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June Rose Feb 2013
You're on my finger
Symbolizing forever
Or suffocation?
June Rose Feb 2013
Before friendship, there's faces
That take up the spaces
In the familiar places
Where time always races.

When time slows, there's friends
Who don't break when they bend
And are always looking to mend
Instead of seeking the end.

After heartache comes dark skies
When all it rains is lies
Instead of wet you're left high and dry
And all around are good byes.
June Rose Feb 2013
There is a constant presence in my heart-
Dark, mysterious, and cloaked,
Never moving, still.

It breathes, in and out,
Spreading its cold breath all around,
Covering my warmth in frost.

This figure often turns my heart to stone,
Changing its colors,
Reminding me of where my heart truly lies.
June Rose Feb 2013
Take me in your arms and hold me tight-
Like this is the last time,
Like you're freezing cold,
Like you're  f a l l i n g  a p a r t
And letting me go would  b r e a k  
Hold me close, Hold me tight,
And Never let me go.
June Rose Feb 2013
When I look into your eyes,
I see beautiful blue seas
That never see stormy weather.

When I see you smile,
Your whole face lights up
Like the glowing yellow sun
Rising in the east.

When I run my fingers through your hair,
I feel the warmth of the brown earth
Or hot chocolate running down my throat
Sending warm shudders through my body.

But when I think of you,
All I see is Red.
June Rose Feb 2013
I've watched you fall in and out of love
Over and Over again,
Each time envying
The closeness,
The love,
The soft whispers,
Until they abruptly end
In heartache,
Yet I envy you still
And ask always,
When is it My turn?

— The End —