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 Aug 2013 jude rigor
chryselle g
if i had control over
your heart, i would not
fall in love just yet

you don't know how much
i hate walking with you
because you keep noticing
how other girls walk
and i can hear it from
your voice that you wish
you  were walking with
them instead

but sometimes our
fingers brush against
each other and for 5
seconds they linger

if i had control over
your heart

but i do not

i know we are better
as friends but that
information hasn't
quite reached my heart
just yet

so when i tell you
"i love you"
i am not telling you to
"please love me too"

it's more of like
"please wait for the right
person. make sure she's worth
it. make sure my heart
breaks for something bigger
than i could ever wish for.
make sure i don't lose you over
 Aug 2013 jude rigor
i stared into my empty coffee mug

and instantly thought of you

for it was a clear symbol

of how i felt

the moment you walked away
 Aug 2013 jude rigor
he threw dirt into the crevices of my mind

making it a horrid, wretched place

but you came along

and planted flowers.
 Aug 2013 jude rigor
 Aug 2013 jude rigor
i once heard someone say

that your light can attract moths

your warmth can attract parasites

maybe it's better to burn out the light

and switch off the heat;

not everyone is who they seem to be.
 Aug 2013 jude rigor
i wish i could photograph you at 3 am

when your eyes are closed, fluttering as you dream solemnly.

your secretive half smile as you shift
and turn with every movement i make

and your steady breathing, lifting your tired chest in a pattern

up down up down

but no camera could every capture your beauty

in those very moments.
it didn't used to be this way
leaving hours in decay
armadas sailing chalks of line
rotten days drop from the vine

princess killer hides her hole from burning
as the starlight stalks the skyline
the rain pounds the nails in yearning
we pollute our love with time
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