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Apr 2016 · 783
II. treasure chest
Juno Overstreet Apr 2016
X marks the spot. dig
                                                                ­                       through the sand with
                                                                ­                       bare hands
                                                           ­                  feel the heat from the sun as
                                                              ­               wind blows sweet kisses.

                                                               ­                    make a hole that reaches
                                                         ­                          china. along the way
                                                                ­                   run into sirens, dance
                                                                ­                   with mermaids, battle
                                                          ­                  kraken, and if you have time
                                                            ­                say hello to leviathan.

                                                               ­                        soon we’ll all be myths
                                                                ­                      for the next generation.
                                                     ­                      our names slide between lips
                                                            ­               already in the past.

                                                          ­                                         the horizon sets
                                                            ­                 waves flutter on the surface.

                            underneath the coral reef dissolves with the setting sun.
Apr 2016 · 319
Juno Overstreet Apr 2016
starting to calm down,

then comes the uncontrollable
    of the finger.

muscles spazz
not used to
sitting so long.


until the body
becomes still as
air in
summer heat.

eyes closed.

i feel the earth as it spins under me.
my heart beats to the rhythm of the clock.
Mar 2016 · 325
Track of Dawn
Juno Overstreet Mar 2016
a stalk of grass sways with the wind as light
escapes the sun and daylight protrudes the sky.

the wind, a ghost, moves along rushing no-
where. breathe on dancing grass, watching the sun
give life to earth sustaining the status
quo. light turns into morning, wake up
to sounds of alarm while birds sing amongst
the trees. and all the while the sun be-

comes brighter. enough of dawn, the day is
here. open your eyes and see the morning.
recommended: read after listening to Track of Dawn by Yellowjacket
Nov 2015 · 451
God to Man
Juno Overstreet Nov 2015
Directly across from me
At the dinner table there she sits.
Unwavering eyes
Look into mine.

She is cold
like the ice she places in her mouth.
It melts,
sliding down her throat.
A chill fills the womb.

Before she leaves
Juno gives me a kiss.
Leaning in close
the waft of her breath
smells like rosemary.

She ascends back
to her special room
and lies down upon
a cover of the heavens,
inhaling the warmth of the cold.

Juno’s fingers reach down
to trail across her wiry femininity.
With a deep exhalation of oxygen
her mars peaks.

Her chest heaves up and down
while the head rolls lazily to the side.
Juno’s eyes glide across the room.
Caught by the glint of the standing mirror
And she looks into it.

Unwavering eyes

Who is the god?
Her or Me.
Nov 2015 · 424
Juno Overstreet Nov 2015
Unaware, I walk on gravel
unnoticed until my eyes go down.

Hundreds, maybe thousands
crushed under my foot.
Don't tell me it doesn't hurt them
because they are rocks.

I am a rock
constantly being crushed.
If not by a foot
then by the forces of man

Crushed because of the color of my skin.
Crushed because of my ***.
Crushed because of my sexuality.

In this scenario, my foot is the oppressor
pushing the rocks further into the ground
How much weight do I have to put on the rocks to make them      
        disappear further?

Understand, I am that rock
and that foot is the world around me.
But I will not be pressed
and put into the ground.

My rock will stick to the sole of the shoe
and with every rock-felt step it makes
the shoe will know I am there to stay.
The more it steps
the deeper I will embed myself

Until I can no longer
go unnoticed.
Jun 2014 · 412
Juno Overstreet Jun 2014
Flowers in the cracks
Are beautiful
For they bring beauty
Even in the forgotten places

Flowers in the cracks
Are strong
Because even in the most solid  foundations
Plenty of them grow

I strive to be those flowers
To show
That there is
Even in
The wasted places
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
The Twelfth Of January
Juno Overstreet Feb 2014
I walked through the meadow,
And there was only me.
I wasn't scared of the bugs,
Not the grasshoppers or bees.

I smelled the lilac
And the springtime air.
I frolicked in the field,
I had no cares.

I laid in the grass,
And looked at the sky
Closed my eyes
And said, "Why? Oh why?"

Must I go back home
To the crumbling streets,
With the smog and litter
That sits at my feet?

Back to the oblivious people
Who don't seek
A simple life
Not wanting to be unique.

To the empty walls
That have no feeling
To white washed walls
That give no healing.

I said, "Why? Oh why?
Can't I stay here?
I can't go back home
And live in constant fear.*"
Jan 2014 · 628
Juno Overstreet Jan 2014
The sound of joyous laughter
Reminiscing on past memories
In this moment
There is no recognition of time
But being
Enjoying the comfort of one another
Blocking out all negativity
There is only the presence

                                   Of me and you
Jan 2014 · 914
Juno Overstreet Jan 2014
I'm here with you
When I'm not supposed to be
The love I feel
Or not inclined to feel is a travesty

I've lied to belong
Now sitting here
In your arms
I can't imagine
How you'll feel
When my mask of love
Is gone
Dec 2013 · 455
8:46 pm
Juno Overstreet Dec 2013
Can I sit next to you
And reminisce
Of times
Of eternal bliss?
When we were in love
And sparks flew
Nothing amounts to our first kiss
But time moved on,
And so did you.
Now you're the past.
Since then my days have been blue.
I sit and think
Of the past.
Wondering if they all was true.
Nov 2013 · 484
Nov. 4, 2013
Juno Overstreet Nov 2013
My sadness engulfs me
Instead of me engulfing sadness
Soon I'll be on the edge
Near the brink of madness
No one is going to notice
Until something happens that is tragic
Sep 2013 · 496
Juno Overstreet Sep 2013
And it rained
So hard
That Lucy's pain  
Went away
But all that remained
Was battered and brayed
Jul 2013 · 517
For Freedom
Juno Overstreet Jul 2013
And if there is no other choice
I would die with a loud ringing voice.
Saying I stood my rounds for justice and reform.
I'll say, "I fought that fight they say couldn't be done."
I'll say, "I won the war that wasn't supposed to be won."
And this is only if I must die.
But I will not die.
For my voice will ring
And it shall sing
For freedom.
Mar 2013 · 472
A Midnight Poem
Juno Overstreet Mar 2013
Close your eyes
And count the stars
And drift away
Where time is froze
For all of those
Who wish to have a dream
Mar 2013 · 602
Juno Overstreet Mar 2013
Today the sun does shine,
But the earth still reminds me of yesterday's rain,
And of all the pain,
And things forgotten that were once fine.

Today the wind does blow,
But the trees remind me of yesterday's cold,
And emotions uncontrolled,
And feelings consumed long ago.

Today the moon does wane,
But the stars remind me of yesterday's frost,
And souls that have been lost,
And hearts engulfed and immersed in pain.
Dec 2012 · 523
Juno Overstreet Dec 2012
The bird flew away from his nest
Intending to never come back.
He believed it was his destiny,
But he flew around endlessly,
And couldn't stay on the right track.

The bird came back to his nest
Intending never to go again.
He stays in the comfort of his home,
And promised himself never too roam,
The cold world again.
Dec 2012 · 1.8k
Rumble Fish
Juno Overstreet Dec 2012
All he wanted was rumble fish,
And that's exactly what he got.
She just wanted to save them all,
In the end he got shot.

His dad drinks a bottle of *****,
And his brother runs away.
The father continues to abuse.
The brother stands near the bay.

Don't box the fish in
That's a recipe for disaster.
In the river he wants to see them swim.
That's just what he's coming after.
Inspired by the book by S.E. Hinton
Dec 2012 · 524
I Came To Say Hello
Juno Overstreet Dec 2012
I Came to Say Hello

I came to say hello,
But you weren't there.
I knocked at the door,
But no one answered.
I threw rocks at your window,
But it never opened.
I yelled your name,
But I heard no reply.

I came to say hello,
But you ignored me.
When I knocked at your door
You paid no attention.
The rocks I threw at your window
You gave little mind,
But I know when I yelled your name
You heard me and started to cry.

I came to say hello,
But you didn't care.
When I knocked at the door
You wouldn't open it.
The rocks I threw at the window
You dismissed one by one,
But when I yelled your name
You replied with your goodbye.
This poem is different than my standard way of writing, but it's good to try new things.
Dec 2012 · 521
I'll Keep On Looking
Juno Overstreet Dec 2012
I would like to feel the grass between my toes,
To breath in the fresh clean air,
With the sun shining on my face.
In an empty space,
Where one has no cares.

I really wouldn't be here or there,
With my mind in a blur.
This is how happiness feels,
Where the world has a honest appeal,
And the plants and the trees concur.

But this is all just a fantasy.
Only dreams within my head,
But I'll keep on dreaming,
And I'll keep on believing,
And I'll keep on looking ahead.
Dec 2012 · 522
The Rain Falls Hard
Juno Overstreet Dec 2012
The rain falls hard,
But I pay no attention.
Too many things on my mind.
Things that I can't mention.

The rain falls hard,
But I keep on walking.
My clothes are all soaked.
The memories are still haunting.

The rain falls hard.
And sadness fills my head.
Why did they do this to me?
It's too late now, they can't take back what they said.

The rain falls hard,
But I don't care
About today or tomorrow.
The interest just isn't there.
Dec 2012 · 626
Hallway Troubles
Juno Overstreet Dec 2012
You have somewhere to go
Why are you walking so slow?
Everyone is behind you, you're crowding the way.
If I yell at you, you won't like what I say.
The crowd is getting madder by the second.
Saying things that are threatening.
Please get out of the way.
Can you hear what I'm trying to say?
Thanks for making me late to class,
And the next time I see you I'm going to kick your ***.
A short poem I wrote after a teacher got upset that I was late to class.
Dec 2012 · 575
Juno Overstreet Dec 2012
The bird
Flies over high
With nothing on its mind.
I wish I could have been that bird.
I wish...
Dec 2012 · 1.6k
Summer Rose
Juno Overstreet Dec 2012
I am the summer rose
Sitting in the sultry sun.
I move when the wind blows.
Other roses? I see none,
I feel I am the only one.

No one smells my sweet scent.
My fragrance goes neglected.
This is not the life I dreamt,
I somehow feel dejected.
The life I had not expected.

I sit in the sun all day.
The buzzing that that bee makes
As it flies my way.
The pollen that it takes
Suddenly causes me to awake.

I realize I am the summer rose
And I'm the symbol for peace, love, and longevity.
My fate was sealed before I arose
Now I see it in clarity.
I was meant to live in simple sincerity.
Dec 2012 · 1.0k
Pipe Dream
Juno Overstreet Dec 2012
Made up my mind to make a new start
It's going to start with my heart
I promise one day I'll live on the moon
And I pray that that day is soon
I'm not going to let anyone get in my way
I'm going to the moon no matter what they say
It is not as hard as it seems
Anything can happen if you have hopes and dreams
So I'll take my chances
And the more I dream the more it enhances
One day I'll live on the moon
And I'm leaving without you
I pray that that day is soon
And when it comes I'll bid you adieu.
This is an old poem I wrote. It's a bit rushed, but I still enjoy it.

— The End —