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356 · May 2016
julia arenas May 2016
As close as i seen death, i was glad to have died a little loving you forever...
310 · Mar 2016
Cycle of Hurting
julia arenas Mar 2016
Isn't crazy how a cycle can go...?
I was in love with you while you loved her,
and now after all, there is someone who loves me while i still love you.
And as messed up as it seems i don't think ill ever get over you,
hurting the only person that has ever loved me for who i am...
just for you...
218 · Apr 2016
New to it, Yet used to it.
julia arenas Apr 2016
I was new to love, settled for what you gave me never realizing there was more to love then those bruises you left me.
Not knowing anything but those awful words you spelled all over my body with your hands.
The traumatizing moments you left deep down in my heart.
The ones that won't let me forget...

— The End —