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JRBarclay May 2013
This overseer's sight is my plight
water treatment a silly game
only blots out my sight
green out of gray
gray out of normality
formality is my own worst enemy
concrete deception
angelic reception
borrowed ties to end all lies
She once was in my arms
now all I hold is this cigarette
and it will crumble
as she did, in the end
she will bend
Oct 2012 · 1.4k
4 oz.
JRBarclay Oct 2012
antisocial sociopath
exquisitely exhumed exhaust
let us be clear. this is the end.
and the beginning.
fluttery flattery flattens all
so goes and does all foes.
Mar 2012 · 1.2k
Survival Guide
JRBarclay Mar 2012
We all know the impending, ominous, zombie apocalypse is ever present, here are some  guidelines I suggest we all follow, at all times:

1) Know you friends and enemies. Who can you trust? When the moment strikes, know who you will want by your side and who is expendable.

2) Assess your surroundings.
      a. Know your exits and any strategy involved.
      b. Be aware of any weapons that can be made available and remember their location.
      c. Make note of any abundant water sources/food/supplies, etc.

3) Cell phones be ******! ALWAYS carry with you these things:  pocket knife, lighter (more than one is never frowned upon, FIRE is essential!), matches, extra clothing esp. sox, underwear, long sleeves, etc.

4) Always have a means of fire. Quite possibly the most important thing.

5) Own a gun. Even if you think guns are bad. Get one anyway. When the **** hits the fan you'll be happy you have one, trust me.  Oh yeah, and plenty of ammo.

6) Be a mechanic. Learn how to hot-wire a vehicle. Learn how engines work and how to maintain one. Any handyman skill you can acquire will be well used I assure you.

7) Find a good place to grow produce. Any sort of green house your can Jerry Rig or acreage with rich topsoil you can find will come quite handy! ... when you're starving...

8) Generally, "safety in numbers" is a good rule to follow. However, in a zombie apocalypse, anything can happen. In my opinion, you're better off with a fewer number of people. That way you have less of a chance of exposure :)

9) Find armor. Anything you can use to avoid a bite to the neck, arm, leg, etc...

10) If someone is bitten, especially a loved one, **** THEM IMMEDIATELY!!

11) Don't seek out an island for solace. You'll only become trapped.

12) Don't seek high ground. You'll only become trapped.

13) Don't seek sewers. You'll only become trapped.

14) Stick and move. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

15) Know that NO ONE wants to become a zombie and that means they will go to extreme lengths the avoid zombification. Ergo, NO ONE can be trusted.

16) Establish a bunker or Safehouse of some kind. Keep it stocked with water, food, weapons and ammunition. You can use coals from a fire to filter any ***** water. Plus, obviously, with fire, food can be cooked.

17) At all times, be prepared to evacuate the bunker or Safehouse if necessary. Keep all valuable items close at hand and easily obtainable.

18)  Have a secondary, less obvious bunker or Safehouse that you can flee to, at any time. Also well stocked.

19) Please, if you have children, make sure they're aware of the situation.
                  a. Don't lie to them about the fact that there are humans coming back to life to eat you.
                  b. Teach them how to use a weapon to defend themselves.
                  c. Just because there are zombies about doesn't mean they can't read or educate themselves.

20) Don't be a fool. We've all seen that boarding up windows and doors doesn't work for the hero. Don't bother, get the **** outa there!

21) Blend in. If you can do a good zombie impression, like those guys from "Shaun of the Dead" then I think you're golden!  OR, You could cover yourself in human guts and blood like in "Walking Dead". Either way, blending into the zombie environment is crucial.

22) Be hypersensitive to other peoples' feelings. Everyone will crack at a certain stress point. Some sooner than others. It will be those individuals that crack that will mean life or death.
JRBarclay Mar 2012
How could we know
how sacred and so pure
metal guidance
magnetic and secure

How could we know
this inner darkness prevails over light
to make us question
what it really means to be right

Our brains so hollow
shallow thoughts enter

Everyone is wrapped up
in themselves
its quite a shame

I can think of me if I want to
I have you to blame

How could we know
how innocent and scared
alone in shadow
complete, yet so unprepared
Jul 2011 · 621
The Worst Timing
JRBarclay Jul 2011
So you'll be gone for a while
You want to see LA and you want to smile
and that's OK with me
I want you to be happy
I want you to be free
However it goes
it will
and there is no turning away
it is what it is and that's all it can be
please forgive me for being so blunt
I cannot forget that this is the end
freedom is so overrated and sad
so much chaos left to be had
You don't yet know my weaknesses
yet you have me figured out
you fill all my crevasses
alleviate all doubt
go and see
what you need to see
and feel what you feel
and what's meant to be
but leave me out
and forget what has been
go with a smile
and begin again
May 2011 · 1.1k
Trying to Remember
JRBarclay May 2011
I've forgotten
how you feel
I've forgotten
how you taste
You used to cake on lipstick and kiss every one of my cigarettes
I've forgotten
how you smell
I've forgotten
how you sound
After ***, you used to blow into my face to cool me off
I've forgotten
how you move
I've forgotten
how you walk
You used to sing along to all the music I like, even though you hated it
I've forgotten you
I've forgotten us
We used to kiss under the moonlight
Feb 2011 · 665
Upon An Awakening
JRBarclay Feb 2011
dimmed in-candescent trails
streaming through thoughtlessness
grow old in cold knowledge
flutter and waste a shuttered taste
dreaming of wonder, lust
deeming trust a liars blunder

knowing only flowing undertow
bestow a bow upon the tower
lead the weak to seek another
pray for prey to bleed together

cower beneath the power, beseech
teach words that preach not leach
we'll reach the peak of leakage
peel back the streak of team credence

desensitize the lies and compromise
deny the times i tried to feel demise
your eyes guided me, blinded me
snatched vision from decision

pale walls involve crawling, sprawling
drawing proof to unroof this calling
pawning you to the coup of dawning
may we start again, this time, yawning?
© J.R.Barclay, 2011
Dec 2010 · 730
JRBarclay Dec 2010
amid the frozen earth

my contentedness suspended

fill me with your mirth

your martyrdom transcended

guarded from the wretched cold

held aloft within

through my lies your truth is told

your pleasure through my sin

one more time, I'll ask of you

take me to your bed

lose the hate inside your bones

give peace unto my head
Copyright J.R.Barclay 2010
Dec 2010 · 953
Your Own Private Riverbed
JRBarclay Dec 2010
I hope this reaches you well. My best wishes are upon you.
You have severed me completely. (Something) I thought you would (never do).
You achieved it, so precisely.
Without self-harm.
Emotion cannot describe.
Confusion I feel.
The hurt and obvious malice are thick.
The disregard and callousness are deep.
How does this make any sense?
Eight years of unrefined love.
Pure at its core, with crystalline solidarity
Weakened by erroneous friction, and
Exotic erosion.
I knew we’d make it through,
I thought.
In any stretch or strain of memory,
Any blip of conscious being
Any dream or nightmare or in-between
Any movement or word,
Mimed or heard
Any plain of existence,
Lying or in stance
I hope this reaches you well. My best wishes are upon you.
You have severed me completely. (Something) I thought you would (never do).
Copyright J.R.Barclay 2010
JRBarclay Dec 2010
once more
to watch you sleep
eyelids fluttering
breaths deep and easy
this is the last time
you will lie in my bed
under my sheets
indenting my pillow
your flawless sunset hair
flowing like cascades
my fingertips tingle
above your angelic skin
this is the last time
with the sun
you will leave
and the moon
will not see your return
i will be alone soon
and you will be free
Copyright J.R.Barclay 2010
Jul 2010 · 426
Words Used...
JRBarclay Jul 2010
time  make  stop  takes  knew  felt  didnt  like  says  love  true  eyes  know  just  does  trust  face  light  head  longer  tell  mind  bright  hello  exhale
Jul 2010 · 497
2:06 a.m.
JRBarclay Jul 2010
"Close call my dear. You almost won."

"It was never my intent to win. I only wanted to destroy you."

"Well then, you win."
Copyright J.R.Barclay 2010
Jul 2010 · 503
JRBarclay Jul 2010
I try
I stray
I may
I might
with existential
Epicurian delight
I do not fear God
and I do not fear death
I'll speak those words
until my very last breath
I believe in myself
and I believe in you
and that's all that you need
to truly be true
Copyright J.R.Barclay 2010
Jul 2010 · 572
Lady of the Night
JRBarclay Jul 2010
Pouring out fluids
like we're in a drought
you're so dry
you can't even pout
I left you there
Like a worn out rag
you're not that hot
I can't even brag
my excuse is petty
my pride is nil
there ain't no *****
that my **** can't fill
so by happenstance
I fell into
a gorgeous lookin' red head
***** just like you
I took her on a date
and then we kissed
I tried to put it in her
but then I missed
it then came
to my  surprise
I'm more or less useless
I could see it in her eyes
I tried to adapt
and play it off smooth
there was no going back
that would be uncouth
I gave her a smile
and that was that
I could kick myself, truth
where was my mind at?
copyright J.R.Barclay 2010
Jun 2010 · 680
A True Story
JRBarclay Jun 2010
The couch was a large beating heart
I snuggled in deep and felt its pulse
The coffee table was a cliff overlooking
a vast carpet desert extending for what seemed like eons
The walls were bright yellow in the dim morning light
waving and gasping and holding the ceiling aloft
The flashing of the green 12:00 on my ancient VCR
swiveling and pivoting uncontrollably in the damp air
Lou Reed softly hums and wails
Everything is moving  yet staying perfectly aligned
Outside the trees make love in swaying sweetness
Kissing the clouds as they hover slightly above
the streetlights glow with angelic halos of orange and purple
I am alone in this brilliant time
and these are the best Boomers I've ever had.
© J.R.Barclay 20010
Jun 2010 · 1.2k
High Gravity Questions
JRBarclay Jun 2010
Your liquid is
all over my table
you stand tall
beckoning me
4:13 with no mercy
please save
drink me
drink me
light another
Miette? Miette?
Me yet?
How does this
make sense to
a Frenchman?
How come some
people get fat
but then stop
at a certain point?
Is it
possible to not
:Tell the truth
all the time
We're all liars
creators of filth
Will my hair
stop falling out?
Will my hands
stop shaking?
Will my feet
stop pounding?
Will my thoughts
quit pouring out?
Will this
stop flowing down
my throat?
Will the Cure
stop making me cry?
Will Tool ever
break up?
What do people do
when I'm sleeping?
Who do I like more
Black Sabbath or
Led Zeppelin?
Dead Kennedys or
The Misfits?
Mozart or
Philip Seymour Hoffman or
Daniel Day Lewis?
Natalie Portman or
Scarlett Johannson?
Goth chicks or
Nerdy chicks?
or both
or all of the above?
Do my eyes
perceive reality?
Do my fingers
feel gravity?
Does my tongue
taste sarcasm?
Do my ears
dare to fathom?
Can I trust my friends?
Should I trust my lover?
should I trust
the government?
Who do I hate more
Nicholas Cage or
Ben Affleck?
Nickelback or
Linkin Park?
George W. Bush or
Adolf ******?
Money or
or both
or all of the above?
© J.R.Barclay 2010 (except, of course, the obvious Pink Floyd reference)
Jun 2010 · 559
A Loss of Weight
JRBarclay Jun 2010
I never knew I was imprisoned
until I tasted freedom
I never knew I was tortured
until I felt no pain
I never knew I wasn't insane
until I experienced sanity
I never knew I was alive
until I didn't want death
I didn't know I was happy
until I no longer felt sad
I didn't know I was strong
until I no longer felt weak
I didn't know I was capable
until I no longer felt useless
I didn't know I was me
until there was no you
© J.R.Barclay 2010
Apr 2010 · 508
JRBarclay Apr 2010
I read
That you
Were dead
© J.R.Barclay 2006
Apr 2010 · 716
JRBarclay Apr 2010
You've taken from me
my one true prize
without a care or dare

without a trace
without a face
as if a Convexian stare

my lover, here forever
my blessing in disguise
You have stabbed me in the back
taken me by surprise

Your conscience has no tack
your brain is full of lies
Then go ahead
you brave, true knight
and take what has been mine

Make it up
and make it right
and disregard all time

To me this means
to you this is benign

If it were me
I'd make amends
I'd **** you, through and through
But its not me
and you can't see
is it the Devil? or is it You?
© J.R.Barclay 2010
Apr 2010 · 740
JRBarclay Apr 2010
Rhyming takes timing
To puncture takes structure
You must lead
To succeed
Hating takes relating
Closure takes exposure
You must die
To reach the sky
© J.R.Barclay 2005
Apr 2010 · 586
Requiem for an Alphabet
JRBarclay Apr 2010
At last
Beside you
Complete me
Destroy me
Every time I
Fall into you
Greatness overcomes me
Help me believe
In some kind of love
Just let me in, I will
Kneel at your alter
Let me in
Neglect, seething
Open your heart
Pour out your mind
Question this
Readiness, and don’t be
Together we can
Unleash this clot
Vibrant and true our sun
Without it, our
X-ray is opaque
Your head is an explosion and
Zero is our number
© J.R.Barclay 2010
Mar 2010 · 931
Somewhere between 8 and 9
JRBarclay Mar 2010
I saw you a long time ago
Before you noticed me
When you were oblivious
I saw your hair, tossed
Your hips
Your flirtatious gestures
I fell in love with you
Before you noticed me
I was a fly
An ant
A germ
I may as well have been on the Moon
And now, that you’ve seen
And our eyes have locked
I am here, alive, human
And I hate you now
© J.R.Barclay 2009
Jan 2010 · 640
Another Mourning
JRBarclay Jan 2010
He awakens in a darkened room.

Where have I been? He thinks.
What have I done? He thinks.

He puts his feet to the floor.
Feels the texture with his soles.
Then stands up.

Rubbing his head with his tender hand
He stumbles toward the bathroom.
And looks at himself in the mirror.

A mostly unfamiliar face stars back.
Unsure of what to think
He takes a ****.
And fumbles for the TP.

He stands up.
And glances again.
Brushes his teeth.

Awkwardly dressing:
He belts his belt,
Ties his tie,
Laces his laces.

Out on the street,
He tastes the air.
Waiting for the bus.
Checks his watch.

9:45 am the bus arrives.
Exactly 2 minutes late.
He boards.
Finds a spot to sit.

Takes his hat off.
His overcoat.
And settles.
Paying little attention.

"Hello" she says.
He pretends not to notice,
And sits.
"Hello?" she says again, a question this time.
"Oh!" he says, surprised.  At first trying to avoid this, but realizing he cannot.
"How are you?" as if he knew who she were.
She senses his uncertainty.
"I'm great!" she says with a smile while crossing her legs towards him.
"I, uh…" he stammers, "I can tell"
"What makes you think…" she stalls. "That you can tell how I'm feeling?"
He waits, unsure of how to respond.
"You just, seemed so happy." He finally succumbs.
She smiles.

Back at her place they viciously make love.
A sub-human ****.
Afterwards, she asks him to leave.
He does.

They never meet again.
© J.R.Barclay 2009
Jan 2010 · 1.5k
JRBarclay Jan 2010
My metal hand
shakes your plastic skin
and my glass lips
read your copper grin
and my golden eyes
see your silver face
and my diamond mind
cuts through your disgrace.
© J.R.Barclay 2008
Jan 2010 · 1.7k
JRBarclay Jan 2010
He exits
a smoke, ignited
exhale, cough.
A beam, bright
fading light.
To the sky
finds his eye
a meaning, sought
a thought, forgot.

Watch as you fall.
My wish, not granted.
© J.R.Barclay 2009

— The End —