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Julia Quizon Oct 2013
do you
ever wonder
if stars
feel unappreciated
to the point where
they shrug and say
"no human even
takes time to look"
then with their last
effort to shine and
they explode
into gas and dust particles
never to light up
the night sky

withered flowers
bother you?
what if they longed
to live
to grow
to survive
but just because
of one
wayward human
its petals
its stem
and its color

what about
the clouds
in the sky
are their drops
of water
a plea for help?
do they tear up
because of all
the unpleasant
chemicals and
vile stenches
we bring?

do you
think that
the wind moans
because it didn't
the way it
wanted to go?

what if
swayed side to side
when they
hear the
beautiful songs
beautiful melodys
of the bluebirds
perched on their

did it cross
your mind
if the sun
and moon
were long time
but now they
feel loneliness
and despair because
the only time they
is when the sun
sets and
the moon rises

did it ever
occur to you
that if humans
nature could too?
Julia Quizon Oct 2013
I used to visualize the perfect family;
One that laughs to brighten the darkest of days,
One that delivers praise for every little success,
A family that will accept your flaws despite the circumtances.

But I suppose things will not always come our way.
The darkest of days are treated with suffering and consequences,
Small achievements are ignored and brushed off,
And your flaws dominate your mind to the extent that that is all that runs through your head.

There is always time for forgiveness,
Always time to right your wrongs.
Because after all, at the end of the day,
You are of their blood.
Julia Quizon Oct 2013
On the verge of giving up and letting go,
She lashes out her agitation and frustrated soul
With drastic earthquakes and sudden tears
Just to insinuate that the end is near

Oh how her wayward inhabitants respond to her plea
They have suddenly become oblivious to her only decree
To save her, help her become whole again
For her abandoned spirit and soul to mend

After tarrying for too long
She does not let them right their wrongs
Everyone intently listens to her final breath
And they know, that sadly, this means death

The last thing she hears is
Abrupt screams and desperate cries
Her mouth utters a final goodbye
As she sheds one last tear

She’s dead
She’s gone
The end is here

— The End —