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May 2013 · 637
B ( E A )U( T )Y
JS Gray May 2013
Why do we waste our time on people who don't even care about us?
'I'm fine.'
'You don't look fine'
'Then stop looking.'

I'll never look at myself and see beauty. "It's always my fault."

You broke her.
You told her time and time again
that nothing she does,
ever, is good enough.

Imperfections are beauty,
madness is genius and
silly is better than boring.

"It's funny the ideas I come up with at late night.
If only I was crazy enough to go through with em."

-What a beautiful sight to see you alive.

I'll pick up the broken pieces 'til I'm bleeding if that'll make you mine.

Sadness touches

even the one's

who shouldn't be
sad at all

I'm so broken.
Leave me be.

I want to fix you.

*I am sick
of waiting
for something good
to happen. *

This was written by talking phrases and sentences I found from different sites and complying them together to create this.
Apr 2013 · 404
JS Gray Apr 2013
It must be hard being a stuffed bear.
Everyone expects you to just
Sit and stay
In the same place
Every. Single. Day.

Life can be fairly boring
Seeing the same sights,
Doing the same monotonous work.
But, on occasion, something happens
That shakes the little bear's world.

Maybe the master decides to move
Or he brings in another
That pushes the little bear farther
And farther back into the corner
Of shelf it is allowed.

And through it all,
The bear has to just ride the waves.
Has to just accept what is
And try to make the best of things-
Even when it almost kills the bear too.

But still the bear doesn't complain.
It breaks down the older it gets
And slowly feels forgotten
Sitting up there on that shelf
Gathering dust and debris.

One day the stuffed bear's master
Might throw the old ratty bear away
But it will always be remembered
As that cuddly, warm
Made-everything-better, Stuffed Bear.
Just something I had to put down... Will add a title later.
Apr 2013 · 737
JS Gray Apr 2013
I wish I could be the werewolf
The one who changes
Every time they are called to do so
But still one who knows where their true selves lie
Enough to revert and remember who they were

I wish I were the vampire
Confident and Composed
So sure of who they are
That they are content to never change
For as long as forever remains forever

I wish I were the dragon
Who could fly into a rage
And show their lust for wealth and power
Who hoard all their precious things
And never have to let go

I wish I were the unicorn
With all the grace and innocence
That wearing a white unblemished coat allows
Without being called a hermit
Simply for the select few that they allow to see themselves

I wish I could be the phoenix
All that fire and freedom
Right at their feather tips
Waiting and ready to be released
So that they might be born anew

But I am the Zombie
The pointless, useless, stupid thing
That slowly rots away
Piece by piece and still manages
To have that seemingly useless compulsion to try to keep going
Something that popped into my head.
Apr 2013 · 462
Why Did You Decide?
JS Gray Apr 2013
Why are you the one
To decide my fate
Why are you the one
Who’s allowed **** the me I know
Making me bleed
And hurt with no way
Of bandaging the wounds?
It’s like you like to watch me
Slowly bleed away all I ever was
And all I’ve ever known me to be
Why is it that you
Are the only reason
I could find to be me?
And why is it that you get to decide
If you leave or not without caring
What would happen to me?
And even after all of this
Why am I the one apologizing?
For things I didn’t do
I gave you my everything
And you just threw it away
With a few simple cruel words
So now I’m wrecked
And want nothing more
Than to close my eyes and sleep
But I’m afraid to because
When I wake up there will be no you
For the first time in years
I will be all-alone
Wrote this as a response to what someone once told me about a relation ship they had had for years.
Apr 2013 · 591
JS Gray Apr 2013
If her tongue were any sharper it would be a sword.

"It's so much fun watching the gears
in his head attempt to grasp each other
trying to understand our sarcasm."

A touch as light as one's first kiss...
Silent shock of twinkling shards...
rich, pure crimson flowing out of a wide and terribly long ****
A sharpness of almost medical assault
eyes widened by fear, consumed by darkness

That frigid tone of disdain were the normal words heard from her throat
Her words so sweet to be called almost honeyed

But nothing that she says matters
**** is the only thing I hear from her mouth

"Being a girl means you cry easily..."
"But only Ingrates think like that."

The Haunting Rings of Love
Ripped from the Clutches if Her Life by a Simple,
Warn, Welcoming Smile

Ms. VonFray screams and throw herself away; flying into life, seeing who she could be
But of course Jay was unable to see it

"They will hear it,"
Someday they will have no choice but to hear it.
That beautiful shriek
That silent scream that couldn't have been quite if it wanted to...

"bibebamus!" or maybe it was bibit

All I do is watch as the quill continues to speak all the stories it knows

As all sound is finally silenced....
Sorry that it doesn't make much sense. Was a class assignment.
Feb 2013 · 588
Unknown Face
JS Gray Feb 2013
Who I see in the mirror
Is not someone I recognize
The voice that says my words
Does not sound like mine
And the things I touch
I can no longer feel
Just like the torn up heart
That has yet to heal

So I find my self
Askin’ why
Why is it I can’t realize
That I am me not someone else
I am the reality not the stories
I live in this real world
Not in the books and pictures
That I have always wanted
To lose myself in

But who is to say
That this is the world?
Who is to say
That there is not more?

So I think I’ll keep believing and hoping
That there is someone out there
Who is me and someday
I will recognize
Who it is in that mirror
And whose voice I hear
Someday I will be able to feel
Because my heart
Would have been finally healed
Feb 2013 · 439
To Name A Wish
JS Gray Feb 2013
I cannot say things I do not know
But I can say what I might wish to know
Yet how to know what to wish to say
Is still unknown to one
Who does not know what to say
About what I do not know
And a wish is one of those things
To be called unknown
Sorry if it was confusing. I was playing around with an idea.
Feb 2013 · 582
JS Gray Feb 2013
Why is it that when ever I do
Something you just give me a look?
Your voice always speaks
“Not good enough”
What is it that I can do
To be good enough?

I have tried so many things and times
But it still is not enough
Nothing seems to ever be enough
I have done everything you have ever asked
Or forced me to do with out complaining
Before I realized I wasn’t good enough
When was it that you changed to this?
When did I change?

Remember when you and I could talk
With out any doubt about
What each other was saying?
I cannot but I do remember
The feeling of hate
Not being there

I do remember when you could hear
What I was saying before my throat
Had to **** it’s self screaming for you
To even begin to listen

Do you know of the nights where one word
Was all it took to send water running down my face?
Do you know of all the nights
Where I didn’t let it show?
When was it I changed to someone
Who was afraid to let others anywhere near
The thing I keep under lock and key
Surrounded by a thick sheet of the hardest substance to crack?

When was it I stopped letting
Others get close to me?
Why did I change so?
Feb 2013 · 1.0k
All That I Have...
JS Gray Feb 2013
I can’t wake them.
I can’t wake them because if I do
Then I’ll only be punished worse.
If I let them, anyone, see me like this,
Then I will lose any chance of hope
I might have had left.

I don’t want to lose them because,
Even if they are the ones hurting me,
I can’t make it on my own.
I don’t want to be alone.

These bruises and scars are nothing
Compared to what little of a heart
I started with. So I scream.
I scream inside my head letting all the
Pain and frustration and anger push at my skull.

And I want to break.
I want to just let it all go and loose my self,
But I can’t have what I want.
Cause if I do then what would I be after that?

Do you hear them?
I can’t wake them.
I can’t wake them because if I do
Then I’ll only be punished worse.
If I do, then they will leave me
And I can't live without the pain
It's the only thing that reminds me
I’m still alive
Feb 2013 · 618
Go Beyond Limitations
JS Gray Feb 2013
They keep saying let the sky be the limit
But I don’t want that
I want to reach far beyond
The sky, the stars
Letting my dream take me
To where I can go
And even after reaching
The farthest place I can
I want to try for even farther yet
So why should I limit myself to the sky
When there’s so much more?

— The End —