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Apr 2013 · 766
You are a beautiful creature,
but I couldn't tell you.
You're eight miles high
and I'm here
on earth.
There are some things you never say
To some people.
Then there are some things you never say,
but you whisper them.
Not a word leaves your mouth
your atoms
vibrate with it.
Apr 2013 · 608

You'll hear more than they say


Don't turn away

Hearts are aching
for what you will say
Speak for those
who are too afraid

A glance speaks volumes
a solemn look
That no one was supposed to see

Nothing they'd say
But without words
Apr 2013 · 475
Sitting alone again

With a book
a pen


With a world
You've yet to see
Apr 2013 · 588
We are Young.
We are broken.
We are tattered.
We are scattered.
We are bruised.

We have hurt.
We have anger.
We have hate.

We are jealous.
We are spiteful.
We are judging.
We are judged.

We have conflict.
We have egos.
We have pain.
We have pride.

We are lonely.
We are lost.

We have scars
We are jaded
We have lived.

We have loved.
We have smiled.
We have laughed.
We have dreamed.

We are living.
We are growing.
We are learning.

We have joy.
We have time.
We have passion.
We have opportunities.

We are young.
We must live.
Nov 2011 · 628
Paint the sky red
On these days
With no light
Mental haze
Or is it night
With shells a blaze
eyes glowing bright
and bodies lain
on blankets of white
No tears of joy
are shed today
Let to employ
this hostile way
The way of savage
and man alike
When we digress
to a lower life
instinct locks in
when death is nigh
don't fight to win
but to survive
it is no problem
to stomach this filth
Knowing that battle
turns all to silt
Nov 2011 · 553
Don't you dare
Don't you dare tell me I'm free
Then laugh when I do something wrong
Don't tell me you trust
and you believe
Then show me you lied all along

You tell me she tried,
so hard that she cried
But what you don't know
is what was inside
of me with you
there was so much more
than you had thought

No I wouldn't tell
there was far too much
And for me you don't know how hard that was

I couldn't share,
it wasn't yours,
now I know you care,
but what for?

And you couldn't have told me
just kept it behind my back

I hope you two
had a lot of laughs
with that joke you pulled
a couple weeks back

The one where you both
faked to care
about a person you both
wished wasn't there

You told me you'd say
if something were wrong
you lied.

You told me I was free
to live as I want
you lied.

If there was someone else,
you told me you'd tell
I'm not surprised you lied.

You told me you valued honesty.
You love, you crave, transparency.
I don't believe a word of this mess
Darling dear, I am skeptical at best.
Aug 2011 · 660
Corroded soul
I hate that you preach transparency
I cannot take you legitimately
Not as what you say you are
Not as what you should be.

I’d rather rip my own eyes out
And relieve myself of ears
Then reread one more single word
Of your unjustified fears

I’d like for you to gain a sense
Of responsibility
Not for your possessions rather your morality
For your fickle fated longing
For your nauseating pride
For the lack of a new dawning
In your juvenile eyes

Though yet I know what to expect
Your verbal sludge takes its toll
How did you gain anyone’s respect with your corroded soul?
Jul 2011 · 908
Wrapped in silence
with comforting care
utmost condolence
for timely despair
These sighing walls
Contracting with terror
Gasping for sanity
and the less of your error
they want nothing else
Nothing more of you
And no one will tell
until you choose
Lets say you err
yet again
cut the wrong wire
attach the wrong ends
who is to say it will not explode
as it were, would your life erode?
Fall into the grey monotony
never to achieve all that you can be.
Jul 2011 · 601
Where are you now?
Tantalizing texture
the feel of your skin
philosophical grandeur
your wit spread thin

too much
not enough

the erratic tempo
of your tell tale heart
undistinguished symbols
bewildering marks

the mystery of youth
innocent truth
focusing real

trembling hands
to hold me close
with nothing planned
our thoughts erode

enveloped in a moment
while time ceases to exist
with every breath expanding
the knot in your chest

nerves are getting better
the best of you
words so demure
was nothing so true

so uncorrupted
pure and plain
how something so wonderful
could I have obtained?
Jul 2011 · 622
No thoughts
Beat me down
I'll return
just please don't stop
I don't deserve your grace
even your harshest
But oh how I adore
just to feel
crawling back
but oh how I adore
just to feel
simple sentiments
mixed razors edge
collapsing silhouettes
absentmindedly dead
Jul 2011 · 1.0k
Ageless years
For the past I yearn

for dreams I had
once almost real
driving myself mad
in a running wheel
each path I tread
is just like another
thought process to dread
we retort like rubber
every tift
the same song and dance
timeless wit
never taking a chance
ageless years
that pass so well
stop this fear
only time will tell
Jul 2011 · 1.3k
soft and loving
tender touch
kind and careful
not often enough
cautious kiss
I'm rarely graced
with little risk
you'd be replaced
though no one but you
leaves me satisfied
our thoughts run true
although we hide
them all so well
in our ribbed cage
the beating swells
with passion and rage
the flair returns dust
as two turns to one
though Iron will rust
we've only begun.
Jul 2011 · 654
The passing
Unaware of what to say
yesterdays love may not today
living each choice second to second
unsure of emotions
emotions unreckoned
sentiments change
and thoughts erase
memories will fade
someone takes your place
then all thats left is nothing
failing falling all too fast
your iron heart is rusting
suppose our time has passed.
Jul 2011 · 595
Sparks ignite
and thoughts collide
a special occasion
no where to reside
and dreams come true
destroying others
emotions bloom
and are never discovered
but rain drops fall
and snow flakes float
and ice will melt
shorelines erode
life continues
all is well
so live and let live
secrets we won't tell.
Jul 2011 · 560
Tattered world
We're drawn in here to burn together
in a world of tattered threads
one joining point of our whole pasts
is where we dare to tread

In minutes or in days
There is no way not to know
we have an expiration date
So soon we'll be alone

For a life is full of many loves
As humans ought to have
No one man is his own island
Lest he himself is mad

As our threads twist
and we take this risk
although we both know better
we find our niche
to build conflict
and pretend we have a tether

We twist and turn around each other
and around each others necks
We twist and turn and tie a knot
that will lead us to the death

Of what we thought was beauty
but didn't really know
That what we thought was passion
was fleeting, screaming, "Go!"

And of course we went
we left so fast
that no one knew the better
we went with a whim
In bounds on a limb
Though people said "we shouldn't let her

go out and make this awful choice,
we know that she'll get lost.
For we all know she'll lose her voice
and waste effort all for naught."

And yes! they know me
all to well
And yes! Of course
my heart did swell
And yes! I did
I gave too much
And yes! It never
was enough

And yes!
I trusted you too much
Of course!
I gave you all of my love

I have none left
for myself
I have none left
for anyone else
Apr 2011 · 775
Slick streets
and your slicked back hair
in the merry mid Monday moon

The blacktop breathes
as the grass overwhelms it
While we sing our sad solemn tune

yeah we're alone alright,
But we're always amazing
we're never changing

stand still
Tilt your head, this way
You're quite the thrill

try not waiting
you're only wasting
every waking moment we have

well who is there
when you're alone
with me

Electric veins
and your static touch
synthetic sutures take time
open up

While floor boards scream
of secrets they can't keep
I thought I could at least
trust them

but the rain beats down
on this roof of tin now
harder than it ever has

and my tongue sticks
to the roof of my mouth
as I wave farewell

To the flowers of March
To the jade grass of June
To the amber of October
most of all to you
Please come back soon
Apr 2011 · 642
we can have silence for a moment
but not of the sort I dream
we exchange breath for a moment
in the senseless sense I mean

thoughts don't enter
They only escape
our mouths exchanging
soon forget

sprawling our lives
under lock and key
so everyone knows that no one knows
we are our own remedy

To our own poison
That doesn't hurt
That keeps us bound
To freedom To earth

The ground beneath us
Crumbles to pieces

Left we are wishing
that it were as easy
as another fish in
the sea

Giving it all
we ever saw coming
Throwing our fall
To spring

Wrenching it back
within our possession
all we need to let go
Give back
my hand
my heart
and go
Apr 2011 · 1.8k
Climb on
We know how to bend gravity

we levitate with pride

Controlling our own brevity

We've learned how to survive

Reaching for the next hand hold

or place to perch a foot

Bashing knees

our elbows bleed

satisfied with the smallest of nook.

We Grasp our dreams

We Can't fall short

In this self discovering sport

Strengthening Pride Within ourselves

Needless to Hide enclosed in shells

Reaching out is all we need

For at the top we feel

That no mere problem is anything

The perspective of the real.

— The End —