ,
silence has now taken over,
i just stare into your eyes and ask myself why you?
you hurt me so bad but yet i always come back for more,
its as if your pain is my drug,
a drug that cant get enough of,
i try to say i'm sorry i cant do this anymore but yet i always somehow fall for your trap ...
nothing to say ......
silence has now taken over again....
#mylife #icantanymore
May 2014 · 464
I’m Sorry
lisette cielos May 2014
I’m sorry I cant anymore,
I’m sorry I had to say no,
I’m sorry I couldn’t wait for you anymore,
I’m sorry I ever told you,
I’m sorry I fell for you,
I’m sorry I can’t stop thinking about you,
I’m sorry I want you,
I’m sorry I can’t let you go,
I’m sorry I did so many mistakes,
I’m sorry I didn’t keep my mouth shut,
I’m sorry everything I do is a mistake,
I’m sorry I’m apologizing,
I’m sorry you walked away,
I’m sorry for not letting you back in,
I’m sorry I’m scared to get hurt,
I’m sorry about every thing,
I’m just sorry
#imsorry #life #real #nolie
May 2014 · 226
lisette cielos May 2014
Dont trust too much,
Dont love too much,
Dont hope too much,
Because that "too much"
Can hurt you too much

Its sad but true
May 2014 · 241
Nothing More
lisette cielos May 2014
There is no me and you anymore
There is no smiles of us anymore
There is no laughs with each other anymore
There is no talking with each other
Theres nothing including us

I miss you so bad, our memories why could we not be forever you and me
why couldn't our friendship be forever
If only it lasted a little bit longer
May 2014 · 1.4k
No Happy Ever After
lisette cielos May 2014
i wished i were a princess
to live in a fairytale
and have no worries but being royal
to have that perfect prince that would love me
but the thing is before even having there perfect ending they have to go through the horrible things to get to their perfect endings,
i keep believing i will soon find my prince charming

I have to understand im not in a fairytale .... that i dont have a happily ever after
that  I'm not a princess ....... that i will never have anything similar to the life of a *princess
May 2014 · 414
lisette cielos May 2014
The fact you say lies thinking i believe you well jokes on you because i dont,
I believed you and you let me down,
Thats what i get for trying to trust again,
So this time i will keep in mine to not believe anyone else but me,
So lets see who will be laughing at the end
May 2014 · 254
lisette cielos May 2014

At least make it seem true
May 2014 · 231
lisette cielos May 2014

This is how i see life in my eyes
May 2014 · 315
lisette cielos May 2014
thats how it started but then it ended in ill miss you .....
ever since that "Hi" i knew you you would be one of my best friends ...
later 2 months passed you came and me not knowing who you are
and thats how it ended with a "goodbye"

its funny how it can go from "hey" :D to "whatever goodbye" -.-

and then at the end there is nothing to say anymore
Apr 2014 · 268
Alone Again
lisette cielos Apr 2014
She had nothing to say ,
She had no one to hang out with,
She had no one to laugh with,
She had no one to tell her secrets to,
She had no one to trust,

Then you came along... and changed her point of view,

All she wanted was friend and you played with the friendship she gave to you,
You thought you were funny to make her seem like a fool,
But all you did was taught her lesson... to never trust another stupid ***

All she wanted was to have what everyone else had...
a friend in which she could trust in but all you showed her to do, was to hate and start all over again
Apr 2014 · 232
Lovely Lies
lisette cielos Apr 2014
Those lovely lies
You have said
At least make it seem like its real

I atleast want to believe it
Like you said
I at least want to make it seem like i know you are real

You know what i dont care anymore
I want to see it back fire
At the end

So keep saying those lovely lies
And then I will see who is better off at the end
Apr 2014 · 285
My "friend"
lisette cielos Apr 2014
You smile in my face like you have done nothing wrong ,
Thinking I dont know ,
But listen everything reavels itself some time,
You're lies revealed faster than you thought they would ,
You're not low ,
You hurt me so bad ,
Making me think I can trust you ...
Making me think you were my
But just to let you know im through with you and im never going to come back
lisette cielos Mar 2014
If only you could love me the way I love you,
If only you could see me the way I see you,
I try to tame the beast that consumes me,
Which is also known by the name*jealousy,
It never lets me go to sleep,
It never lets me do anything but try to let go of the beast,
I try to keep my love going for you but my hearts giving up ,
The beast is growing stronger and stronger every time I see you talking with everyone else but me ,
See its hard to tame this beast inside of me

If only you love me the way I love you
If only you could see me the way I see you

I'm sorry I'm giving up,
I'm sorry you couldn't love be a little bit more
Mar 2014 · 894
lisette cielos Mar 2014
Now that you showed me your real colors i wish i can paint you in the colors I thought you were,
Your colors were always bright so beautiful,
But I guess I got your colors wrong,
My hardest time in life revealed your true colors,
Dark ugly horrible colors,
But thank you....
because now that I know you showed me who you really are you have showed me what I never want to become

If only I knew who you were really were in the beginning
Mar 2014 · 467
The Perfect Girl
lisette cielos Mar 2014
Her eyes make the stars look like they are not shinning,
Her smile can light up a whole room without her trying,
Her hair has a beautiful glow,

They say she is perfection,
She never fails,
She never makes mistakes,

But thats all in my head,
Everyone fails at one point,
Everyone makes mistakes,
Because NO ONE is.......
The first line from the poem is from the song "The Way You Are" by Bruno Mars
Mar 2014 · 323
My Hero
lisette cielos Mar 2014
You fight for me when I cant fight for myself,
You stand up for me when I can't stand up for myself,
You make me strong when I sometimes turn weak,
You dont care what people say about me when I do,
You figure out my problems when i can't,
You do so many things for me,
So many times,
Thats why I call you my hero
Feb 2014 · 479
The Way You See Me
lisette cielos Feb 2014
You can see me smile,
you can see me laugh,
you can see me joking around,
you can also see my frown,
you can see my crying,
you can see me serious,

you can see so many things but,

see im lost in this world trying to collect parts of me ,
you see who i am but...,
i dont ,

And i wish I can see myself like you see me ,
I just know I can't you say I'm beautiful but I don't see everything like you do,
If only i can see who i am like you do,

If only I can see the way you see me
lisette cielos Feb 2014
You would see her have a smile everyday,
You would see her in the happiest moods,
You would see her strong side,
You would see her brave side ,

But do you know she covers up thousands of tears ,
Do you know she hide her deppression,
Do you know she is weak,
Do you know she tries to act brave,

Do you know she puts on a show so no one can hurt,

I guess you thought she was the happiest girl in the world
Feb 2014 · 1.8k
just walk away now...
lisette cielos Feb 2014
I really dont care anymore,
You can just walk out of my life right now,
I dont need to have you by my side if your not going to stay ,
I have been through that and i never want to go through it again,
I have been hurt and your just going to hurt me again,
Knowing i have been through a lot ,
But i guess that doesnt matter to you,
But its okay i dont care just walk out right now of my life because i dont want you walking out on me later on, hurting me even more
Feb 2014 · 407
Please Stop
lisette cielos Feb 2014
You always see the wrong side of me,
I try my best to keep a smile but its hard when all you do is hurt me,
You blame me for everything that happens even though its never me,
You like to consume me inside and out,
You hurt me so bad i cant even explain it in words ,
But ever time that happend i find myself crying in the corner of the room,
Watching those tears hitting the ground,
Even if my phyisical woundes could fade away,
It will take my emotional woundes years,
To forget what you do to me
Feb 2014 · 276
Love Me For Me
lisette cielos Feb 2014
Love me for me,
Because thats all i can be,
I cant be what your
Expecting to be,

Your asking to much dont you see

I tried my hardest
For me to be the best,
But i really dont care about the rest anymore

I am who i am,
And its the best person
I have ever tried to be

Love me for me ,
Because thats all that i can be
Feb 2014 · 342
Like A Movie
lisette cielos Feb 2014
Now i have to be careful, always on the look out,
To see if im going to get hurt again,
Even though its hard to,because of what happened to me,
Its like a movie to me,
That replays its self over and over again
Without stopping
Just becuase his words had to turn into filthy lies, dreadful lies...
But what can i do, nothing,
All I can do is sit back and watch the movie play again and again in my head
Feb 2014 · 271
I Miss....
lisette cielos Feb 2014
I miss your smile,
I miss your laughter,
I miss your hugs,
I miss your jokes,
I miss your support,
I miss your everything,
The fact that you left me behind hurts me so bad,
I know people change , but it seems like you the other person is all lost in the new one ,
I guess i have to learn to let go of people I TRULY care about
Feb 2014 · 292
A Quote From Me To You :
lisette cielos Feb 2014
"People may think they are using you, but you actually are really using them because while they are your so called 'friends' they are helping you out through everything you go through, whether that be the best or worst parts of your life"
Feb 2014 · 400
I And You
lisette cielos Feb 2014
I fall down,
You pick me up
I break down,
You fix me and build me again
I cry,
You wipe those tears away
I give up,
You keep on cheering for me
I cant go on,
You guide me through
I hug you tight,
You dont let go

Its just you and I, and
I and you
Feb 2014 · 314
Remember That Day
lisette cielos Feb 2014
Call me names
Push me around
Pulling me to the ground
Trying to make me fail and break down
I break the chains of you and me
And now i'm set free
I remember those words you said
That it would be me and you till' the end Suffocated in lies
I cant breath anymore
Cause' im surrounded by all those people i dont know anymore
And now that we are called strangers
You think you can push me around
Just remember one day
You'll be the one on the ground asking me to
Remember that day
Angel and me wrote this together :)
Feb 2014 · 369
The Other Side Of Me
lisette cielos Feb 2014
The other side of me you thought you would never see...
Hatred is inside of me
Flames burn me from the inside,
I'm no good for life, life is better than me,
Now you see the other side of me?
Life is hard, no place for me
Nowhere for me to be
I fight and fight but life always beats me,
Do you now know the other side of me?
Feb 2014 · 354
Time To Say Goodbye
lisette cielos Feb 2014
All the hope is gone
All the friendship we built is gone
All the trust we gave each other is gone,
All gone
I thought & thought we were friends till forever, till the end of our story
Now I’m hiding in the shadows of your lies, the lies you told me so now tell me what it was all for help me understand why you said all those things to me when they weren’t true
All the hope is gone
All the friendship we built is gone
All the trust we gave to each other is gone
All gone, but why all those memories you left me with, the good ones and bad ones,
Why didn’t you take them with you instead of leaving them?
No need for remembering though,
Time for me to say my last word to you
Feb 2014 · 380
I Used To Know A Person
lisette cielos Feb 2014
I used to know a person
who was out going,
I used to know a person
who would make me laugh,
I used to know a person
that put a smile on my face,
I used to know a person
who would bring up every time i went down,
I used to know a person
who would always be there every time i needed them the most,
but now...
ALL of it is just a memory
The person i used to know is just another memory
I pray to god to bring him back,but deep down they are all saying ," He isn't coming back",
they are telling me that he has moved on and now is lost forever, that " He is and now always be a memory,
I want them back so bad , but i know i can't have the person i used to love and care about , as much as i try i know that they are never going to be the same,
that they are never going to come back
,and be.....

The person i used to know

— The End —