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Jubelle Elisan Feb 2016
Dear self,
I wish I could make you feel better. The cruel world will always crush your ghost. Please get up. And fix yourself cause this person writing to you is trying her hardest.


40/366 7:55 AM
Jubelle Elisan Nov 2015
I was thinking the whole time that you want to take care of me because you don't want me hurt. Is this how it's supposed to be? If I only knew that this part is coming I shouldn't have got my hopes up that you would not ever hurt me. I know I messed up. And we are always like this when I make mistakes, only when I made one. But when you make one, I can't just get mad. I can't punish you. I can't even think of the things you are making to me. There's no part that I regret, but there are lot of things I can't easily forget. I wish I was sleeping right now cause we agreed to sleep early, but my thoughts awake me and that hope you'll say something back to that three words I uttered to you. I don't have any idea if you are just punishing me, or you want me to experience what you felt, or you just forgot that you love me. I don't understand. I don't really get the point of this. You promised to protect me, but you failed. Cause I am currently wrecked. I crushed my own self in a state where I don't even know where  to search for myself. The thing I regret in all of it was the attitude Im faking that I will always be fine.

-You failed to protect me from you.
Oct 26, 2015 23:54
Jubelle Elisan Nov 2015
I've come to realize I love you back when I started feeling pain when you are talk to other girls or just when you ignore me. Why do it have to be this way? Aren't love supposed to bring me butterflies but I feel the other angle around.
Jubelle Elisan Nov 2015
I really like making you feel happy. I really do the whole time. And if it had to hurt me to make you happy, I've got nothing to do with it because all I wanted is to see you smile.
Jubelle Elisan Nov 2015
Why do I always be the ones who say I love you first? I don't know, it makes me think that I love you more than you love me. Like I will make it hard to live without you but you can just be fine. I know I should not have these thoughts right now because you said you love me but I guess you did not love me enough to make me think like this. If it weren't this way truly, I must have felt that what I was overthinking is wrong. You are there no trouble sleeping, but my thoughts tend to keep me wide awake and it is alarming.

9 Oct 2015
Jubelle Elisan Oct 2015
Everyday you got me this feeling like I am your world so I must take care of myself because you dont want me hurt

— The End —