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I sigh, to breath in every moment I spend with you,
Immersing my joy in your gleaming smile
As Your beauty speaks to my soul,
I am conquered by your sublime eyes
I cry
I smile
I lament
And I hope those moments can last a life time.

I could wage war against your heart
But rather am waging war against your soul
For I am and have nothing but the grace
And thirst to love you till it bleeds
I cry
I smile
I lament
And I hope cupid exists, to grant me my wish.

In my palm, I hold my heart and build petals around it
With imprints on it vividly saying your name
I am spooked by the thought; you may never feel the same
It petrifies me. But still I extend my heart to you
And still
I cry
I smile
I lament
And I hope you can hook you heart to mine in love.

Just Howard
Life is barren, it is fertile.
It is a ray beam of luck, it is a curse.
Life is abundance and nothing, it is a mystery.

Life is a million faces and names.
It swimming,crawling, walking,and flying.
Life is a petal, color and gloom, it is sight.

Life is her sublimes eyes and her beautiful brains
It is her bad temper, her history, and her flaws.
Life is overlooking them all, life is love.

Life is a flight, it is a journey
It wilts with a touch, and flourishes with another
Life is tears and joy, it is birth and death, life is a privilege
I  was just sixteen ,you made me a bleeder .
Bleary,mawkishly, sentimentally bleating about a shuttered heart,
it is a shame on my heart you carved your name ,
so i will pick the pieces and mend it
and you will still be my heart sheath.

On my knees ,on my feet your memories are still revolting
for my world with you was a chain of pain bleeding
you knew my love for you woven with cupid
so you neatly folded my chest
and i lost breath.

In you i sought a fairy tale, one with obviously a happy ending
but to death you smothered perfect love
and exposed my soul to infinity emptiness
you cursed me with  a permanent dismal emotional frenzy
and in love i lost faith.

i taught my heart to glow devoid of you
i trained my patched up glitchy heart to pump again
i cleared the echoes of grief inside my soul
and i will love again i surely will
as i perpetually set my bloomers beneath .

— The End —