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Judy C Jan 2016
Why must I have this constant pain?
Each day is a struggle.
Why do I feel lonely even when surrounded by friends?
No one will discover my charade as I hide behind my mask.
Why do you cut me with your words?
Sharp as a whip the scar is deep.
Why can't I accept a kind word for me,
not the feeling of insecurity?
As I sit here with tears in my eyes,
these are some of the thoughts that run through my head.
Judy C Jan 2016
"It had to be fate." ... The moment we met,
there was a connection we could not deny.
It cannot be ignored it would not be forgotten.
The bond is strong; it will never be broken.

You held my hand as I followed blindly,
on a path unfamiliar we walk the unknown.

Spending our days discovering the world anew
ending the night in a cozy embrace
feeling safe in your arms while you hold me tight.
Nowhere else I would rather be.

Many years have passed and look at us now
invaded by silence our words are forced.
The majority of what you speak is hurtful;
that echo through my mind.

"I miss the laughter" where has it gone?

I wish it could be like our love from the past,
a hug or a kiss meant just for me.
We still share those precious moments;
however, they are rare.

Your steps are quick I am losing sight
I have fallen behind; my steps are slow.
Reach out to me and take my hand
to pull me forward; walk by my side.

With tender hands and gentle steps
carefully gather the shattered pieces;
to mend the wounds of my forgiving heart.

From you, three words are all I need,
for me to keep fighting for a love we once shared.
Judy C Jan 2016
All alone trapped with my thoughts
excessively fast they would swirl in my head;
an abundance of words too many to evade.
Extremely loud it's hard to ignore
my heart would ache for solitude.

Appearing from darkness a window glides open,
with a glow made of kindness that gently shines through.

Afraid to move forward for fear of the unknown,
I slowly approach, but stay at a distance.
You welcomed me with open arms
with your words of wisdom; words of support.

You've helped me more than I thought possible
without hidden assumptions, there are no judgements.
Because of that I will continue to grow,
and for you that is why I write this poem.
Judy C Jan 2016
All too sudden gone from this earth,
there is a void everywhere I look
that will never be filled; at no time ignored.
Forever in our hearts, you will always be.

Time has passed yet it stood still.
We need to heal; the hurt is deep.
I think of you throughout the day
I will never forget your radiant spirit.

In a gentle voice, I hear you speak
a message to all whom will listen:

"Do not grieve; for I am home
in Gods' warm embrace surrounded by love.
Just say my name, and there I'll be
with memories past to make you smile.

While you dream, I will go to you
to share my love, and to give you peace.

I will soothe the ache within your heart
and find the strength when all is lost."
Judy C Jan 2016
There is a path within the glow,
where loved ones will be waiting.
Walk forward on the winding road
that guides you to your eternal home.

The shadow of your existence
flickering in the light,
around every corner, there is a memory;
your spirit is everywhere.

Flourishing from your twinkling light
radiates an orange glow.
I will always think of you
when I look at the illuminating sky.

As you dance alongside the angels'
a sweet melody is flowing from your soul,
the choir gives voice to your song
and sings a heavenly chorus.

A small sigh escapes your lips
when you realize inner peace.
Judy C Jan 2016
Shading the light as darkness falls
demons screeching in shadows of my mind.

A desperate need to hide to no avail
to my chagrin, I have failed

captive of my imagination
thoughts of hurtful words.

Inside, I feel superfluous and small
like a scared little girl who could not shout.

— The End —