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Julie Anne Lail Feb 2010
"Don't die on the inside,"
was the text i sent-
knowing it was a bittersweet visit
and a hard decision.

"I'm gonna get so ****** up,"
to forget- as we discussed,
because everyone knows
Bud is the friend of the broken.

Never forget, my friend,
the things that make you feel,
because numbness is a hell
of probing fingers only the mute acknowledge.

Upon discussion, you recite back
the "right thing to do" with all the logic-
an adult assurance of
knowing what's best over what's wanted.

And yet, stone words
rolled easily off of my well-advise tongue
to assure you
of the answer you dreaded.

We both know the ONE will
never come, doesn't exsist, was never determined-
but try to appreciate that your stage time
hasn't yet come in the tragedy that is love.

So when the stone words weigh you down,
don't jump in, don't drown.
Take each stone, examining it well,
and don't die on the inside.
Julie Anne Lail Feb 2010
usually docile
sweet and cleansing.
bitter, oppressive, forceful,
breaking through-
manipulating the earth
teasing all life
with the promise
of sustenance
but with no delivery.
Gathering itself
to push through the lowlands.
All take cover tonight,
except angry gales
joining the clouds in
their hatred of gravity
and ****** the earth
with rain.
Julie Anne Lail Feb 2010
My joy bubbled over
when I saw you again.
Words overlapped
like midday traffic in New York.

Our hands found
their home with eachother
as if there was never
an absence.

I guess i just never
realized I had left
a slice of my soul
in your hands.
Julie Anne Lail Feb 2010
Set it up!
Lead the Way!
If we are all going,
and setting up,
and leading the way-
If we all set a pace for everyone
and we're all doing it
our own way...
what will be left?
When everyone is CEO
but no one does the work
or, when everyone does
the talking
who is left to hear?
stay true to yourself,
know what you want.
Fight like hell to get there
but don't be afraid to follow.
Julie Anne Lail Feb 2010
Criticism is poison
often coated in sugar.
The worst kind
going straight to
the heart and soul
causing permanent
Julie Anne Lail Feb 2010
Give us 10 more years
paving this land with memorials.
Arlingtons, Monuments, Wailing Walls
to those who chose, and some who didn't
for causes sometimes hardly worthy
filling our country
with reminders of contempt
and bitterness- loss- maybe without cause
until our babies
have no soft place to rest their heads
and plenty of ideas
on intravenous drip
into soft minds
so they never have to draw
another conclusion ever again.
Julie Anne Lail Feb 2010
Can poetry matter?
Will you go get the book?
Will you allow my
thought process to
permeate yours- to influence
inspire, insinuate, and integrate
thoughts and ideas
you may never write down

Can poetry matter?
Will this coffee shop
remember my words tomorrow?
Will I?
Will anyone even stop
to hear them?
Is it worth more than
the grade I get in English 306?
Will I continue to write and submit
when its no longer required?

Can poetry matter?
Will sonnets by Shakespeare
be remembered
when the world goes digital?
Will Emily Dickinson
still inspire minds
with her words?
Will the world still turn
without the written word?
Can there be song in
a music world
without verse to fuel it?

Can poetry matter?
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