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June Rose Jun 2018
Gentle Hands, rest easy now-
Warped, wrinkled, and wrangled,
Wipe away the worries you have worn.

Gentle Hands, rest easy now-
Release the regrets you retain
And rightfully receive some relief.

Gentle Hands, rest easy now-
Fearful, frozen, and fractured,
Free the phantoms that follow you.

Gentle Hands, rest easy now-
Place your pained palm in mine
And pass into perpetual peace.
June Rose Jun 2016
Denial pulls thick wool over our eyes,
Over our sense of raw reality;
It's not over until it's over,
When things reach their end.

But blood boils up like lava
Exploding in words that wear others down
And burn our thin-skinned throats,
Scarring who we are.

Scars remind us of our injuries,
Inviting the unwelcome 'why's' and 'should have's'
That cycle through our muddled minds,
Minding not their own business

Until blame beats us bleak,
And we remember the missing piece
That filled the soul's hole,
Wholly giving our lives light.

But the world flies by,
By and by we say 'goodbye'
To everything we've ever known;
For such is life.
June Rose Aug 2014
I have this feeling deep inside,
A truly comforting feeling,
One I cannot describe.
It tells me that I belong,
Where I am is right,
But something just seems wrong.
Is it who I am beside,
Why I am here,
Or what I can hide?
No, it must be that I am done,
It was just a dream all along,
And just like that, it's gone.
June Rose Jan 2014
Today is the day to look back on the year,
From the good and bad, the smiles, the tears,
And to think about how much we've grown
And changed the year with the seeds we've sown.
Here's to the next new year- as it will pass by,
Let us hope we laugh more than cry,
Spread more love than spiteful hate,
For we never know when it will be to late
To let some one special know that we care,
To gather the courage to fulfill that dare.
So let us take the challenge, conquer our fear
And joyously welcome the new coming year.
June Rose Dec 2013
Sticks and stones may break my bones,
But words shatter my soul
Like a thin sheet of glass
In a fragile windowpane
Faced against the icy, piercing,
Wailing winter winds.

Fractures and bruises heal,
Barely leaving a mark,
But a shattered soul-
It remembers each and every
Crack, break, chip,
Often leaving pieces behind that
The jealous, thieving wind stole in hopes
Of making parts of the beautiful glass its own.

Fear not! For the very thing that destroyed
Can also mend the glass,
Molding, sealing the mess back together
Until a new, stronger, more beautiful
Picture forms to illustrate the story
Of the stained glass soul.
June Rose Sep 2013
Our sweet departure haunts me today-
You left me with such a high,
A high that all drug addicts wish they could achieve.
But no injection could ever accomplish this feeling
Of lust, happiness, bliss coming from your soft fingertips
As you stroked my back in our goodbye.

Now, my back and heart ache for your gentle touch.
I need to see you again for that wonderful high-
You are my addiction, your eyes, your embrace, your voice...
Come back to me.
June Rose Aug 2013
I awoke in on a hazy summer day
With a start! in a cabin by the bay
Right next to a familiar face
And big brown eyes that I recognized
Without a bit of trace.

You silently, lovingly led me to the dock
Where the hot bright sun was our only clock
As we stood, watching, waiting for something to stir-
At last -- in our moment of peaceful happiness,
As it should have been, as we once were.

Alas! The glass water rippled before it shattered
By two monstrous crocodiles whose black bodies clattered
Together, all around our once peaceful place,
And destroying our electric connection,
You waded in the water before I could look upon your face.

I screamed your name as you drifted away
Into the blackness of the transforming day
That became my empty night as I awoke
From my nightmare, my face wet with crocodile tears
Over my loss of the ghost of us, the relationship I broke.
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