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Feb 2011 · 663
i'm sorry
Juliet Rasorre Feb 2011
i'm sorry that i don't stop over more. i miss you and my brother.
i'm sorry you live so far away now, it makes it hard for us to see each other.
i'm sorry that i never told anyone what you did to me.
i'm sorry that i didn't meet you before, but also sorry if i've misinterpreted things.
sorry for ALL the things i've kept hidden from you.
sorry for the time i cut your bangs funny, i really didn't mean to even though you think i did
sorry for the time i went off on you about talking to my mom behind my back
sorry if i'm not everything you hoped i'd be

but i'm mostly sorry for myself, because i wish i had made different choices and done things differently.
Feb 2011 · 841
Juliet Rasorre Feb 2011
..   .-- .. ... ....   -.-- --- ..-   .-- --- ..- .-.. -..   ..- -. -.. . .-. ... - .- -. -..   .-- .... .- -   ..   ... .- -.--   -... ..- -   - ---   -.-- --- ..- --..--   -- .   ... .--. . .- -.- .. -. --.     .. ...   .-.. .. -.- .   .-   -.. .. ..-. ..-. . .-. . -. -   .-.. .- -. --. ..- .- --. . .-.-.-

i wish
you would understand what i say
but to you,
me speaking  

is like a different language.
Feb 2011 · 987
Juliet Rasorre Feb 2011
i love when i hear someone say my name
because it's been so long since i've been called it
it's either "hey" or "baby",
"honey", "sweetie", "cutie"

but never "gorgeous", "beautiful"
or just "juliet"

because that's what i want to hear
i'm obsessed with it

so please,
call me by MY name.
Feb 2011 · 1.8k
Juliet Rasorre Feb 2011
"scars are ugly"

i have scars.


you can't see them.

"what do you mean, 'you can't see them' ?"

let me tell you about my scars.
Feb 2011 · 808
Juliet Rasorre Feb 2011
the way you strum
your fingers acrossed those strings
the sound resonating from the guitar
has to be
the most beautiful music i've ever heard
and you asked me to sing along

how magical.

— The End —