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my downfall is that
i always think too much:
it manifests itself
in my brain,
spreading to,
infecting every cell,
every synapse,
until i’m living out something
i don’t even know
if i believe in
i never understood how people could
fall in love and stay that way:
once i’m in, i’m banging down the doors
for someone to let me out.

just last week i was writing pretty words
about you, all for you,
how i wish you were by my side and
what i would give to make that wish true.

you’re mine now, and at first
i thought all the loose ends in my life
had finally been *******,
that all my problems would be resolved.

but now i know that those problems
lie in the chambers of my heart,
and nobody, not even you, not even me,
has the power to fix them.
sometimes i wonder if i'm incapable of love.
 Oct 2013 jude rigor
some of my friends have this habit
of waking up with letters on their foreheads
and falling asleep with numbers
on their lips

what happened to
when you grow up,
you can be anything

now people are essentially saying
you lost the right to a future
with your grade on that math test

do you see an L
on my face?

i won't starve just because
i'm not a human
there's more to life than "points" and abcdef.
 Oct 2013 jude rigor
i felt a shock
when my gaze
shifted into
your electric
green eyes
and my gut
as a devilish grin
spread across
your oval face

your words
slithered up
and down my
spine like a
thousand serpents
prepared to strike
at the first
sight of weakness
but i couldn’t keep it—
from stumbling
out into the limelight
it must have been
the highlight—
of your day because
i stuttered and
your words sank in
and dispensed
your venom into
my stream of innocence
and i just haven’t
been the same since
 Oct 2013 jude rigor
 Oct 2013 jude rigor
there is too much space
on the sides of my face
and sometimes i imagine
slicking it off
someone once told me
that's called "self-hate"
but i traded their terminology in for

maybe that's why
i think of "hate"
everytime someone asks
about a synonym
for "beauty."
but sometimes this **** writes itself.
 Oct 2013 jude rigor
Sia Jane
Her heart is an
empty concave space
with nothing beating or
it's not red with blood and
instead it's in the palm of
her hand
pale and shrunken
and as much as she
wants it to pump
there's no energy to even
be herself
let alone
save her heart

© Sia Jane
 Oct 2013 jude rigor
Sia Jane
Biting the lip
the same place
as a

Ever since that
fall, she had
always bit

When she fell
a scar cut
deep, leaving behind

Never healing it
was always so
raw, ripped and

The blood tasted
of metal coins
cold and sweet

Now in her
thirties, she chews
on the same

Despite the surgery
the wound remained
old habits

Tonight she bites
down, and tastes
her childhood

Even now she
cannot escape all
the masochistic

The pain, though
dull, reminds her
she is here

© Sia Jane
eating breakfast
on a beaten girl's face
she ignites when you take it
she glows in her faith
with gold and blue phalange atop sleekest new marrow
she is clear raincoats and black body polish
she is siamese cats asleep on a windowsill
she is the rusted remains where the ices draw narrow
she is reading rimbaud and drowning brian jones

the swan's neck upper reach
is steady with guilt
engraved with your initials
a monogrammed friese
on white marble quilt
 Oct 2013 jude rigor
i got in a fight with her daughter
the other day and now it's like
i'm a kid again
and she's the woman
who thinks children should be seen
and not heard

but i should be seen; i need to be heard

i'm going to scream until my throat bleeds.
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