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Jul 2012 · 578
Love Venom
juan zavala Jul 2012
I drip on your back
feel my love inside,
It hurts you so good
Nov 2011 · 1.1k
Gun Crazy
juan zavala Nov 2011
Shoot the stars and shoot the moon,
shoot everyone and everything you knew!
Im gun crazy..

Aim for the heart and aim for the head,
aim where ever it needs lead!
Im gun crazy..

No one is left to be or nothing to see,
shot everything in sight but it seemed it was meant to be..
Im gun crazy...
Mar 2011 · 676
Love Life After Death
juan zavala Mar 2011
I lived once but I was never awake

she use to feel my heart until it went in flames

You could hear the sounds of weeping in the dark

Teardrops fall like rain in the park

Hear my cires, only such words would tell

how one day when my heart had failed

She thinks I'm gone but I'm really not

I'm under her feet, 10ft  below at this plot

She cries for me, praying that I will listen

only the sounds of faint winds and leaves kissing
Nov 2010 · 707
The Extra Mile
juan zavala Nov 2010
I think I need it
I think I have it..
but im willing to go that extra mile

I think I said it
I think I heard it..
but im willing to go that extra mile

I think I can feel it
I think I touched it..
but im willing to go that extra mile

I think im sad
I think im alone
but i dont think..
I know I wont be going the extra mile on this one
insomnia write
Aug 2010 · 2.5k
Our Eyes Met
juan zavala Aug 2010
When I first saw her, I
was like my heart gave
into such mercy.

My words couldnt express
how I felt once I set my eyes
on beauty.

Couldn't feel love because
we hardly knew one another...

but those beautiful eyes peirced
the moon with your baby blues,

and her voice ripples in my head
with the most exquisite lullaby.

Our eyes met and it was like
magic in the making.  

We stared, the eyes did
mostly the talking and couldn't
help it but to be in a daze...

Our eyes met but I don't
think our bodies will become

My mind trembles cause the
fact our eyes met only to find
her heart belonging to someone
Aug 2010 · 648
Friends For Ever
juan zavala Aug 2010
Hello mind its been awhile since we talked,

im in the mood for mischief come take a walk.

So tell me if I let you out are going to be easy,

or shall we become heartless and be extra ******.

Perhaps we lurk in the dark with such a evil grin,

that lady over there I hope she can swim.

Kiddnap her, catch her by surprise

she looks extra tasty why dont we cut out her eyes.

No one will not know how or what could have done this,

This work is not done by a human or anything that exist.

Because for a fact I kinda fooled myself and everbody else

Its time to wake up and I hate waking up in this dreaded cell...
Aug 2010 · 622
Hello Dear,
juan zavala Aug 2010
No sense of maturity but yet you're a woman,

Angel is your name but still your unknown to me.

Can you walk with me so we can talk?

Laugh with me so we can smile,

I love that your no stranger to me but only a dream.

The distance so close you can touch from afar,

But reaching closer as you walk so far.

Kissing you closely can mean so much in distance,

But just know I havent forgot about you Dear.
Aug 2010 · 1.2k
Have You Seen Her
juan zavala Aug 2010
Tell me have you seen her the girl who took
my heart, who took my soul and my words.
She left me speechless, weeping, and crying in
the dark with no memories.

Tell me have you seen her the one who stole
my laughter, my judgement of right choices.
Standing here naked not knowing what to do
with my life. My tears she stole from me I can
never shed a tear only solution, shedding my skin.

Tell me have you seen her, let her know im looking
for what she took from me my salvation, my dignity,
my ability to write*.....(my blood drips on this poem)
Aug 2010 · 1.2k
Italian Beauty
juan zavala Aug 2010
If your looks could ****,
I would already be dead.

Your eyes are dangerously beautiful,
One gaze would blow my mind.

If your glossy lips were poison,
It would paralyze my body.

Your body is a bombshell,
Holding you might cause explosion.

If your voice was the sound of a siren,
My mind will be lost in your grasp forever.

I tell you what though...
if our hearts weaved together,
we would surely die together.
Jul 2010 · 543
Darkness Lurks
juan zavala Jul 2010
dark night black as coal

let the children sleep tonight

it's not time for them to go...
Jul 2010 · 541
Crimeson Rain
juan zavala Jul 2010
Raining red all day

Nobody sees it but me

It's flooding of blood..
Jul 2010 · 590
My Addiction
juan zavala Jul 2010
Your red rosey plush lips,
I must have touching mine.

Running my fingers through your hair,
I must feel your thoughts.

Gently caressing your face tracing every corner,
I must feel the face of a angel.

Your soft hands on my chest,
I must let you touch my beating heart.

I have quite an addiction on you my love,
I must have you because your my drug...

Over dosing on your love is my way telling you..
I got to have you always and forever more.
Jul 2010 · 957
juan zavala Jul 2010
Young pretty lady how you shine brighter than the moon,
Attract me into your grasp but in my heart I have no room.

Sometimes I think to myself if it's right to give you a chance,
But the thing you want mostly is hidden in my pants.

I seek love and a happily ever after ending,
All you ever cared for is money and never ending spending.

I can't take any more of your malice and destruction of evil doing,
take this pill and I hope you burn at where you're going.

Sleep well on a bed of rocks and sticks were your body lays,
You now dream of endless thoughts surrounding your filth for days.

You now run free and wild like the sly fox that you are.
your no memory or no thought so no one cares who you are.

Its fox season and just killed mine,
but hunting vixens like you...are hard to find.
***** means: 1. A female fox. 2. A woman regarded as quarrelsome, shrewish, or malicious.
Jul 2010 · 832
She Woke Up From The Dead
juan zavala Jul 2010
Dark starry night, all is quite.
Sounds of leaves falling flapping
and twirling a gust of scented nature.
Sitting alone in the dark pondering,
awake by memories like a rerun on a

I Could just remember when I first
Set my eyes on her, my love the one
whos holds my heart in one hand and
the other.. the key to it. Beauty Unbearable
Shines light upon dark, cuts through
shadows and glistens with sun rays.

Im alone in the dark just sitting, rocking,
back and fourth like I have no self control.
I cant sleep phantoms whisper in my ears
reminding me of what I have lost dear to me.
"An accident!?!" I keep telling myself over and
over till its embedded to be well convinced.

No more my love is with me she sleeps
peacefully not temporary but eternity.
Her soul was lost from an accident I say.
No more but I still smell her presence her
touch I still remeber..but one day,
We argued while she cooks, her hand she
holds her ticket to death.(knife)

Cutting away on the table while we argue
I grab her to get her attention but she slips
down and with her, her death ticket.
As I watch horrified in shock she gasp for
Her last breath, I rush to her aid.
I looked at what ended my future, my everything,
my love..

Im holding her tight screaming to myself
but no words speak out. In a  silence staring
into her eyes, my lips move telling her, begging
her for forgiveness. I kiss her to comfort
her letting her know that everything
will be alright. I look away to find help
but only to find emptiness, loneliness.

As I sit while she lays across my arms,
she gasp for here last breath only to feel
her heart take its last beat. No more she
calls for me nor her heart, I cried rivers
drenching her in sorrows and guilt.
Laying here lifeless only way I can keep
her forever if I was to bury her near me,
her home,her previous life.

Her body Im holding taking her to her
resting spot a dark shallow grave.
She deserves better my mind tells me but I
can't let a single soul know, soon ill join
my love so we can both be together again
just like it used to be...

Two days pass by but it felt like years crept up,
seconds became minutes, minutes became
hours, hours became days as if time just stood
still for a lifetime. I waited in my room no food,
no sleep, just to see my love would come back.

Midnight lingers outside wanting to
shadow over me. Im immune to darkness
only to accept it as my life style..but all of
a sudden scratching, crying, and pounding
outside my front door. I come to my senses
to discover only insanity like no other
only to hear an unexpected vistor late

Walking pacing slowly hesitant to wonder
what could be the other side door this late
night, when all is dead with silence no trees
whistling no leaves falling. I open the door
as it screech loudly. My love stands before
me the flesh but to find a corpse decomposing
a smell so foul it reeks as it hovers and suffocates
the smell that Im use to smelling from my love.

She walks words are spoken but to find her
holding my hand and leading me to the bedroom.
Eyes no longer show life but just sunken in the
sockets no pupils just a dark glaze over them
I see what she has in store for me as she points for
me to lay on the bed so I do. She joins me on
the bed but its not what I expected to be...

No soft touch, no light shining or no
sun glistening. We lay, I thought to myself
so this is it huh.. I close my eyes just to
picture what my love looked before her soul
went dark revengeful. I can feel without a
doubt that she holds my heart in one hand and
the death ticket in the other...
idea from steven kings pet cemetary
Jul 2010 · 643
Goodbye For Now
juan zavala Jul 2010
Now she's gone left me
speechless,without no
words to tell her good bye.

Only time will tell if it's
meant for her to say the
first word or should I break
the silence with a kiss.

A kiss so heavenly,that
just maybe,in another
life time would be able to
sense it or feel how sweet,
unforgettable it has become.

But never a dull moment only
when I have to cast away
my soul from her presence
to rejoin her for another
day, just to fulfill the addiction.

Perhaps it's time for a change,
a newer route to conquer and
strangers to meet in the future

Just remember about
the unforgettable dream I once
had to maybe meet you again
one day...just for one more time.......
Jul 2010 · 1.6k
In The Bed Room
juan zavala Jul 2010
See babygirl I come to free your soul from your body
Ease your mind, ease down your spine, and make it so ******
Undress you with my eyes, make love mentally, your body is an instrument, I play it like a symphany

Your heart beat fast, you get excited by my touch
Tryin' not to wake the neighbours, but you like it so much.
You can talk to me, tell me what you want.
Don't be scared, If it feel good, bite the pillow,pull the bedspread.

Can you put your legs behind your head, tell me can you take it
Tomorrow you'll be smilin to yourself & you going to still be aching.
Oh, Imma make it last, I promise I wont come quick, I Promise Im gonna do you right.
Cut off your phone & spend the night.

I let you get on top & let you feel like ya in control
Roleplay with you, be my stripper slide down the pole.
Kiss me from my head to toe, I'll tell you if it feels good
Got my nature hard as hell, now tell me if it feels good.

Now spin around & ride it from the back & stand up on your feet
Wrap my legs to keep you balanced, girl you got a real talent
The *****'er I talk to you, the wetter that you get girl
A freak in the sheets but in the streets your a real good girl.

She likes for me to spank her & ask her who this is
Then she likes to throw it back & ask me how this feels.
Got a wet & gussy feel, I love it im going keep it real
Got me in the zone, extact like I pop the pill...
Jul 2010 · 682
Dead Feeling
juan zavala Jul 2010
Shackle my eyes so I
won't see the world.
My  heart is locking
up, from feelings
entering my soul.

Blinded from the dark
so I fear no evil.
Take me out of this dreaded
world called EARTH,
where war at its best
blackins the hearts of others...

My heart has no beat left
in it and is drowning with
hate and anger, so it steady
beats slowly.

Purified words melt on my
lips like candle wax and
off into the abyss cause of
such words don't exist.

Hands reaching out for me
for rescue, and to comfort my
life calls out my name but I
refuse to listen so I jumped
off bacwards falling off cliffs
that look like a neverending
journey into the pits of fire.

My reward for not accepting
and refusing life....eternal suffering
and undiscribable pain.
Jul 2010 · 1.2k
juan zavala Jul 2010
**** on site
Noone to cut
I see it shining
Fits in your belly
Everyone is dying
Jul 2010 · 1.1k
juan zavala Jul 2010
Hold me in your arms.
Just don't be breaking my heart.
My heart always yours...
Jul 2010 · 1.3k
Forbidden Wishes
juan zavala Jul 2010
Grant me so many wishes
but there's just one you
can't grant me, the pleasure
to be yours, because it's forbidden.

Grant me a wish to love'
you like high school sweet hearts
young and pure but thats forbidden.

There is one wish I would
like to be granted, is for you to forget
about me like I've never existed
in your life.......... but that wish is also forbidden...
Jul 2010 · 712
Beautiful Senses
juan zavala Jul 2010
Lips, I kiss with.
Eyes, I see your beauty.
My hands, I hold you.

My heart, I'm in Love with you
always and forever..
Jun 2010 · 1.2k
A Grandson's Cry
juan zavala Jun 2010
You leave this world with good
memories and not bad ones. We will
see you again when our time is up,
but now you must go and fly with
the angels at peace. You will always be
remembered and the idea of you
being forgotten will never exist.
If I can I would have taken your
place when you were in pain,
but the thought of suffering would
have drove me insane. We will miss you
and please take a kiss with you to your
journey to heaven. May the angels
take your hand and guide you
through the golden gates within.
Now that youre in a better place and
alive in deed. In our hearts forever you will
always be..
Jun 2010 · 832
juan zavala Jun 2010
Last night,
I dreamed
I had insomnia.
Jun 2010 · 593
While You Were Gone
juan zavala Jun 2010
I cried myself to sleep to the fact
that you're not near.
What had happened to us,wasn't
I so sincere?
We made love just to signify
our purity towards eachother.
But one day while you were
gone you had my heart slaughtered.
I hurt so bad its like im
suffering from an illness.
Please help to stop me from ending
my life with such a quickness.

While you were gone I stare
at the bed where you use to lay.
Now im useless I can never
love you or look at you the same way.
Now I put this cold steel barrel into my mouth.
Tempted to squeeze the trigger
hoping something might come out.
I hate the fact that luck
wanted me alive.
Keep squeezing the trigger just maybe
hoping I would die.
I found out love makes you do
crazy and strange things,
but while you were gone I just
Jun 2010 · 554
Im Dead Time To Eat
juan zavala Jun 2010
Darkness creeps at the edge of my bed with red glowing eyes,
I know im dead with no more cries.
Can't move a muscle because I'm shocked by a horrific surprise,
My stomach hurts like there's something coming out from inside.
My bones are crunching, They Pull out my heart, pull out my insides,
leave me with just nothing but remains of a fine dine.

Laughing clowns looking at me like I was circus freak,
A deep dreaded voice says"TIME TO EAT".
I looked around to see no food, perhaps I was the feast.
They come with claws they come with sharp teeth,
I know im dead because I cant wake up from this deep dark sleep.
"Help!" no one hears me but just the laughter of the hideous a beast.
They chopped my hands and chopped my feet,
They praised the gods that they got something to eat!
Jun 2010 · 713
A Lunatics Dream
juan zavala Jun 2010
Little man blue stop blowing your horn,
rip your face so you won't blow no more.
Drag your body to an open unmarked grave,
No head stones, so will you rot where you lay.
No one to see you or no one to miss you.

Saw you today, who's that woman and kids that had kissed you.
Creep inside your home and into your bed room,
**** everyone on site with a sharp broken broom.
I laugh as blood spills and bodies lay,
I'm in the mood for one more **** once again I say.
**** the little boy who saw everything,
I stopped and I woke up I was just Dreaming of things!
Jun 2010 · 860
The Fairy Princess
juan zavala Jun 2010
Hearts break by slight touch of pain,
crys are stopped by love thats gained.
"no more hurt",he says shouting with surrender,
It feels like my heart is inside of a blender.
Can it be stopped with one push of a button?
Why is there poeple watching without saying nothing.
Could it be that im all alone in a world filled with hate,
just stop it already im ready to die where i stay.

Then came a light far so bright,
everything is gone even the quietest of night.
What happened to all the pain who could've stopped it?
Out in the distance a voice so pure said,"I just pulled the plug out of the socket".
Show yourself and let me thank you with so many kisses!
Could it be that they call you The Fairy Princess!

Let me take your hand at lease to feel that you are real.
A kiss on the hand filled my soul down with chills.
I can feel your warmth, soft hands on my shredded heart.
Please rescue me from a world that hearts always fall apart.
Hold me and don't never let go,
and take me with you to a place where its purer than gold.
Be with me to make me feel whole again,
Because loving you and being with you was my plan.
my first write ever on hello poetry

— The End —