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Oct 2013 · 911
Julia Plante Oct 2013
the soft hum of the car engine

as we roll down the road

ombré leaves float away

from the comfort of their branches

you've inhaled two cigarettes

as we rumble towards the fair

traffic moves at a turtle's pace

just as our minds wander

the radio rambles on

autumn must be the softest season
Sep 2013 · 1.3k
Julia Plante Sep 2013

to some it rolls off the tongue like the grit from last night's pork

you? a hair-covered, bra-burning, feminist?

no, feminism is not male-bashing, god-hating barbarianism. you are wrong.

feminism is fighting against the veiled warrior that is society's gender roles

walking down the street, a young woman is constantly harassed by cat-calls

behind walls, in stalls, she falls

the red lipstick she wore today

was not supposed to be her blood
Sep 2013 · 1.3k
Julia Plante Sep 2013
you make me happy when I'm sad

you're the kind of person I want to eat small dinners with when I'm 30

talk about jobs and our separate lives

you're my un-romantic, platonic best friend soulmate

marry me as a friend
Sep 2013 · 412
Julia Plante Sep 2013
bodies are all very different

weather they're masses of words or water or skin

large and small and everything in between

you could have hair that runs from the tops of your shoulders to the backs of your heels

rivers that flow mile upon mile through forests and deserts alike

pages and pages and pages of mumbling thoughts

but what really matters

is the skeleton and the soul

of the body

— The End —