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julia Jul 2013
I've wished for so long to not feel a thing,
And finally my wish has come true.
But every time you tell me you love me
I feel a pang of emotion; quick, like a bolt of lightning.
No one makes me feel like you do,
And I don't think I could ever thank you enough for that.
julia Jul 2013
I keep telling
Myself that everything
Happens for a reason
But I know
That's not true;
And I'm just
Trying to come
Up with excuses
For why you hurt me
So ******* bad.
julia Jul 2013
the monster is back
and he's better than ever
he wraps his fingers around my throat as i try to fall asleep
i cant escape his grasp; i scream for help
no one comes to save me
but that's life
and i'm going to have to save myself
which is seemingly impossible, at this point.
julia Apr 2014
untitled poems untitled books untitled you untitled me untitled feelings i dont know what they are and neither do they im still trying to find myself
julia Apr 2014
you taught me how to play guitar and I remember watching how gentle your fingers were on the strings why couldn't they be like that with my heart

— The End —