you did not make me you did not break me i am not like you. i am everything you never could but late at night i have to admit i still am everything i hated about you i am my parents' child
i'm always afraid i'll be a little too much like you
I’m a romantic hopelessly lost in daydreams and fantasies of your hands in mine guiding me through a field of thoughts I’m overthinking what could have been if I had said the words but now I’m lost being a romantic hopelessly all by myself
rose coloured petals sunlight dancing joyously a grassy field at peace flowers blooming all around music chiming gently the touch of a friendly breeze, that's what I see when you look at me
i can thrive all on my own i can help others thrive all on my own i will not bow down for others, but you oh you i’d follow you to the end of all worlds