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Julie Grace May 2012
The Fire-Horse snorted Fire and was gone
The Wood Dragon was left
In a forest of lost dreams
A reason in mind she could not see

And the Sheep she bleated
And the Monkey she chatted
'Is this what I want?'
Said the thousand little voices in her head

The busy bee flew in her ear
And down the long and twisty hall
Alive with thoughts unwanted
The Dragon sat with a knotted tail

Mummy we need you
Mummy we need you
Mummy we need you
Woke the Dragon from her reverie

She flew off and flew with a flurry
For to save her children dear
Found in the wicked paw
In the midst of a were-wolfs lair

Now his ears' being in tune with the ether
The Fire-Horse flew across the sky
In a blaze he was beside her
Saving their children dear

And the Sheep she bleated
And the Monkey she chattered
'What took you so long?'
Said the thousand little voices in her head.

Well in anger they breathed their worst
And together their fire raged
This time not at each other
But at the wolf in his cave

Out he came very coward
With his tail between his legs
Oh he pleaded a greasy mercy
But they sent him packing in a burning blaze!
May 2012 · 494
Perfect Escape
Julie Grace May 2012
What can this be?
Are you my perfect escape
Maybe the hidden gate
That leads to the Garden of Eden
My own peaceful heaven

How can this be?
I feel the waves of the sea
Washing over me
As if I were a beach and you were the ocean
Drowning me in tides of emotion

Can we have some loving?
That we can believe in
For this world has been a thief
And has stolen our belief
But this love could retrieve it
Julie Grace May 2012
Ah my heart, what have you done?
How much grief, how much sorrow have you spun?
Quiet now
Run to a quiet place
We don't know the answers to the questions we might have to face

Humility and Grace, please will you clothe me
Acceptance make her place like a sweet friend beside me
May truth be the arrow that splits through the apple
On my head be the matter
It won't let me rest
Love's innocent face is marred and debased
Honesty has put it to it's test
Oh no

Come dawn the morrow with the rising of the sun
On a clear blue day when the raining has been done

Honesty held out her hand
Said "Come let me free you,
From all the lies you choose to believe that deceive you.
You convinced yourself well
So you could pretend and deny
Protect and defend all you do and justify."

Come dawn  the morrow

Ah wisdom am I deaf to your voice?
Where were you when I made the choice?
Now I come to you too late I fear
What is your counsel?
Pray let me hear?
May 2012 · 503
Steal Your Lucky Star
Julie Grace May 2012
If I could
Reach through the distance
Just for a moment
And touch you

If you could
Allow yourself
The pleasure to feel
For that moment until
The moment was gone

Then you could let all your walls
Swallow the hole again
Leave you to yourself again
Or whatever
Just don't be frightened

You go as far
As your own star

If I told you I envy you
And the life you have all around you
If it looked like I wanted to steal
Your lucky star
Hitch-hike a ride
In your lucky car
Just don't be frightened

I know we only go far
When we follow our own star
May 2012 · 465
The World Is Round
Julie Grace May 2012
I walked into you
You walked into me
And there it stood
How could I help from feeling
How could you stop from knowing me?

Like ghosts inside each other
We held each other inside ourselves
There's always a trace of your face
And a sense of your soul in my soul
You orbit my world
Like only a ghost could.

The world is round so we found
Not so long ago we didn't know

There is more that is real
And has made itself known
In almost a solid way
How can it be understood?
It's only soul knowing, soul reaching
Out into dream-time

My body's like a hologram
The world is a picture passing through it's frame
As do my thoughts, as does my soul
In and around me and stretching outside
To a double reality
Where my eyes cannot go
but only my soul can sense and know

I will meet you
Out past the edge
Out past the far horizon
Out beyond

Where thoughts become solid
Connecting with other worlds
With a life of their own

The world is round
May 2012 · 576
Star in Space
Julie Grace May 2012
Sometimes I feel like a bird with clipped wings
Sometimes I feel like a fish in a fish bowl
Sometimes I feel like a lion in a cage
Sometimes I feel like a star in space
Times when I'm on the moon when I'm in this room with you
My minds far away making it's escape on an unknown tune
Times when I'm so near I could be inside you
I know all your dreams
Feel all your feelings
It's in this place I understand you
It's in this place I understand that love
Love is boundless
May 2012 · 669
Sea Of Ears
Julie Grace May 2012
You and me
We share unfinished conversation and broken sentences
And in between the moments interrupted
Are long white tenses.

We swim in a sea of great big ears
And look at a sky of wide eyes
And there on the shore
A hundred mouths or more
Ready to Shout

All the snippits and snappets
Spread like butter
All bittered and battered
How would you like some feelings on your toast
To haunt you like a ghost
Just something shared
Just some kind care
So why's it lying there
Shivering and bare

So I'm writing and thinking and fighting and tempted
To crawl through the floor
I'm lying on my bed
trying to remember what was said
Some kind of question
To try or test me
What kind answer
Will rest me.

I've got feelings with no voice
Feelings with no choice
Over what they are
Despite what I said about owning your own star
Sometimes I wonder
Do stars unite
In the night
And are feelings
Something to fight?

You know if I could I would
Love you
And shouldn't
Just wouldn't
May 2012 · 1.6k
Julie Grace May 2012
Place of rest
The truth hasn't finished with me yet

The judge sits in his seat
The jury shuffle their feet
To the nether lands of my soul escapes a dream
To oasis

Tell me,

When the final question has been asked
And the final judgement has been passed
What then?
My love
My dove...

Will truth be satisfied?
That to myself I have not lied?

Lay down your shield
Your sword and your gun
Just for this while
Let the fighting be done
Come rest your head
In the shade
My love,
My dove
In sanctuary
Place of rest
May 2012 · 457
Sands of Time
Julie Grace May 2012
I'm in a desert
All alone in an empty desert

Sand is blowing all around me
Sand is blowing over me
Sand will one day cover me
Under the desert

I kiss the eye
Of the storm in the sky
Here comes the rain to bring me flowers

Rain is flowing all around me
Rain is flowing over me
Rain will one day
Recover me
From under the desert.

— The End —