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Julie Henegar Oct 2013
the stars decorated the sky as only stars can
the moon lit up the sky in the way that makes you wonder
she lay as she always does on nights like this
she had done just this a million times before
but tonight was completely different than the other nights
tonight she did not cry but she did the opposite
she smiled
she smiled not because she was happy
she smiled because she felt nothing
the pain was locked deep inside
no, tonight she did not cry but instead she died
not physically
she died on the inside
she was empty; she had cried herself away
she was completely broken and no one knew
no one except those gorgeous stars and that curious moon
Sep 2013 · 409
Julie Henegar Sep 2013
Inside emotions build
and thoughts grow darker,
as my body tires
and my mind becomes starker.
As the time ticks on
my sanity slips away,
and i can't let it out
until some other day.

screaming and shouting
whining and pouting
my emotions poor out
along with tear after tear
it hurts so much
i hate to let it all go
but i have to sit down
and just let it happen

i know what it feels like
to feel absolutely nothing and
this is it
Julie Henegar Sep 2013
with warmth in my heart
   and blood in my veins
sometimes it feels my emotions
   are feigned
as i lay hopeful and
   awake in my bed
visions of you are what
   float through my head
the smile on your face
   the depth in your eyes
your laughter resonates
   as we gaze at the skies
together we lay
   in a field of tall grass
every ounce of me wishes
   and hopes this will last
with each breath i breathe
   my love for you grows
and with time, im hoping
   it gradually shows
the ice in my veins has
   melted it seems
the warmth from my heart
   makes it so hot it steams
my emotions aren't feigned
   to you i am true
i really hope one day we
   will say "i do"

— The End —